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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katharina Kluczniok

Kluczniok 1[1]

Department of Early Childhood Education

Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Room KL 23/208
14195 Berlin

Office hours

Consultation hours are held by appointment.

Research Interests

  • transition from preschool to elementary school
  • quality and quality measures in institutions of early child care
  • longitudinal effects of global and domain-specific quality of stimulation in family, preschool, and elementary school on early childhood competence development
  • interdisciplinary research
  • evaluation of the federal program "Sprach-Kitas"


Curriculum Vitae


Habilitation in the field of educational science at the University of
Title of the cumulative habilitation thesis: "Concepts of stimulation quality in family, kindergarten and elementary school and their effects on the competence development of children with special consideration of disadvantaged children/risk situations".


Doctorate in Education (Dr. phil.) at the University of Bamberg under Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Roßbach and Prof. Dr. Claus H. Carstensen.

Title of the dissertation: "Early school enrollment. An Empirical Analysis of the Course and Determinants of the Enrollment Decision".

10/2000 – 10/2005

Studies of pedagogy at the University of Bamberg with focus on elementary and family pedagogy.

Topic of diploma thesis: "Early school enrollment in Germany - a successful start into the school career?"
Degree: Diplom-Pädagogin (Univ.)


Scientific career

Since 10/2022

Professor of Early Childhood Education at the FU Berlin

10/2019 – 09/2022

Visiting Professor at the Department of Early Childhood Education at the FU Berlin

Since 11/2019

Scientific management at the pädquis Foundation, Berlin

01/2019 – 09/2022  

Temporary senior lecturer at the Chair of Elementary and Family Pedagogy at the University of Bamberg (on leave 10/2019 - 09/2022)

10/2016 – 09/2017  

Substitute of the W1-Juniorprofessorship for Pedagogy of Early Childhood at the Institute for Education in Childhood and Adolescence, Department of Pedagogy of Early Childhood at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau

01/2012 – 12/2018 Temporary academic councilor at the Chair of Elementary and Family Pedagogy at the University of Bamberg (on leave 10/2016 - 09/2017)
08/2006 – 01/2012 Research Associate in the elementary and family pedagogical subproject of the DFG research group "Educational Processes, Competence Development and Selection Decisions in Pre- and Primary School Age (BiKS)" at the University of Bamberg
03/2006 – 07/2006 Research Associate in the elementary school pedagogical subproject of the DFG research group "Educational Processes, Competence Development and Selection Decisions in Pre- and Elementary School Age (BiKS)" at the University of Bamberg
10/2005 – 02/2006 Research Associate at the Chair of Elementary and Family Pedagogy at the University of Bamberg within the framework of the BMBF project "Preliminary work on competence measurement in the elementary sector/at children under six years of age (educational panel)".


  • 2024: Award for Teaching Excellence of the Department of Education and Psychology for the seminar Selected Concepts of the module Heterogeneity in Educational Processes.


  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Sektion 4: Empirische Bildungsforschung, Sektion 8: Sozialpädagogik und Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit
  • Empirie-AG der Kommission Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit in der DGfE
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Sektion Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse


WiSe 2024/25

Learning Environments in Early Childhood - Seminar

The seminar provides an overview of central learning environments in early childhood – daycare centers and families. It explores the historical development of these learning environments and discusses current developments in early childhood education systems. Regular and active participation in the form of discussions, group work, and independently prepared content inputs (short presentations including preliminary discussions) are expected.


Approaches to Pedagogical Activity – Seminar

The seminar provides an overview of the origins, concepts, and implementation of important early childhood education approaches and discusses their relevance for the quality improvement of early childhood education institutions. Both classical and reform-oriented, as well as modern approaches, will be addressed. Following the theoretical study, independent practical observations in daycare centres that implement various approaches are planned to reflect on their practical application.


Approaches to Pedagogical Activity – Specialization

The seminar focuses on the family as a learning environment and on interventions aimed at enhancing the quality of family engagement. The emphasis is on early childhood. After a theoretical introduction to the concept of the home learning environment, interventions and programs designed to strengthen the quality of family engagement, including their empirical evaluation findings, will be discussed in the seminar. Additionally, we will develop and practically implement our own (small) initiatives to enhance family engagement quality in small groups. Students are expected to show interest in the topic, commitment, and a willingness to engage in discussions, as well as to read (including English-language) academic literature.


MA:  Research and Development in Pedagogical Fields of Action – Lecture

The lecture introduces fundamental questions and challenges of evaluation studies in the field of education, using examples from early childhood education. In the accompanying assignments, you will have the opportunity to research and present studies from other pedagogical fields. The lecture will be held in person. The module assessment will be an in-person exam.


 MA: Research and Development in Pedagogical Fields of Action - Advanced Seminar

The aim of the seminar is to gain an overview of the early childhood education research infrastructure (e.g. research institutes), to analyze and evaluate selected empirical studies from the field of early childhood education and to derive consequences for the assessment of further studies, for pedagogical practice and educational policy. In addition, the relationship between scientific research, pedagogical requirements and social conditions in the context of early childhood education will be reflected upon.


MA: Research Project “Quality in Bilingual Daycare Centers”

In the project 'Quality in Bilingual Daycare Centers,' the pedagogical quality of (linguistic and socio-emotional) stimulation at the individual child level is observed in several bilingual daycare centers. As part of the research project, students can participate in quantitative analyses of methodological issues and, for example, analyze whether the quality of aspects assessed at the group level aligns with the stimulation quality experienced by the individual child.


MA: Research Project “Self-directed Projects”

Independent research ideas in the field of early childhood education and care.

SoSe 2024

Project - Project seminar

Practical or research projects are planned, implemented and reflected upon in small groups. A connection to early childhood education and upbringing is desirable. A project presentation takes place at the end of the lecture period. Each project group prepares a project report. It is possible to combine the project with the Bachelor's thesis. Please contact me about this at an early stage.


MA: Research and development in pedagogical fields of action - In-depth seminar

The aim of the seminar is to gain an overview of the early childhood education research infrastructure (e.g. research institutes), to analyze and evaluate selected empirical studies from the field of early childhood education and to derive consequences for the assessment of further studies, for pedagogical practice and educational policy. In addition, the relationship between scientific research, pedagogical requirements and social conditions in the context of early childhood education will be reflected upon.


WiSe 23/24

Learning Environments in Early Childhood - Seminar

The seminar provides an overview of central learning environments in early childhood – daycare centers and families. It explores the historical development of these learning environments and discusses current developments in early childhood education systems. Regular and active participation in the form of discussions, group work, and independently prepared content inputs (short presentations including preliminary discussions) are expected.


Approaches to Pedagogical Action - Advanced Seminar

This seminar focuses on the family as a learning environment and interventions aimed at enhancing the quality of family-based stimulation, with an emphasis on early childhood. After a theoretical introduction to the concept of the home learning environment, empirical findings will be discussed in the seminar. Attention will also be given to the criteria for evaluating interventions. Additionally, students will work in small groups to develop and implement their own (small) activities to strengthen family-based stimulation. Students are expected to have an interest in the topic, be engaged, willing to participate in discussions, and read relevant literature, including English-language texts.


Approaches to Pedagogical Action - Advanced Seminar

For the "daycare center" field, there is an increasing demand to promote children's domain-specific competencies. This can help build specific skills in various educational areas, preparing them for school and easing the transition to elementary school. This seminar addresses how domain-specific competencies can be promoted in daycare centers, focusing on language, mathematics, science, and socio-emotional skills. Various methods for promoting these competencies will be explored, including educational initiatives, targeted programs, and everyday practices. Evaluation of the effectiveness of such interventions will also be examined. Students will work in small groups to develop and conduct their own (small) promotion activities.


MA: Research and Development in Pedagogical Fields of Action - Seminar

What makes a good daycare center? How does high pedagogical quality in daycare centers impact child development? Questions about the quality of pedagogical work in daycare centers have been extensively debated in recent years. This seminar starts with a foundational exploration of the discussion on early childhood educational quality and then delves deeper into various models of assessing and developing quality in childcare, such as Kindergarten Scales, Toddler Scale, CLASS. Current analyses on the effects of pedagogical quality on child development will also be included. Additionally, the seminar addresses essential skills in quality development, evaluation, and management.


MA: Teaching Research Project "Quality in bilingual daycare centres"

In the project "Quality in bilingual daycare centres", the pedagogical quality of (linguistic) stimulation at the level of the individual child is recorded in several bilingual daycare centres by means of observation and linked to the child's skills. As part of the LFP, students will be involved in the development of a new observation tool.


MA: Teaching research project "free projects"

Own research ideas in the field of early childhood education and upbringing.


SoSe 2023

Seminar A: Introduction to Child and Youth Care

The seminar deals with the structure and governance of the early childhood education and care system in Germany. After a basic introduction, emphasis will be placed on concepts of pre-school education quality, quality assurance and quality development. The special characteristics of the early childhood education system in Germany will be considered in comparison to systems in other countries. A willingness to read literature in English is required.


Seminar C: Selected Concepts - Award for Outstanding Teaching of the Department of Education and Psychology

The aim of the seminar is to sensitize students to various aspects of heterogeneity (e.g. gender, migration) in early childhood learning environments such as daycare centers and families and to learn about and assess their significance for pedagogical practice. As an example of a concept for action, the students present various programs for children/families for dealing with heterogeneity in early childhood learning environments. Students are expected to be interested in the topic, committed and eager to discuss it, and willing to read (also English-language) professional literature.


Project Seminar:

In small groups, practical or research projects are planned, implemented and reflected upon. A content-related reference to early childhood education and upbringing is desirable. A project presentation takes place at the end of the lecture period. Each project group prepares a project report. It is possible to combine the project with the bachelor thesis. Please contact me as soon as possible.


MA: Seminar: Research and development in educational settings.

The aim of the seminar is to gain an overview of the early childhood education research infrastructure (e.g. research institutes), to analyze and evaluate selected empirical studies from the field of early childhood education and to derive consequences for the evaluation of further studies, for pedagogical practice and educational policy. In addition, the relationship between scientific research, pedagogical requirements and societal conditions in the context of early childhood education and upbringing will be reflected upon.


WiSe 22/23

Seminar: Basic Approaches to Instruction

The seminar deals with approaches and concepts of early childhood education including the educational area of science. At the beginning, basic terms, theories and forms of elementary education are discussed. In addition, the question is clarified which competencies can already be stimulated at preschool age and how these develop. Based on this, practical examples will be used to show different ways of stimulating (scientific) learning processes in the day-to-day life of a kindergarten in a high-quality manner and to record the learning progress. In addition, different programs and initiatives of early childhood science education will be introduced and compared with each other and discussed with regard to the results of studies on their effectiveness. The seminar also addresses important factors influencing the success of early childhood education processes, e.g. the professional competencies of the specialists.


Seminar: Education and Upbringing 

The seminar provides an overview of the history, content and implementation of important early childhood education approaches and discusses their relevance for the quality development of early childhood education institutions. Classical, reform pedagogical as well as modern approaches will be discussed. After the theoretical elaboration, it is planned to carry out observations in institutions that implement different approaches in order to reflect on their practical implementation. We will clarify together at the beginning of the semester to what extent this is possible due to the Corona pandemic.


Advanced Seminar: Approaches to Pedagogical Action 

This seminar deals with the family as a learning environment and with interventions aimed at increasing the quality of family stimulation. The focus is on early childhood. After a theoretical introduction to the concept of the home learning environment, empirical findings will be discussed in the seminar. One focus will be on the criteria by which interventions can be assessed. In addition, we will develop and - if possible - implement our own (small) offers to strengthen the family stimulation quality in small groups. Students are expected to be interested in the topic, committed, eager to discuss, and willing to read (also English-language) literature.


Advanced Seminar: Approaches to Pedagogical Action 

For the field of action "Kita" it is again increasingly demanded to support the children also area-specifically. In this way, children's competencies can be developed in specific educational areas, which should prepare them for learning in school and facilitate the transition to elementary school. How area-specific competencies can be promoted in daycare centers is the subject of this seminar. We will deal with linguistic, mathematical, scientific and social-emotional competencies. By presenting educational initiatives, targeted support programs and support in everyday life, we will demonstrate various ways in which area-specific competencies can be promoted in daycare centers. A specific focus will also be on the question of the effectiveness of such support programs (evaluation). In addition, we will develop our own (small) support programs in small groups and - if possible - also implement them.


Seminar: Research and Development in Pedagogical Fields of Action 

What is a good Kita? What effects does good pedagogical quality in daycare centers have on child development? Questions about the quality of pedagogical work in daycare centers have been hotly debated for several years. In the seminar, after a basic examination of the early pedagogical quality discussion and an in-depth illumination of the concept of quality, different models of quality assessment and development in the field of child care will be presented, discussed and tried out (e.g. kindergarten scales, nursery scales, CLASS). Current analyses on the effects of pedagogical quality on child development will be included. In addition, the seminar addresses basic skills in the areas of quality development, evaluation and quality management.


MA: Teaching Research Project "Activities in Daycare Centers"

The pedagogical activities in crèches are characterized by a variety of activities. The aim of the teaching research project is to analyze the structure of activities in crèches in more detail using quantitative data. The project is carried out in cooperation with the pädquis Foundation in Berlin and is located there.


MA: Teaching research project "free projects"

Own research ideas in the field of early childhood education and upbringing.



Seminar: Introduction to Child and Youth Care

The seminar deals with the structure and governance of the early childhood education and care system in Germany. After a basic introduction, emphasis will be placed on concepts of pre-school education quality, quality assurance and quality development. The special characteristics of the early childhood education system in Germany will be considered in comparison to systems in other countries. A willingness to read literature in English is required.


Seminar: Selected Concepts

The aim of the seminar is to sensitize students to various aspects of heterogeneity (e.g. gender, migration) in early childhood learning environments such as daycare centers and families and to learn about and assess their significance for pedagogical practice. As an example of a concept for action, the students present various programs for children/families for dealing with heterogeneity in early childhood learning environments. Students are expected to be interested in the topic, committed and eager to discuss it, and willing to read (also English-language) professional literature.


Seminar: Research and development in educational settings: Research and evaluation in early childhood education and care.

The aim of the seminar is to gain an overview of the early childhood education research infrastructure (e.g. research institutes), to analyze and evaluate selected empirical studies from the field of early childhood education and to derive consequences for the evaluation of further studies, for pedagogical practice and educational policy. In addition, the relationship between scientific research, pedagogical requirements and societal conditions in the context of early childhood education and upbringing will be reflected upon.


WiSe 21/22

Advanced seminar: Approaches to pedagogical action

For the field of action "Kita", there is an increasing demand to support children also in specific areas. In this way, children's competencies can be developed in specific educational areas, which should prepare them for learning in school and facilitate the transition to elementary school. How area-specific competencies can be promoted in daycare centers is the subject of this seminar. We will deal with linguistic, mathematical, scientific and social-emotional competencies. By presenting educational initiatives, targeted support programs and support in everyday life, we will demonstrate various ways in which area-specific competencies can be promoted in daycare centers. A specific focus will also be on the question of the effectiveness of such support programs (evaluation). In addition, we will develop our own (small) support programs in small groups and - if possible - also implement them.


Advanced seminar: Approaches to pedagogical action

This seminar deals with the family as a learning environment and with interventions aimed at increasing the quality of family stimulation. The focus is on early childhood. After a theoretical introduction to the concept of the home learning environment, empirical findings will be discussed in the seminar. One focus will be on the criteria by which interventions can be assessed. In addition, we will develop and - if possible - implement our own (small) offers to strengthen the family stimulation quality in small groups. Students are expected to be interested in the topic, committed, eager to discuss, and willing to read (also English-language) literature.


Seminar: Research and Development in Pedagogical Fields of Action

What is a good Kita? What effects does good pedagogical quality in daycare centers have on child development? Questions about the quality of pedagogical work in daycare centers have been hotly debated for several years. In the seminar, after a basic examination of the early pedagogical quality discussion and an in-depth illumination of the concept of quality, different models of quality assessment and development in the field of child care will be presented, discussed and tried out (e.g. kindergarten scales, nursery scales, CLASS). Current analyses on the effects of pedagogical quality on child development will be included. In addition, the seminar addresses basic skills in the areas of quality development, evaluation and quality management.


Teaching research project in the context of the evaluation of the federal program "Sprach-Kitas".

In the current extension phase, the federal program "Sprach-Kitas" additionally focuses on the opportunities and challenges of digitalized pedagogical offers in addition to the three previous main topics (everyday integrated language education, inclusive pedagogy and cooperation with families). Within the framework of the teaching research project, there is the opportunity to accompany various phases of the evaluation process (e.g., instrument development and testing) and to conduct independent research. The teaching research project can be further developed into a master's thesis (e.g. conducting and evaluating data analyses).


(P) Independent Project: Experiential Education (Teaching Research Project).
(P) Teaching Quality and Individualized Instruction (Teaching Research Project). 


SoSe 2021

Advanced seminar: Research and development in pedagogical fields of action: Research and evaluation in early childhood education and care.

The aim of the seminar is to gain an overview of the early childhood education research infrastructure (e.g. research institutes), to analyze and evaluate selected empirical studies from the field of early childhood education and to derive consequences for the evaluation of further studies, for pedagogical practice and educational policy. In addition, the relationship between scientific research, pedagogical requirements and social conditions in the context of early childhood education and upbringing will be reflected upon.


Project Seminars (two courses):

In small groups, practical or research projects are planned, implemented and reflected upon. A content-related reference to early childhood education and upbringing is desirable. A project presentation takes place at the end of the lecture period. Each project group prepares a project report. It is possible to combine the project with the bachelor thesis. Please contact me as soon as possible.


WiSe 20/21

Seminar: Approaches to pedagogical action: Promoting social-emotional competencies in childhood.

What are social-emotional competencies? What factors influence their development? Which disorders occur and which therapeutic approaches are helpful? How can children be supported in their social-emotional competencies in the daycare center?

These and other questions will be addressed in the seminar "Promoting social-emotional competencies in childhood". The goal is to gain basic theoretical knowledge, to discuss empirical findings, and to learn about and apply methods and concepts for promoting social-emotional competencies in daycare centers. This is done through inputs from the lecturer, group work, the creation of a learning diary and other methodological elements. The seminar will be conducted online.

Students are expected to be interested in the topic, committed and willing to read (English language) literature.


Seminar: Approaches to pedagogical action: Area-specific support services in the daycare center

For the field of action "Kita", there is an increasing demand to support children in specific areas. In this way, children's competencies can be developed in specific educational areas, which should prepare them for learning in school and facilitate the transition to elementary school.
How area-specific competencies can be promoted in daycare centers is the subject of this seminar. We will deal with linguistic, mathematical, scientific and social-emotional competencies. By presenting educational initiatives, targeted support programs and support in everyday life, we will demonstrate various ways in which area-specific competencies can be promoted in daycare centers. In addition, we will develop our own (small) support programs in small groups and - if possible - also implement them.


Seminar: Research and Development in Pedagogical Fields of Action: Quality and Quality Development in Early Childhood Education and Training

What is a good Kita? What effects does good pedagogical quality in daycare centers have on child development? Questions about the quality of pedagogical work in daycare centers have been hotly debated for several years. In the seminar, after a basic examination of the early pedagogical quality discussion and an in-depth illumination of the concept of quality, different models of quality assessment and development in the field of child care will be presented, discussed and tried out (e.g. kindergarten scales, nursery scales, CLASS). Current analyses on the effects of pedagogical quality on child development will be included. In addition, the seminar addresses basic skills in the areas of quality development, evaluation and quality management.


Teaching research project: What kind of daycare center do children want?

Daycare centers are constantly evolving. Much is already known about quality aspects from the perspective of pedagogical professionals, but what do children actually want for their daycare center? In an explorative study we want to find out, with the help of observations, children's drawings and group discussions, what wishes daycare children have with regard to their daycare center. In addition, expert interviews will be conducted with professionals and parents, in which they will relate to the children's statements and also give their own perspective on children's participation in the design of daycare centers. The data will be collected in Kitas in Berlin and Hannover, the age of the children should be between 5-6 years.


Teaching Research Project: Morning Circle in Day Care Centers - Investigation of an Everyday Pedagogical Setting

The morning circle in kindergarten has become an integral part of the daily routine (Collins 2013; Emilson & Johansson, 2013). Moreover, it represents a daily opportunity for early childhood educators to interact with children linguistically and to encourage them to communicate (Chen & deGroot 2014; Mosley 2005). Consequently, the morning circle is also thought to have developmental and learning potential (Dodge & Colker 1992; Mosley 2005; Zaghlawan & Ostrosky 2011). However, it has been little researched to date. While numerous practice guides and handouts exist for designing the morning circle in practice (Collins & McGaha 2002; Greine 2013; Weyerstall 2013), the research base on it is slim. This is taken as an opportunity to examine the morning circle as an everyday pedagogical setting in more detail in the teaching research project. In a first step, we will look at practice guides and handouts for designing the morning circle. In a second step, we will develop a checklist to empirically assess the morning circle as a pedagogical setting. This checklist will then be tested in selected daycare centers, if the corona situation allows it. 


SoSe 2020

Seminar: Approaches to pedagogical action: Promoting social-emotional competencies in childhood.

What are social-emotional competencies? What factors influence their development? Which disorders occur and which therapeutic approaches are helpful? How can children be supported in their social-emotional competencies in the daycare center?

These and other questions will be addressed in the seminar "Promoting social-emotional competencies in childhood". The goal is to gain basic theoretical knowledge, to discuss empirical findings, and to learn about and apply methods and concepts for promoting social-emotional competencies in daycare centers. This is done through inputs from the lecturer, group work, the creation of a learning diary and other methodological elements. The seminar will be conducted online.

Students are expected to be interested in the topic, committed and willing to read (English-language) literature.


Seminar: Approaches to pedagogical action: Area-specific support offers in the daycare center

For the field of action "Kita", there is an increasing demand to support children in specific areas. In this way, children's competencies can be developed in specific educational areas, which should prepare them for learning in school and facilitate the transition to elementary school.
How area-specific competencies can be promoted in daycare centers is the subject of this seminar. We will deal with linguistic, mathematical, scientific and social-emotional competencies. By presenting educational initiatives, targeted support programs and support in everyday life, we will demonstrate various ways in which area-specific competencies can be promoted in daycare centers. In addition, we will develop our own (small) support programs in small groups and - if possible - also implement them.


Seminar: Research and Development in Pedagogical Fields of Action: Quality and Quality Development in Early Childhood Education and Training

What is a good Kita? What effects does good pedagogical quality in daycare centers have on child development? Questions about the quality of pedagogical work in daycare centers have been hotly debated for several years. In the seminar, after a basic examination of the early pedagogical quality discussion and an in-depth illumination of the concept of quality, different models of quality assessment and development in the field of child care will be presented, discussed and tried out (e.g. kindergarten scales, nursery scales, CLASS). Current analyses on the effects of pedagogical quality on child development will be included. In addition, the seminar addresses basic skills in the areas of quality development, evaluation and quality management.


Teaching research project: What kind of daycare center do children want?

Description: Child day care centers are constantly developing. Much is already known about quality aspects from the perspective of pedagogical professionals, but what do children actually want for their daycare center? In an explorative study we want to find out, with the help of observations, children's drawings and group discussions, what wishes daycare children have with regard to their everyday life in a daycare center. In addition, expert interviews will be conducted with professionals and parents, in which they will relate to the children's statements and also give their own perspective on children's participation in the design of daycare centers. The data will be collected in Kitas in Berlin and Hannover, the age of the children should be between 5-6 years.


Teaching Research Project: Morning Circle in Day Care Centers - Investigation of an Everyday Pedagogical Setting

The morning circle in kindergarten has become an integral part of the daily routine (Collins 2013; Emilson & Johansson, 2013). Moreover, it represents a daily opportunity for early childhood educators to interact with children linguistically and to encourage them to communicate (Chen & deGroot 2014; Mosley 2005). Consequently, the morning circle is also thought to have developmental and learning potential (Dodge & Colker 1992; Mosley 2005; Zaghlawan & Ostrosky 2011). However, it has been little researched to date. While numerous practice guides and handouts exist for designing the morning circle in practice (Collins & McGaha 2002; Greine 2013; Weyerstall 2013), the research base on it is slim. This is taken as an opportunity to examine the morning circle as an everyday pedagogical setting in more detail in the teaching research project. In a first step, we will look at practice guides and handouts for designing the morning circle. In a second step, we will develop a checklist to empirically assess the morning circle as a pedagogical setting. This checklist will then be tested in selected daycare centers, if the corona situation allows it. 


WiSe 2019/20

(S) Basic Approaches to Instruction.
(S) Research and development in pedagogical fields of action: Quality and quality development in early childhood education and upbringing.

Research Projects


since 07/2023 Quality in bilingual daycare centres further information
03/2016-06/2023 Evaluation of the federal program "Sprach-Kitas further information
01/2019-10/2020 Circle time in preschools - analysis of an everyday pedagogical setting further information
04/2017-03/2019 Interaction quality of children in kindergarten further information

Needs planning and inventory of family education in the district of Miltenberg


KiDZ - Kindergarten of the Future in Bavaria" model project further information



Kluczniok, K., Grad, T., Schneider, M. & Faas, S. (2024). Expertise „Auswirkungen von Kindertagesbetreuung auf die kindliche Entwicklung“. pädquis Stiftung. https://www.fruehe-chancen.de/themen/qualitaetsentwicklung/auswirkungen-von-kindertagesbetreuung-auf-die-kindliche-entwicklung

Kluczniok, K., Große, C., Roßbach, H.-G., & Schneider, T. (2024). Heterogene Lerngruppen in der Grundschule. In M. Götz, A. Hartinger, F. Heinzel, J. Kahlert, S. Miller, & U. Sandfuchs (Hrsg.), Handbuch Grundschulpädagogik und Grundschuldidaktik (S. 216-222). Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.

Baužytė, K., Kluczniok, K., & Faas, S. (2024). Qualität der Partizipationsprozesse in frühpädagogischen Einrichtungen – Eine empirische Analyse zur sozialen Dimension von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. In S. Rost, B. Bloch, A.-K. Kaiser & I. Kaul (Hrsg.), Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Kindheitspädagogik (S. 221-238). Beltz Juventa.

Roßbach, H.-G., Blaurock, S., Große, C., Kluczniok, K., Kuger, S., Lehrl, S., & Smidt, W. (2024). Quality of learning environments in early childhood. In S. Weinert, H.-G. Roßbach, J. von Maurice, H.-P. Blossfeld & C. Artelt (Hrsg.), Educational processes, decisions, and the development of competencies from early preschool age to adolescence (S. 55–90). Springer.

Gessulat, J., Kluczniok, K., Oppermann, E., & Anders, Y. (2024). The Relationships Between Parental Self-Efficacy, Home Learning Activities, and Child Skills. Family Relations. DOI: 10.1111/fare.13031.

Kluczniok, K., Werner, N., & Schneider, M. (2024). Partizipative Prozesse in der Kita qualitätsvoll gestalten! Kita aktuell 33(1),  24-26.

Grohmann, S., Kluczniok, K., Köhn, A., & Sehm-Schurig, S. (2024). Aktionsplan „Erweiterte Ressourcen Kita² “. Frühe Bildung 13(1). https://doi.org/10.1026/2191-9186/a000656



Anders, Y., Kluczniok, K., Blaurock, S., Erdem-Möbius, H., Fitzner, J., Hausladen, K., Hummel, T., Pietz, S., Resa, E., Then, S., Voss, N., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2023). Policy-Brief zum Bericht der wissenschaftlichen Evaluation des Bundesprogramms „Sprach-Kitas: Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist“ (Projektphase: 2023) - Ergebnisse zur Sicherung der Nachhaltigkeit des Bundesprogramms und zu den Gelingensfaktoren für den Transfer des Programms in Landesstrukturen. Bamberg & Berlin. https://doi.org/10.20378/irb-105179

Kluczniok, K., Faas, S. (Hrsg.), Roßbach, H. G., Tietze, W., & Koch, C. (2023). Hort-und Ganztagsangebote-Skala (HUGS-R): Revidierte Ausgabe. pädquis Stiftung

Schmidt, T., Kluczniok, K., Ramirez, M. M., & Zimmermann, N. (2023). Messung kindlicher Interaktionsqualität in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Eine kritisch-konstruktive Einordnung des Beobachtungsinstruments Individualized Classroom Assessment Scoring System. Frühe Bildung (2023), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1026/2191-9186/a000640

Faas, S., Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2023). Auf die Kitaqualität kommt es an. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. https://www.kas.de/de/analysen-und-argumente/detail/-/content/auf-die-kitaqualitaet-kommt-es-an 

Lange, S. D., Lilla, N., & Kluczniok, K. (2023). Do multilingual teachers make the difference? Evaluating the potential language resource of primary school teachers and their cultural beliefs. Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Language,3(1),32- 49. https://doi.org/10.20375/0000-000f-8238-f

Faas, S., & Kluczniok, K. (2023). Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit: Bildungspläne im Elementarbereich und die Frage nach der Qualität pädagogischer Praxis. Frühe Bildung12(1), 30-38.



Anders, Y., Kluczniok, K., Buchholz, S. Erdem-Möbius, H., Hummel, T., Kurucz, C. Pietz, S., Resa, E., Then, S. & Roßbach, H.G. (2022). Policy Brief zum Zwischenbericht der wissenschaftlichen Evaluation des Bundesprogramms „Sprach-Kitas: Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist“ (Projektphase 2021 – 2022) : Ergebnisse zur Implementation des neuen Querschnittsthemas Digitalisierung und zum nachhaltigen Transfer des Bundesprogramms sowie zu pandemiebedingten Förderbedarfen. Bamberg & Berlin. https://doi.org/10.20378/irb-105222

Faas, S. & Kluczniok, K. (Hrsg.), Roßbach, H. G., Tietze, W., Koch, C., & Nattefort, R. (2023). Kindergarten-Skala. Dritte Fassung (KES-3). pädquis Stiftung.

Kluczniok, K., Faas, S., & Roßbach, H.-G. (Hrsg.) (2022). Kindliche Kompetenzen im Krippenalter: Bedeutung und Messung. pädquis Stiftung.



Anders Y., Kluczniok, K., Bucholz, S., Erdem-Möbius, H., Hummel, T., Kurucz, C., Pietz, S., Resa, E., Then, S., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2021). Policy Brief zum Zwischenbericht der wissenschaftlichen Evaluation des Bundesprogramms„Sprach-Kitas: Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Weltist“. Die Bedeutung der zusätzlichen Fachberatungen und Kita-Tandems für die Implementation des neuen Querschnittsthemas Digitalisierung. Berlin und Bamberg. https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/bitstream/uniba/57851/3/fisba57851.pdf

Anders, Y., Kluczniok, K., Ballaschk, I., Bartels, K.-C., Blaurock, S., Grimmer, J., Große, C., Hummel, T., Kurucz, C., Resa, E., Then. S., Wieduwilt, N., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2021). Policy Brief zum fünften Zwischenbericht zur wissenschaftlichen Evaluation des Bundesprogramms „Sprach-Kitas: Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist“. Ergebnisse der Beobachtungsstudie zur pädagogischen Qualität in ausgewählten Sprach-Kitas. Freie Universität Berlin, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg. https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/57851

Kluczniok, K., Bartels, K.-C., & Then, S. (2021). Pädagogisches Gutachten 04/2021: Fachkräfte, Leitungsqualifikation, Fach- und Praxisberatung. Pädquis Stiftung b.R. im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Bildung, Jugend und Sport des Landes Brandenburg.https://mbjs.brandenburg.de/media_fast/6288/gutachten_kitrr_fachkraefte.pdf

Kluczniok, K., & Schmidt, T. (2021). Zur Bedeutung des pädagogischen Settings für die Interaktionsqualität von Kindern im Kindergarten. Frühe Bildung, 10(4), 214-223. Hogrefe Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1026/2191-9186/a000540

Novita, S., & Kluczniok, K. (2021). Receptive vocabulary of preschool children with migration backgrounds: the effect of home literacy activities. Early Child Development and Care. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2021.1932861

Kurucz, C., Resa, E., Kluczniok, K., Anders, Y., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2021). Bundesprogramms „Sprach-Kitas“. Das Kita-Handbuch. https://www.kindergartenpaedagogik.de/fachartikel/kita-politik/bildungspolitik/bundesprogramms-sprach-kitas



Anders, Y., Kluczniok, K., Bartels, K. C., Blaurock, S., Grimmer, J., Große, C., Hummel, T., Kurucz, C., Resa, E., Then, S., Wieduwilt, N., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2020). Policy Brief zum vierten Zwischenbericht zur wissenschaftlichen Evaluation des Bundesprogramms „Sprach-Kitas: Weil Sprache der Schlüssel zur Welt ist“. Ergebnisse zur nachhaltigen Wirkung des Bundesprogramms. Freie Universität Berlin, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg. https://fis.uni-bamberg.de/handle/uniba/54040

Burghardt, L., & Kluczniok, K. (2020). Der Morgenkreis in Kindertageseinrichtungen - Untersuchung eines alltäglichen pädagogischen Settings. Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 3-2020, 286-300.

Linberg, A., & Kluczniok, K. (2020). Kindspezifische Prozessqualität. Frühe Bildung, 9(3), 126–133. https://doi.org/10.1026/2191-9186/a000483

Kluczniok, K., & Schmidt, T. (2020). Socio-cultural disparities in the quality of children's interactions in preschools. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28(4), 519–533. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2020.1783926

Kluczniok, K. (2020). Transition Kindergarten/Grundschule. In. J. Roos & S. Roux (Hrsg.), Das große Handbuch Frühe Bildung in der Kita (S. 499-509). Kronach: Carl Link.

Smidt, W., Embacher, E.-M., & Kluczniok, K. (2020). Gleich oder anders? Geschlechts-spezifische Befunde zur kindlichen Interaktionsqualität im Kindergarten in Österreich. Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 14(1), 21-37.

Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2020). Übergang zwischen Kindergarten und Grundschule. In P. Bollweg, J. Buchna, T. Coelen & H.-U. Otto (Eds..), Handbuch Ganztagsbildung (pp. 589-602). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Pohlmann-Rother, S., Kluczniok, K., & Wehner, F. (2020). Überzeugungen von Erzieherinnen und
Erziehern, Lehrpersonen und Eltern zur Relevanz vorschulischer Förderung. In S. Pohlmann-Rother, U. Franz & S. Lange (Hrsg.), Kooperation von KiTa und Grundschule. Band 1: Einblicke in die Forschung – Perspektiven für die Praxis (S. 34-52). Köln: Carl Link.



Kluczniok, K. (2019). Entwicklungspsychologie des Kindes beim Übergang Kindergarten/Grundschule. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 43, 187-191.

Schmidt, T., Riedmeier, M., Zimmermann, N., & Kluczniok, K. (2019). Wie verbringen Kinder im Kindergarten ihre Zeit? Kita aktuell, Ausgabe BW, 28(6), 141-143.

Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2019). Wirkungsforschung im Bereich der Kindertagesbetreuung. In M.-C. Begemann, Ch. Bleck, R. Liebig (Eds.), Wirkungsforschung zur Kinder- und Jugendhilfe (pp. 136-148). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Kluczniok, K. (2019). Die Kita als Bildungsort. uni.vers, 24-27.



Schmidt, T., Smidt, W., Kluczniok, K., & Riedmeier, M. (2018). Interaktionsqualität in Kindertageseinrichtungen - Eine vergleichende Betrachtung standardisierter gruppen- und zielkindbezogener Erhebungsverfahren. Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 13(4), 459-476.

Kluczniok, K. (2018). Pädagogische Qualität im Kindergarten. In T. Schmidt & W. Smidt (Eds.), Handbuch Empirische Forschung in der Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit (pp. 409-428). Münster: Waxmann.

Kluczniok, K., & Mudiappa, M. (2018). Relations between socio-economic risk factors, home learning environment and children's language competencies: Findings from a German study. European Educational Research Journal 18 (1), 85-104.doi.org/10.1177/1474904118790854.

Roßbach, H.-G., & Tietze, W. (Eds.), Kluczniok, K., & Nattefort, R. (2018). Kindergarten-Skala-Erweiterung. Deutsche Fassung der ECERS-E. The Four Curricular Subscales Extension to the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS-R) 4th Edition, 2011 by Kathy Silva, Iram Siraj-Blatchford and Brenda Taggart. Verlag das netz

Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2018). Kindergarten-Skala-Erweiterung. Feststellung und Unterstützung bereichsspezifischer pädagogischer Qualität. Betrifft Kinder, 3-4, 31-33.

Fried, L., & Kluczniok, K. (2018). Vorschulerziehung. In J. Rost, J.R. Sparfeldt & S.R. Buch (Eds.), Handwörterbuch Pädagogische Psychologie (pp. 894-903). Weinheim: Beltz.

Blaurock, S., & Kluczniok, K. (2018). Basic care, play, and teaching: the home learning environment and the ´developmental´ gradient in time use with children. Early Child Development and Care. DOI:10.1080/03004430.2018.1439938

Schmidt, T., Riedmeier, M., & Kluczniok, K. (2018). Kindliche Interaktionsprozesse. Kita aktuell, Ausgabe HRS, 26(1), 8.


Roßbach, H.-G., Kluczniok, K., & Lehrl, S. (2017). Zur Notwendigkeit von Längssschnittanalysen in der Frühpädagogik. In K. Fröhlich-Gildhoff & I. Nentwig-Gesemann (Eds.), Forschung in der Frühpädagogik X (pp. 151-165). Freiburg: FEL Verlag Forschung Entwicklung Lehre.

Große, C., Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2017). Instructional quality in school entrance phase and its influence on student's vocabulary development - Empirical findings from the German longitudinal study BiKS. Early Child Development and Care. DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2017.1398150.

Lehrl, S., Kluczniok, K., Roßbach, H.-G., & Anders, Y. (2017). Long term persistence of preschool intervention on children's mathematical development: Results from the German model project "Kindergarten of the future in Bavaria". Global Education Review, 4(3), 70-87.

Linberg, A., Kluczniok, K., Burghardt, L., & Freund, J.-D. (2017). Quality of toddler childcare - Can it be assessed with questionnaires? Early Child Development and Care, DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2017.1380636.

Kluczniok, K. (2017). Längsschnittliche Analysen der Auswirkungen frühkindlicher Lernumwelten - Chancen und Risiken außerfamilialer Betreuung. Pädagogische Rundschau, 71 (3,4), 247-259.

Blaurock, S., Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2017). Lern- und bildungsbezogene Aktivitäten in Familien mit Kindern unter 10 Jahren. In Statistisches Bundesamt (Ed.), Wie die Zeit vergeht - Analysen zur Zeitverwendung in Deutschland. Beiträge zur Ergebniskonferenz der Zeitverwendungserhebung 2012/13 am 5./6. Oktober 2016 in Wiesbaden (pp. 341-354). Wiesbaden.

Kluczniok, K. (2017). Early Family Risk Factors and Home Learning Environments as Predictors of Children's Early Numeracy Skills Through Preschool. SAGE Open, 7 (2). DOI: 10.1177/2158244017702197.



Burghardt, L., & Kluczniok, K. (2016). Erwartungen von Eltern zu Nutzen und Kosten eines Krippenbesuchs - Eine Analyse zu Zusammenhängen mit kindbezogenen und familialen Strukturmerkmalen. Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 11(3), 339-354.

Kluczniok, K. (2016). Faktencheck: Probleme und Maßnahmen beim Übergang zur Grundschule? Kita aktuell Österreich, 3-4, 55-56.

Kluczniok, K., Anders, Y., Sechtig, J., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2016). Influences of an academically oriented preschool curriculum on the development of children - are there negative consequences for the children's socio-emotional competencies? Early Child Development and Care, 186(1), 117-139.

Lehrl, S., Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2016). Longer-term associations of preschool education: The predictive role of preschool quality for the development of mathematical skills through elementary school. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 36, 475-488.



Kuger, S., Kluczniok, K., Kaplan, D., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2015). Stability and patterns of classroom quality in German early childhood education and care. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, DOI: 10.1080/09243453.2015.1112815.

Faas, S., Treptow, R., Dahlheimer, S., Kluczniok, K., & Thurn, L. (2015). Herkunft und Zukunft. Bildungsungleichheit und Heterogenität in Kindertageseinrichtungen als Herausforderung. Kommission Sozialpädagogik (Ed.), Praktiken der Ein- und Ausschließung in der Sozialen Arbeit (pp. 226-241). Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa.

Kluczniok, K., Anders, Y., & Roßbach, H-G. (2015). Der Übergang vom Kindergarten in die Grundschule aus Sicht der Eltern: Wovon hängt eine positive Bewältigung ab? Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 10(2), 129-148.

Mudiappa, M., & Kluczniok, K. (2015). Visits to cultural learning places in the early childhood. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 23(2), 200-212.



Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2014). Conceptions of educational quality for kindergartens. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 17(6), 145-158.

Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2014). Professionalisierung frühpädagogischer Fachkräfte in Deutschland – Heraus- forderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen. Keryks, 13, 145-161.

Kluczniok, K., (2014). Einschulung schon mit fünf? kizz, 1(6), 18.

Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2014). Probleme beim Übergang vom Kindergarten zur Grundschule - Wahrheit oder Mythos? In A. B. Liegmann, I. Mammes & K. Racherbäumer (Eds.), Facetten von Übergängen im Bildungssystem. Nationale und internationale Ergebnisse empirischer Forschung (pp. 13-22). Münster: Waxmann.

Kluczniok, K., Große, C., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2014). Heterogene Lerngruppen. In W. Einsiedler, M. Götz, A. Hartinger, F. Heinzel, J. Kahlert & U. Sandfuchs (Eds.), Handbuch Grundschulpädagogik und Grundschuldidaktik (4th Ed.) (pp. 194-200). Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.



Kluczniok, K., Lehrl, S., Kuger, S., & Rossbach, H.-G. (2013). Quality of the home learning environment during preschool age - Domains and contextual conditions. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 21(3), 420-438.

Kluczniok, K. (2013). Vorschulische Betreuungsformen. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Dorsch Lexikon der Psychologie (p. 1648). Bern: Hans Huber.

Roßbach, H.-G. & Kluczniok, K. (2013). Vorschulerziehung. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Dorsch Lexikon der Psychologie (p. 1648). Bern: Hans Huber.

Ebert, S., Lockl, K., Weinert, S., Anders, Y., Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2013). Internal and external influences on vocabulary development in preschool children. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 24(2), 138-154.

Faust, G., Kluczniok, K., & Pohlmann-Rother, S. (2013). Wie sich bei den Eltern die Entscheidung zur vorzeitigen Einschulung herausbildet. In G. Faust (Ed.), Einschulung. Ergebnisse aus der Studie "Bildungsprozesse, Kompetenzentwicklung und Selektionsentscheidungen im Vorschul- und Schulalter (BiKS)" (pp. 185-193). Münster u.a.: Waxmann.

Kluczniok, K. (2013). Welche Eltern schulen vorzeitig ein? In G. Faust (Ed.), Einschulung. Ergebnisse aus der Studie "Bildungsprozesse, Kompetenzentwicklung und Selektionsentscheidungen im Vorschul- und Schulalter (BiKS)" (pp. 171-183). Münster u.a.: Waxmann.

Roßbach, H.-G., & Kluczniok, K. (2013). Institutionelle Übergänge in der Frühpädagogik. In L. Fried & S. Roux (Eds.), Handbuch Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit (pp. 298-311). Berlin: Cornelsen.



Smidt, W., Lehrl, S., Anders, Y., Pohlmann-Rother, S., & Kluczniok, K. (2012). Emergent literacy activities in the final preschool year in the German federal states of Bavaria and Hesse. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 32(3), 301-312.

Kluczniok, K. (2012). Übergang zwischen Kindergarten und Grundschule. Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaften Online (EEO), Fachgebiet Schulpädagogik, ed. by S. Rahm & Ch. Nerowski. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa (www.erzwissonline.de: DOI 10.3262/EEO09120241).

Kluczniok, K., Sechtig, J., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2012). Qualität im Kindergarten. Wie gut ist das Niveau der Kindertagesbetreuung in Deutschland und wie wird es gemessen? DJI Impulse, 2(98), 33-36.

Kluczniok, K. (2012). Die vorzeitige Einschulung. Eine empirische Analyse zum Verlauf und zu Determinanten der Einschulungsentscheidung. Münster: Waxmann.

Kuger, S., Große, C., Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2012). Was ist an einer Schule wichtig? Das Bild von Schule aus Lehrer- und Elternsicht. Die Grundschulzeitschrift, 254, 9-11.

Mudiappa, M., & Kluczniok, K. (2012). Nutzung kultureller Bildungsangebote in Familien mit Kindergartenkindern. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 32(1), 75-91.



Ebert, S., von Maurice, J., & Kluczniok, K. (2011). Kognitiv-sprachliche Kompetenzen im Kindergartenalter: Sind vorzeitig eingeschulte Kinder wirklich kompetenter? Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 58(1), 15-29.

Kluczniok, K., Anders, Y., & Ebert, S. (2011). Fördereinstellungen von Erzieherinnen. Einflüsse auf die Gestaltung von Lerngelegenheiten im Kindergarten und die kindliche Entwicklung früher numerischer Kompetenzen. Frühe Bildung, 0(1), 13-21.

Kluczniok, K., Große, C., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2011). Heterogene Lerngruppen. In W. Einsiedler, M. Götz, A. Hartinger, F. Heinzel, J. Kahlert & U. Sandfuchs (Eds.), Handbuch Grundschulpädagogik und Grundschuldidaktik (3rd Ed.) (pp. 180-186). Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.

Kluczniok, K., Schmitt, M., Kuger, S., & von Maurice, J. (2011). Familiale Anregungsbedingungen im Spiegel ökonomischer Ressourcen. In A. Lange & M. Xyländer (Eds.), Familie als Bildungswelt. Theoretische Explorationen und empirische Befunde (pp. 190- 207). Weinheim: Juventa.

Kuger, S., Kluczniok, K., Sechtig, J., & Smidt, W. (2011). Gender im Kindergarten. Empirische Datenlage zu Unterschieden zwischen Mädchen und Jungen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 57(2), 269-288.



Fey, D. & Kluczniok, K. (2010). Keine Zeit fürs Kind. KiTa spezial, 1, 22-25.

Große, C., & Kluczniok, K. (2010). Qualität von Kindertagesstätten. In C. Koop, I. Schenker, G. Müller & S. Welzien (Eds.), Begabung wagen. Ein Handbuch für den Umgang mit Hochbegabung in der Kindertagesstätte (pp. 253-267). Berlin: Verlag das netz.

Kluczniok, K., Kuger, S., & Große, C. (2010). Anregungsqualität im Kindergarten. KiTa spezial, 1, 12-14.

Kluczniok, K., Roßbach, H.-G., & Große, C. (2010). Fördermöglichkeiten im Kindergarten – ein Systematisierungsversuch. In A. Diller, H. R. Leu & T. Rauschenbach (Eds.), Wie viel Schule verträgt der Kindergarten? Annäherung zweier Lernumwelten (pp. 133-152). München: Verlag Deutsches Jugendinstitut.

Roßbach, H.-G., Große, C., Kluczniok, K., & Freund, U. (2010). Bildungs- und Lernziele im Kindergarten und in der Grundschule. In M. Leuchter (Ed.), Didaktik für die ersten Bildungsjahre: Unterricht mit 4- bis 8-jährigen Kindern (pp. 36-48). Zug: Klett und Balmer.

Schmitt, M., Kuger, S., Kluczniok, K., & von Maurice, J. (2010). Familiale Anregung während der frühen Kindergartenzeit. In D. Bühler-Niederberger, A. Lange & J. Mierendorff (Eds.), Kindheit zwischen fürsorglichem Zugriff und gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe (pp. 145-166). Wiesbaden: VS‑Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.



Pohlmann, S., Kluczniok, K., & Kratzmann, J. (2009). Zum Prozess der Entscheidungsfindung zwischen vorzeitiger und fristgerechter Einschulung aus Elternsicht. Journal für Bildungswissenschaft Online, 1, 135-153.



Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2008). Übergang zwischen Kindergarten und Primarschule. In H.-U. Otto & T. Coelen (Eds.), Grundbegriffe der Ganztagsbildung. Das Handbuch (pp. 321-330). Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Kuger, S., & Kluczniok, K. (2008). Prozessqualität im Kindergarten – Konzept, Umsetzung und Befunde. Zeitschrift für Erziehungs- wissenschaft, Sonderheft 11, 159-178.

Pohlmann, S., & Kluczniok, K. (2008). Eltern vor der Entscheidung über die vorzeitige Einschulung ihres Kindes – eine qualitative Interviewstudie im Rahmen von BiKS. In J. Ramseger & M. Wagener (Eds.), Chancenungleichheit in der Grundschule. Ursachen und Wege aus der Krise (pp. 275-278). Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Pohlmann, S., & Kluczniok, K. (2008). Vorzeitige Einschulung aus der Sicht von Erzieherinnen und Eltern. Theorie und Praxis der Sozialpädagogik, 6, 43-47.

Roßbach, H.-G., Kluczniok, K., & Isenmann, D. (2008). Erfahrungen aus internationalen Längsschnittuntersuchungen. In H.-G. Roßbach & S. Weinert (Eds.), Kindliche Kompetenzen im Elementarbereich: Förderbarkeit, Bedeutung und Messung (pp. 7-88). Berlin: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.

Roßbach, H.-G., Kluczniok, K., & Kuger, S. (2008). Auswirkungen eines Kindergartenbesuchs auf den kognitiv-leistungsbezogenen Entwicklungsstand von Kindern – Ein Forschungsüberblick. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Sonderheft 11, 139-158.



Faust, G., Kluczniok, K., & Pohlmann, S. (2007). Eltern vor der Entscheidung über vorzeitige Einschulung. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 4, 462-476.


Conference contributions and Posters


Kluczniok, K., Resa, E. & Voss, N. (2025, January 27). Inwieweit profitieren Kinder in ihren Fähigkeiten von einer hohen zielkindbezogenen Anregungsqualität in der Kita?. Lecture at the GEBF-Conference. Mannheim, Germany.

Resa, E., Voss, N. & Kluczniok, K. (2025, January 28). Doppelte Benachteiligung: Erfahren Kinder mit sprachlichen Defiziten eine geringere pädagogische Interaktionsqualität in Kindertagesstätten?. Lecture at the GEBF-Conference. Mannheim, Germany.

Bilgeri, A., Kluczniok, K., Smidt, W. & Cohen, F. (2025, January 29). Zusammenhang zwischen pädagogischen Überzeugungen frühpädagogischer Fachkräfte und ihrer Interaktionsqualität im Guided play: Ergebnisse aus einer deutsch-österreichischen Kitastudie. Lecture at the GEBF-Conference. Mannheim, Germany.



Kluczniok, K. (2024, December 4). Qualität in der frühkindlichen Bildung – Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Vortrag im IQB-Kolloquium. Berlin, Deutschland.

Kluczniok,  K. (2024, November 18). Bildungspläne in der Kita – Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Keynote auf der BRISE-Fachtagung. Berlin, Deutschland.

Kluczniok, K. (2024, June 17).  Familiale Anregungsqualität – wie geht das? Vortrag auf der Fachtagung Kiez-Kita. Lindow, Deutschland.

Kluczniok, K., Resa, E., & Voss, N. (2024, May 6 - 8). Pedagogical Quality at the Target Child Level in Early Childhood Education Institutions – Introduction of a New Observation Instrument [Vortrag]. 22nd International ECERS International Conference, Porto, Portugal.

Kluczniok, K. (2024, April 23). Die Bedeutung der Entwicklungsdokumentation im Übergang von der Kita in die Grundschule für die Anschlussfähigkeit von Bildungsprozessen. Vortrag auf der Fachtagung zum Übergangsinstrument Mika. Blossin, Deutschland.

Kluczniok, K., & Schneider, M. (2024, March 11-13). Zusammenspiel von familialen Aktivitäten und Kompetenzen von Kindern im Krippenalter – eine Analyse anhand der NUBBEK II – Fokusstudie Brandenburg [Poster]. 29. Tagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Halle, Deutschland.

Voss, N., & Kluczniok, K. (2024, March 11-13). Das biografische Dilemma in der Professionalisierung frühpädagogischer Fachkräfte [Poster]. 29. Tagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Halle, Deutschland.

Resa, E., Kluczniok, K., & Anders, Y. (2024, March 11-13). Bedeutung der Führungsstrategien von Kita-Leitungen für die Qualitätsentwicklung in Kitas  [Poster]. 29. Tagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Halle, Deutschland.



Kluczniok, K. (2023, June 13).  Bedeutung von Familie für das Aufwachsen von Kindern. Vortrag auf dem Fachtag für Kindertageseinrichtungen zum Thema „Familien im Zentrum“ der Bildungsstätte Schabernack e.V.. Güstrow, Deutschland.

Kluczniok, K. (2023, May 15).  Anschlussfähige Bildungsprozesse in der frühen Kindheit –  Auf die Kita-Qualität kommt es an! Vortrag auf dem Verbandstag des Landesverbandes Bildung und Erziehung (VBE). Berlin, Deutschland.

Kluczniok,  K., & Faas, S. (2023, March 10). Partizipationsmöglichkeiten von Kindern in der Kita. Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Kommission Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit in der DGfE. Leipzig, Deutschland.

Kluczniok, K. (2023, March 2). Faktencheck Transition: Probleme beim Übergang in die Grundschule. Vortrag im Rahmen des Fortbildungsprogramms für Tiroler Kindergartenpersonal „Wissenschaft trifft Praxis“. PH Tirol, Österreich.



Kluczniok, K., Faas, F., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2022, November, 18). National Study on Early Childhood Education and Care in Germany – NUBBEK II. Vortrag auf der ECERS Online Conference.

Kluczniok, K. (2022, November 10). Die Bedeutung von Familie für das Aufwachsen von Kindern. Vortrag auf der Jubiläumsfachtagung des Bundesverbands der Familienzentren e.V.. Berlin, Deutschland.

Kluczniok, K. (2022, September 19). Interaktionsqualität von Kindern im Kindergarten. Vortrag auf dem Verbandstag des Verbandes der Kleinen und Mittelgroßen Kitaträger Berlin e.V. Berlin, Deutschland

Kluczniok, K. (2022, September 17). Übergänge gemeinsam gestalten – gelungene Kooperationen zwischen Kindergärten und Grundschulen. Vortrag auf dem Fachtag „Fröbelpädagogik in Kindergarten und Schule“ der International Fröbel Society. Bad Blankenburg, Deutschland.



Kluczniok, K., & Mülheims, D. (2021, Oktober 11). Qualität in der Kindertagesstätte erarbeiten und leben – Das QuiK-Programm von pädquis im Alltag. Online-Vortrag im Rahmen von für NETQUALI BB. Folien und Aufzeichnung verfügbar über NETQUALI BB.

Kluczniok, K. (2021, March 04). Qualitätsdiskurs in der Kindertagesbetreuung - Historische und bildungspolitische Entwicklung [online conference presentation]. Auftaktveranstaltung Forum Frühkindliche Bildung Baden-Württemberg.



Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2020, Dezember 01). Übergänge gemeinsam gestalten - gelungene Kooperationen zwischen Grundschulen und Kindertageseinrichtungen. Digitaler Impuls der Robert Bosch Stiftung.



Kluczniok, K., Riedmeier, M., & Schmidt, T. (2019, November 7-8). Pädagogisches Setting und die Interaktionsqualität von Kindern im Kindergarten. Eine empirische Analyse zur Beziehungsstruktur [Conference presentation].  Conference of the Empirie- und Theorie-AG der Kommission Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, Munich, Germany.

Kluczniok, K. (2019, March 18). Interaktionsqualität von Kindern im Kindergarte [Conference presentation]2nd workshop about Messinstrumente zur Erfassung frühpädagogischer Qualität, Bamberg, Germany.

Linberg, A., & Kluczniok, K. (2019, February 25-27). Bedingungen und Effekte sprachlicher und mathematischer Interaktionen in Kindertageseinrichtungen [Conference presentation]. 7th conference of the Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Cologne, Germany.

Kluczniok, K., Riedmeier, M., & Schmidt, T. (2019, February 25-27). Interaktionsqualität von Kindern im Kindergarten. Eine Analyse zu migrations- und bildungsbedingten Disparitäten in der kindlichen Interaktionsqualität [Conference presentation]. 7th conference of the Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Cologne, Germany.


Kluczniok, K. (2018, November 27). Anregungsqualität sprachlicher und kognitiver Förderung in Kindertageseinrichtungen. Konzept, Messung, empirische Befunde [Conference presentation]. Evening lecture at PH Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany.

Kluczniok, K., Riedmeier, M., & Schmidt, T. (2018, August 29-31). Observing children's interactions in preschool: Findings from an empirical study using the inCLASS [Conference presentation].  EARLI Sig 5 Conference "ECEC 2.0 - Future Challenges for Early Childhood Education and Care", Berlin, Germany.

Blaurock, S., Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2018, March 19-21). Basic care, play, teaching: Veränderungen in der Zeitverwendung von Familien mit Kindern unter 10 Jahren [Conference presentation]. 26th conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Essen, Germany.

Kluczniok, K., Schmidt, T., & Riedmeier, M. (2018, March 19-21). Interaktionsqualität von Kindern im Kindergarten – eine Längsschnittstudie [Conference presentation]. 26th meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Essen, Germany



Linberg, A., Kluczniok, K., Burghardt, L., & Freund, J.-D. (2017, March 13-15). Messung pädagogischer Qualität in Krippen: Lässt sich pädagogische Qualität durch Fragebögen erfassen? [Conference presentation]. 5th conference of the Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Heidelberg, Germany.

Blaurock, S., & Kluczniok, K. (2017, March 13-15). Das Zeitbudget von Familien mit Kindern unter 10 Jahren. Eine empirische Analyse der Zeitverwendungserhebung 2012/13 [Conference presentation]. 5th conference of the Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Heidelberg, Germany.



Kluczniok, K., Blaurock, S., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2016, October 5-6). Lern- und bildungsbezogene Aktivitäten in Familien mit Kindern unter 10 Jahren  [Conference presentation]. Ergebniskonferenz zur Zeitverwendungserhebung 2012/2013 des Statistischen Bundesamts, Wiesbaden, Germany.

Kluczniock, K. (2016, September 23-24). Frühkindliche Risikofaktoren und deren Einfluss auf mathematische Kompetenzen während der Kindergartenzeit  [Conference presentation]. Annual meeting of young scientists of the Kommission Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit in der Sektion Sozialpädagogik und Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit der DGfE, Landau, Germany.

Kluczniok, K., & Lehrl, S. (2016, June 29 – July 1). Long-term effects of an academically oriented preschool programme on child's mathematical development. Results from the German model programme KiDZ  [Conference presentation]. EARLI Conference SIG 5 Learning and Development in Early Childhood, Porto, Portugal.

Kluczniok, K. (2016, March 14-16). Übergänge zwischen Bildungsräumen - Wovon hängt eine positive Bewältigung des Übergangs vom Kindergarten in die Grundschule ab?  [Conference presentation], 25th conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Kassel, Germany.

Kluczniok, K. (2016, Janurary 28). Kooperation zwischen Kindergarten und Grundschule als Allheilmittel zur Übergangsbewältigung? Empirische Befunde aus KiDZ  [Conference presentation]. Conference "Übergänge gestalten. Transitionen in der frühen Kindheit", Zurich, Switzerland.


Kluczniock, K. (2015, September 24). KiDZ - Kindergarten der Zukunft in Bayern. Ergebnisüberblick  [Conference presentation]. Der Übergang zwischen KiTa und Grundschule. Eine Gestaltungspartnerschaft für Bielefeld,  Bielefeld, Germany.

Burghardt, L., & Kluczniock, K. (2015, September 11-12). Einstellungen von Eltern zum Nutzen eines Krippenbesuchs – Eine Analyse zu Zusammenhängen mit kindbezogenen und familialen Strukturmerkmalen auf Basis von NEPS-Daten  [Conference presentation]. Annual meeting of young scientists of the Kommission Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit in der Sektion Sozialpädagogik und Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit der DGfE, Weingarten, Germany.

Kluczniock, K., & Mudiappa, M. (2015, August 31 – September 01). Einfluss von frühkindlichen Risikofaktoren, häuslicher Anregungsqualität und kultureller Praxis auf die kindliche Kompetenzentwicklung. Eine empirische Analyse anhand von NEPS-Daten  [Conference presentation].Congress of the Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung im Bildungswesen (ÖFEB), Klagenfurt, Austria.


Kluczniok, K. (2014, March 18). Bildungsprozesse, Kompetenz-entwicklung und Selektionsentscheidungen beim Übergang in die Grundschule. Ergebnisse der Längsschnittstudie BiKS-3-10 [Conference presentation]. Parents evening at Kita Burgwindheim, Germany.

Kluczniok, K., Anders, Y., Sechtig, J., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2014, March 10-12). Die Auswirkung der Qualität frühkindlicher Bildung und Betreuung auf die Entwicklung mathematischer Fähigkeiten – Empirische Befunde aus dem Modellprojekt KiDZ [Conference presentation]. 24th conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) in Berlin, Germany.


Kluczniok, K. (2013, December 16). Welche Eltern schulen vorzeitig ein? Eine Untersuchung zum Verlauf und zu Einflussfaktoren der vorzeitigen Einschulungsentscheidung [Conference presentation]. Department of Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit (Prof. Dr. Kammermeyer) at the university Koblenz-Landau ind Landau, Germany.

Kluczniok, K. (2013, May 30). Risikofaktoren und deren Einfluss auf die kindliche Entwicklung am Beispiel früher numerischer Kompetenzen. Ergebnisse der Längsschnittstudie BiKS-3-10 [Conference presentation]. Section meeting Sozialpädagogik "Praktiken der Ein- und Ausschließung in der Sozialen Arbeit" during the symposium "Bildungsungleichheit und Heterogenität in Kindertageseinrichtungen", Tübingen, Germany.


Kluczniok, K. (2012, December 13). Anregungsqualität im Kindergarten. Konzept, Umsetzung und Befunde [Conference presentation]. Ausgewählte Themen der Entwicklungspsychologie am Beispiel der BiKS-Studie, Bamberg, Germany.

Kluczniok, K. (2012, December 11). Die vorzeitige Einschulung. Eine empirische Analyse zu Einflussfaktoren der elterlichen Einschulungsentscheidung [Conference presentation]. Colloquium at the TransferZentrum für Neurowissenschaften und Lernen (ZNL), Ulm, Germany.

Große, C., & Kluczniok, K. (2012, September 10-12). Unterrichtsqualität im Anfangsunterricht. Der Einfluss struktureller und einstellungsbezogener Merkmale auf die Gestaltung des Unterrichts  [Conference presentation]. 77th conference of the Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Bielefeld, Germany.

Kluczniok, K. (2012, June 19). Educational beliefs of preschool teachers. Influences on learning opportunities in preschool and the development of early numeracy skills  [Conference presentation]. Seminar series "Childcare quality, research and recent developments. International Teaching Series on Early Childhood Education",  Bamberg, Germany.


Mudiappa, M., & Kluczniok, K. (2011, August 30 – September 03). Cultural capital in the early childhood [Conference presentation]. 14th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction "Education for a Global Networked Society", Exeter, England.

Kuger, S., Kluczniok, K., & Sechig, J. (2011, August 30 – September 03). The discussion on ‘gender’ in preschool education – some empirical foundations  [Conference presentation]. 14th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction "Education for a Global Networked Society", Exeter, England.

Mudiappa, M., & Kluczniok, K. (2011, July 7-9). What determines the participation in cultural educational activities in the childhood? [Conference presentation]. Conference "Social Inequality and Mobility in the Life-course: Causes and consequences of social stratification", Mannheim, Germany.

Große, C., & Kluczniok, K. (2011, Feburary 28 – March 02). Bildungsprozesse, Kompetenz-entwicklung und Selektionsentscheidungen beim Übergang in die Grund-schule – Ergebnisse der Längsschnittstudie BiKS-3-10 [Conference presentation]. Symposium at the 75th conference of the Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Bamberg, Germany.


Richter, D., Anders, Y., Kluczniok, K., & Weinert, S. (2010, September 26-30). Emotionale Entwicklung im Vorschulalter: Einfluss von Kindergartenqualität und Kindergarteneintrittsalter [Conference presentation]. 47th congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bremen, Germany.

Musiappa, M., & Kluczniok, K. (2010, September 21-24). Cultural capital in families with preschoolers [Conference presentation]. 3rd International BiKS Summer School in Empirical Education Research, Bamberg, Germany.

Richter, D., Anders, Y., Kluczniok, K., & Weinert, S. (2010, July 27-31). Emotional development during the preschool years: The influence of preschool quality and preschool entry age  [Conference presentation]. 19th congress of the International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA), Storrs, Connecticut, USA.

Musiappa, M., & Kluczniok, K. (2010, April 15-16). Kulturelles Kapital in Familien mit Kindergartenkindern [Conference presentation]. Spring meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Rostock, Germany.

Kluczniok, K., & Mudiappa, M. (2010, March 14-17). Konzeptualisierung kulturellen Kapitals in Familien mit Kindergartenkindern [Conference presentation]. 22th conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Mainz, Germany.


Große, C., Kluczniok, K., Kuger, S., Schmidt, S., & Smidt, W. (2009, October 9-10). Erfassung institutioneller und familialer Anregungsqualität in BiKS-3-8 [Conference presentation]. Annual meeting of young scientists of the Kommission Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit in der Sektion Sozialpädagogik der DGfE, Bamberg, Germany.

Mudiappa, M., & Kluczniok, K. (2009, September 28 – October 01). Cultural capital and parental aspiration of education before the transition from preschool to primary school [Conference presentation]. 2nd International BiKS Summer School in Empirical Education Research, Bamberg, Germany.

Große, C., & Kluczniok, K. (2009, September 14-16). Erfassung und empirische Überprüfung von Förderqualität im Anfangsunterricht [Conference presentation]. 4th Göttinger Fachtagung für empirische Unterrichts- und Schulforschung (ZeUS), Göttingen, Germany.

Kuger, S., Große, C., & Kluczniok, K. (2009, August 25-29). Process Quality in Kindergartens/Preschools – Concepts, Implementation and Findings [Conference presentation]. EARLI conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Schmidt, S., Große, C., & Kluczniok, K. (2009, August 25-29). Structure of educational quality in family settings [Conference presentation]. 3th Biennial Conference Earli, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Kluczniok, K. (2009, June 03). Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) [Conference presentation]. „Qualität und Qualitätsentwicklung in der Frühpädagogik“, Bamberg, Germany.

Kuger, S., Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2009, May 4-5). Educational Quality in Preschools: Stability and Variability [Conference presentation]. ECERS International Workshop, Porto, Portugal.


Kluczniok, K. (2008, November 27). Schulfähigkeit – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kann-Kinder [Conference presentation]. Conference Brückenjahr, Hannover, Germany.

Smidt, W., Kuger, S., & Kluczniok, K. (2008, August 25-27). Einzelkindbezogene Anregungsqualität im Kindergarten [Conference presentation]. Arbeitstagung für empirische pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Kiel, Germany.

von Maurice, J., Kuger, S., Ebert, S., Kluczniok, K., Dubowy, M., Rossbach, H.-G., & Weinert, S. (2008, July 13-17). Effects of family and preschool quality on cognitive development [Conference presentation]. 20th Biennial ISSBD Meeting, Würzburg, Germany.

von Maurice, J., Weinert, S., Dubowy, M., Ebert, S., & Kluczniok, K. (2008, July 20-25). Development of school relevant competencies in preschool age: Effects of social background and migration [Conference presentation]. 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.

Kluczniok, K., Sechtig, J., Kuger, S., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2008, March 30-31).  Measurement of global and domain-specific quality in German preschools: Data from BiKS-3-8 [Conference presentation]. ECERS International Workshop, Chapel Hill, USA.

Kluczniok, K. (2008, March 16-19). Formation der vorzeitigen Einschulungsentscheidung bei Eltern [Conference presentation]. 21st congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Dresden, Germany.

Kluczniok, K., Kuger, S., & Ebert, S. (2008, March 16-19). Kompensatorische Wirkung von pädagogischer Qualität [Conference presentation]. 21. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Dresden, Germany.


von Maurice, J., Dubowy, M., Ebert, S., Kluczniok, K., & Kuger, S. (2007, November 26-28). Wo und wann fängt Bildung an? Zur Bedeutung der Anregung in Familien und Kindergärten für die Kompetenzentwicklung im Alter von 3 bis 5 Jahren [Conference presentation]. Bremer Forum für Wissenschafts-Journalismus „WissensWerte“,  Bremen, Germany.

Kluckniok, K., Schmitt, M., von Maurice, J., & Kuger, S. (2007, October 05-06). Arme Eltern – schlechte Eltern? Familiale Förderung im Spiegel finanzieller Ressourcen [Conference presentation]. Annual meeting of the section „Soziologie der Kindheit“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Munich, Germany.

Pohlmann, S., Kluczniok, K., & Faust, G. (2007, September 24-26). Eltern vor der Ent- scheidung über die vorzeitige Einschulung ihres Kindes – eine qualitative Interviewstudie im Rahmen von BiKS [Conference presentation]. 16th annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswisschenschaft (DGfE), Berlin, Germany.

Clar, S., Kluczniok, K., & Kuger, S. (2007, September 10-12). Förderaktivitäten zu Literacy und Numeracy im Kindergarten [Conference presentation]. 70th conference of the Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Lüneburg, Germany.

Kluczniok, K., Kuger, S., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2007, September 10-12). Erfassung und Überprüfung familialer Anregungsqualität [Conference presentation]. 70th conference of the Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Lüneburg, Germany.

Kuger, S., Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2007, September 10-12). Die wechselseitige Beziehung pädagogischer Qualität in Kindergarten und Familie [Conference presentation]. Arbeitstagung für empirische pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Lüneburg, Germany.

Kuger, S., Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2007 September 10-12). Pädagogische Anregungsqualität in Familie und Kindergarten [Conference presentation]. 70th conference of the Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF) in Lüneburg, Germany.

Kuger, S., Kluczniok, K., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2007, August 28 – September 01). Quality of stimulation in preschools from an individual child perspective: assessing environmental conditions of early childhood development [Conference presentation].  EARLI in Budapest, Hungary.

von Maurice, J., Kluczniok, K., Dubowy, M., Ebert, S. Kuger, S., Roßbach, H.-G., & Weinert, S. (2007, August 28 – September 01). Family and preschool – The influence of environmental quality on the development of school relevant competencies [Conference presentation]. EARLI, Budapest, Hungary.

Schmitt, M., Kluczniok, K., Kuger, S., & von Maurice J. (2007, June 8-9). Soziale Disparitäten im Vorschulbereich: Kindergartennutzung und Kindergartenqualität  [Conference presentation]. conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Lüneburg, Germany.


Kluczniok, K., & Kuger, S. (2006, November 16). Bedingtheit und Dimensionen "guter" Kindergartenqualität  [Presentation]. Gut Herbigshagen/Duderstadt, Germany. 

Herrmann, I., Kluczniok, K., & Faust, G. (2006, September 10-13). Formation von Ein- schulungsentscheidungen – Anlage und erste Ergebnisse  [Conference presentation]. 68. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), München, Germany.

Pohlmann, S., Kluczniok, K., & Herrmann, I. (2006, July 24-28). Formation of decision processes in the context of educational expectations and competence development: Transition to primary school  [Conference presentation]. 1st International Bamberg Summer School in Empirical Education Research, Bamberg.



Roßbach, H.-G., Kluczniok, K., & Anders, Y. (2002, Juli 13). Effects of the German federal programme  „Sprach-Kitas“ (Language Day-Care Centres) on educational quality in preschools. Vortrag im Rahmen des Symposiums “Short and long-term effects of ECEC on disadvantaged children’s language, cognitive and social-emotional development: recent evidence from Germany and The Netherlands.” auf der Earli Sig 5, Utrecht, Niederlande.