EEG and Eye-tracking Lab
Our Lab at the Department of Psychology of the Freie Universität Berlin focuses on study of language, cognition and emotion, and memory processes. Employing different research techniques such as eye-tracking and pupillometry, electroencephalography (EEG), computer simulation and neural network modelling, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), as well as standard psychophysiological paradigms (like the Theory of Signal Detectability), we try to bridge the gap between cognitive psychology and the neurosciences. Another area of work is the development of computer-aided diagnostic tools for application in schools, clinics or companies.
Recently, our focus lies on multilingual research of reading. We are examining perceptual, attentive, mnestic, emotional and psycholinguistic aspects of word recognition in normal and disordered subjects (poor readers, dyslectics, aphasics) in different languages (German, English, French, Spanish)
Our Lab facilities provide:
- two EEG-systems
- two Eyetracking-systems (one stationary, one head-mounted)
- computer simulation environments
Our hardware:
- 32-channel EEG-amplifiers (Brainamp, upgradeable to more channels)
- Eyetrackers: IViewX Highspeed System (SMI, Teltow)
- Stimulus presentation: Presentation (Neurobehavioral Systems), PsyScope
- EEG-recording: BrainVision Recorder (Brainproducts)
- EEG data analysis: BrainVision Analyzer (Brainproducts), MatLab/EEGLab (SCCN)
- Dipole source localisation: BESA (Megis)
- Matlab
Recent projects
- Multilingual research on reading processes (German, Spanish, French): The role of phonological processes in reading aloud in consistent vs. inconsistent languages (DFG project, in collaboration with the universities in Aix-Marsaille, France and La Laguna, Spain)
- Computational models of word recognition and the verbal long term memory: how are words recognised (DAAD project, in collaboration with the universities in Aix-Marsaille, France and La Laguna, Spain)
- Applied neurocognitive psychology : Consequences of noisiness in class rooms for learning, memory and language processes (in collaboration with KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the Fraunhofer Institut, Karlsruhe)
- Neuropsychology of reading and phonological processing: Single case and group studies of patients with aphasia, acquired dyslexia and neglect dyslexia are conducted to further specify the functional architecture of the language system. Research projects focus on the visuo-spatial analysis of written words and on the phonological and lexical aspects of language production and perception (in collaboration with Departments of Neuropsychology, Hospital Munich-Bogenhausen and Neurologic Clinic, Bad Aibling).
- Development of tools for the synchronisation of eye-movement measures and EEG data (in collaboration with Humboldt Universität, Berlin and Universität Potsdam)
- Development of the „Berlin-Salzburger Lesescreening“ : Screening of the reading abilities of 10 – 15 years old children in Berli and Salzburg (in collaboration with Universität Salzburg, Austria and Universität Wien, Austria)
- Functional neuroanatomy of language : Which cortical areas are activated during performance of a reading test (in collaboration with Universität Magdeburg and the MPI Leipzig)
- Neuropsychology of emotion : encoding and retrieval of affective information (in collaboration with the Center of Advanced Imaging, Bremen, the RWTH Aachen and Salus Klinik, Lindow)
- Cognitive psycholinguistics : interaction of semantic and syntactic processes in sentence reading (in collaboration with Universität Bremen)
Recent Publications:
Braun, M., Jacobs, A. M., Hahne, A., Ricker, B., Hofmann, M., & Hutzler, F. (2006). Model-generated lexical activity predicts graded ERP amplitudes in lexical decision. Brain Research, 1073-1074(1), 431-439.
Engl, V., Hutzler, F., Jacobs, A. M.,Võ, M. L.-H., & Braun, M. (2006). Reading after the german spelling reform. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 214(2), 59-72.
Heine A, Tamm S, Hofmann M, Bösel RM, & Jacobs AM (2006). Event-related theta activity reflects memory processes in pronoun resolution. Neuroreport, 17(18): pp 1835-9.
Heine, A., Tamm, S., Hofmann, M., Hutzler, F., & Jacobs, A. M. (2006). Does the frequency of the antecedent noun affect the resolution of pronominal anaphors?. an ERP study. Neuroscience Letters, 400(1-2), 7-12.
Hutzler, F., Conrad, M., & Jacobs, A. M. (2005). Effects of syllable-frequency in lexical decision and naming: An eye-movement study. Brain and Language, 92(2), 138-152.
Tamm, S. (2005). Hochaufgelöste Zeit-Frequenz-Analysen ereigniskorrelierter EEG-Oszillationen mittels S-Transformation. Dissertation an der Freien Universität Berlin. Online verfügbar unter
Hutzler, F., Bergmann, J., Conrad, M., Kronbichler, M., Stenneken, P., & Jacobs, A. M. (2004). Inhibitory effects of first syllable-frequency in lexical decision: An event-related potential study. Neuroscience Letters, 372(3), 179-184.
Bösel, R., Tamm, S. (2003). Brain activity measurement. In Fernandez-Ballestros R. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment. London: Sage.