M.A. Doreen Forbrig

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Room JK 24/112
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
"Mittelbau-Studie" at the FU-Berlin
Career planning and career paths of research assistants
Information concerning the Mittelbau-Studie at the FU Berlin
Education and work experiences
Since 01/2018
Research associate and project coordinator in the project „Investigation of influences on active career planning of early-career researchers“ at Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, and University of Zurich, Switzerland
Since 12/2015
Research associate and project coordinator in the project “Proactive behaviour and career paths of research associates at Freie Universitaet Berlin
Department of Education and PsychologyChair of Further Education and Educational Management
Research associate in the project “Development of indicators and a strategy of data collection for statistics of further education
Department of Education and PsychologyChair of Further Education and Educational Management
Master of Arts: Educational Research
Freie Universitaet Berlin2013
Bachelor of Arts: Educational Science, Freie Universitaet Berlin
Summer term 2020 |
Seminar: Fields of Education: School & Further Education |
Winter term 2019/20 |
Seminar: Quality- and Project Management |
Summer term 2019 |
Seminar: Fields of Education: School & Further Education |
Summer term 2018 |
Seminar: Fields of Education: School & Further Education |
Winter term 2017/18 |
Seminar: Quality- and Project Management |
Summer term 2017 |
Seminar: Fields of Education: School & Further Education |
Winter term 2016/17 |
Seminar Quality- and Project Management |
Forbrig, D. (2020). What Keeps Them Interested? Influences on the Stability of Research Career Intentions in the Course of Academic Qualification. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 15, pp. 217-235. https://doi.org/10.28945/4537
2016 |
Behringer, F.; Forbrig, D.; Kaufmann, K.; Kuper, H.; Reichart, E.; Schönfeld, G. & Widany, S. (2016).: Data situation. In: H. Kuper; F. Behringer & J. Schrader (Eds.). Development of indicators and a strategy of data collection for statistics of further education in Germany. Scientific discussion papers, booklet 176, p. 26-56. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training).
2015 |
Forbrig, D. Classification of further education in the context of further education statistics. Heterogeneity and use of classifications in national and European context. Unpublished Master’s thesis. Freie Universitaet Berlin. |
2013 |
Forbrig, D. Explanation of and dealing with differences between teachers' and students' perceptions of classroom teaching. Unpublished Bachelor’s thesis. Freie Universitaet Berlin. |
Conference presentations
12/2019 |
Proactive career behaviour of researchers (in the early career). Analysis of influencing factors on career-related activities. (D. Forbrig). Presentation held at the workshop „Career Pathways and Decisions of PhD-Students and PhD-Holders“ at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) in Hanover, Germany. |
03/2019 |
The stability of research career intentions and the role of subjective research abilities (D. Forbrig). Presentation held at the Research Seminar „(Post) Academic Careers: PhD graduates and Employability in- and outside Academia“ in Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
06/2018 |
Career planning, further education, doctorate (D. Forbrig). Opening lecture held at the meeting “The doctorate as professional qualification. Realities, motivation and prospects” of the Gewerkschaft für Erziehung und Wissenschaft (Trade Union for Education and Science) in Erkner near Berlin, Germany. |
02/2018 |
Where are they going? Where do they get to? Career goals of doctoral students and the whereabouts after the doctorate (D. Forbrig). Lecture held at the "Career Day 2018" of Humboldt University and Free University of Berlin in Berlin, Germany. |
09/2017 |
Exploration of career planning activities of early stage scientists (D. Forbrig). Lecture held at RISIS Summer School in Higher Education Research and Science Studies in Berlin, Germany. |
03/2017 |
What matters on the way to professorship? Comparison of subject-specific assessments of early stage scientists (D. Forbrig & H. Kuper). Poster presentation on the 5th annual conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF) in Heidelberg, Germany. |
09/2016 |
Exploration of career planning activities and short-term retentions of junior scientists (D. Forbrig & H. Kuper). Poster presentation at DZHW Summer School in Higher Education Research and Science Studies in Hanover, Germany.. |