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SmartMOMS - Improving healthcare for mothers with postpartum depression through e-mental health

The webapp SmartMOMS informs women who have recently given birth about postpartum depression

The webapp SmartMOMS informs women who have recently given birth about postpartum depression

Duration: 2020 - 2022

Funding: Damp Stiftung

Network partners: Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Freie Universität Berlin

Project management:

Research associates:

  •     Maren Schäfer (UKE),
  •     Daria Dähn (FU)

Student assistants:

Contact UKE: s.pawils@uke.de (Dr. Silke Pawils)

Contact FU: d.daehn@fu-berlin.de (Daria Dähn)

Project description

The aim of this project is to improve healthcare for women with postpartum depression - the most common mental illness associated with childbirth.  The development and deployment of a mobile website aims to (1) improve access to existing care services and (2) create an innovative and low-threshold care service through the subsequent integration of an online self-help programme. The mobile website is aimed at all women in the postpartum period and, following development and feasibility testing at the UKE Hamburg and the FU Berlin, is to be implemented and evaluated first in the Hamburg area. The implementation will be carried out by the mediation of the Hamburg Baby Pilots (SeeYou Foundation) as well as midwives, gynaecologists and maternity clinics among others, who will provide the link to the mobile website to the new mothers.