Dr. Haiqin Ning

Professorship of Primary Education
Collaborative Project GeLeGanz
Room JK 24/121c
14195 Berlin
Research interests
- Educational transfer, reference societies, and international comparison
- All-day school with a focus on children with a migration background
- Qualitative content analysis and frame analysis
- Postcolonialism
Academic Career
- 2017 – 2021 Doctoral studies in Comparative and International Education (Ph.D.) at Humboldt University Berlin (Prof. Dr. Florian Waldow, Prof. Dr. Gita Steiner-Khamsi)
- 2014 – 2017 Educational Science (Master) at Beijing Normal University
- 2015 – 2016 Exchange year at Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 2010 - 2014 German Studies (Bachelor) at the Northeastern University of China
Professional Activities
- Since 10.2023 Researcher / Lecturer (Postdoc) at the Centre for Comparative and International Education, Department of Education Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Since 10.2021 Researcher (Postdoc) and coordinator of the BMBF collaborative project GeLeGanz at the Division of General Primary Education, Department of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin
- 02.2018 - 09.2021 Student assistant at VERBI Software. Consult. Sozialforschung GmbH, Berlin
- 05. - 11.2019 Consultant for conferences at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Xiamen/Berlin
- 03. - 06.2017 Internship at the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH, Beijing
- 11.2016 - 02.2017 Internship at Volkswagen Automatic Transmission GmbH, Tianjin
- 10.2014 - 09.2016 Translator (part-time) for Xinhua News Agency of China, Beijing
- 03.2011 - 08.2013 Student assistant at the Institute of Foreign Languages, Northeastern University of China, Shenyang
- 10.2017 - 09.2021 Scholarship of the China Scholarship Council for doctoral studies in Berlin
- 10.2015 - 07.2016 Scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service for an exchange year in Berlin
- 2014 - 2017 First Class Scholarship from Beijing Normal University (three times in a row)
- 2010 - 2014 National Scholarship from the Chinese Ministry of Education (twice in a row); First Class Scholarship from Northeastern University of China (six times in a row)
- WERA Task Force Extended Education
- Section Intercultural and International Comparative Education, DGfE
Ning, H. (2023). Der Mediendiskurs zu Referenzgesellschaften und PISA: Ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Festlandchina aus einer postkolonialen Perspektive [The Media Discourse on Reference Societies and PISA: A Comparison between Germany and Mainland China from a Postcolonial Perspective]. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa Verlag.
Book translation
Sun, J., Ning, H. (2020). 德国中小学教育体系概览:产生、结构与调控 [Origin, Structure, and Steering of the German School System: An Introduction]. Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House. From: Van Ackeren, I., Klemm, K., & Kühn, S. M. (2015). Entstehung, Struktur und Steuerung des deutschen Schulsystems: Eine Einführung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Journal articles (*= peer-reviewed)
*Schmidt, J., Ning, H., Lilla, N., Nieuwenboom, W., & Schüpbach, M. (in press). Pädagogische Qualität außerunterrichtlicher Angebote in deutschen Ganztagsgrundschulen zugunsten doppelt benachteiligter SchülerInnen mit Migrationshintergrund: Qualitative ExpertInneninterviews mit internationalen WissenschaftlerInnen [Educational quality of extended education offerings in German all-day primary schools in support of doubly disadvantaged students with a migration background: Qualitative expert interviews with international researchers]. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik.
Ning, H., Schmidt, J., Lilla, N., & Schüpbach, M. (2022). Educational Success and Social Participation of Socially and Educationally Disadvantaged Students with Migration Background in Extended Education. IJREE – International Journal for Research on Extended Education, 10(1), 75–78.
*Sun, J., Ning, H. (2015). 德国作为留学目的地国之魅力溯源——兼析德国吸引留学生的国际化政策 [Explaining Germany's attractiveness as a study abroad destination: An analysis of internationalisation policies to attract foreign students]. 比较教育研究 [Comparative Education Review], 12: 1-8
Book chapters (*= peer-reviewed)
*Ning, H., Schmidt, J., Lilla, N., Nieuwenboom, W., & Schüpbach, M. (in press). Extended education in primary education across different national contexts: Developing an approach for categorising educational foci. In M. Schüpbach, T.-S. Idel, & I. Gogolin (Eds.), Extended education – Different impetus, conceptions, developments in an international perspective. ZfE (Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaften) Edition.
*Krejcik, L., Gogolin, I., Ning, H., & Schmidt, J. (in press). Participation in extended education: The relationship between parents and educational institutions as an enabling factor. In M. Schüpbach, T.-S. Idel, & I. Gogolin (Eds.), Extended education – Different impetus, conceptions, developments in an international perspective. ZfE (Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaften) Edition.
Schmidt, J., Ning, H., Lilla, N., & Schüpbach, M. (in press). Ganztagsschulen in Deutschland. In J. Loparics & M. Wagner (Eds.), Freizeitpädagogik in der Ganztagsschule. Kohlhammer.
Ning, H., Sun, J. (2020). Studiengewinn und Studienzufriedenheit chinesischer Studierender an deutschen Universitäten [Study Attainment and Satisfaction of Chinese Students at German Universities]. In S. Robak, B. Zizek, C. Hu & M. Stroth (Hrsg.), Forschungszusammenarbeit China-Deutschland: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge und transkulturelle Perspektiven (p. 169-186). Bielefeld: transcript-Verlag.
Organized symposia, working groups at conferences and congresses
Schüpbach, M., & Ning, H. (2023, November). International comparative research in the field of extended education: Empirical approaches and latest findings. Invited Symposium at the ERAS-WERA International Conference 2023 in Singapur (Discussant: Marianne Schüpbach).
Ning, H., Schmidt, J., Lilla, N. & Schüpbach. M. (2023, September). Competition and/or complementation? Relationships between shadow education and after-school programs in terms of students’ development. Organized Symposium at the WERA TASK FORCE Global Research in Extended Education Conference in Bern, Switzerland.
Presentation and poster
Ning, H., Waldow, F. (2024, March). Situating Oneself in Relation to Others: Transnational Reference Clusters in German and Mainland Chinese Media Discourses on PISA. Presentation at the Conference of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2024 in Miami, USA, , as part of the Double Symposium “New directions in comparative education policy: Transnational policy dynamics and processes” organized by Antoni Verger and Clara Fontdevila.
Ning, H., Schmidt, J., Lilla, N., & Schüpbach, M. (2023, November). Educational Foci of Extended Education in Different Countries: Developing an Approach for International Comparisons.Presentation at the ERAS-WERA International Conference 2023, Singapur, as part of the Invited Symposium “International comparative research in the field of extended education: Empirical approaches and latest findings” organized by Haiqin Ning and Marianne Schüpbach.
Ning, H., Schmidt, J., Lilla, N. & Schüpbach, M. (2023, September). Are disadvantaged students really benefiting? Qualitative research synthesis on the effectiveness of extended education across various national contexts. Presentation at the Conference of the WERA TASK FORCE Global Research in Extended Education in Bern, Switzerland, as part of the Symposium “Effects of extended education for socially disadvantaged students” organized by Nanine Lilla and Marianne Schüpbach.
Schmidt, J., Ning, H., Lilla, N., Nieuwenboom, W. & Schüpbach, M. (2023, August). Educational quality of extended education in Germany with a focus on disadvantaged students.Presentation at the EARLI-Konferenz in Thessaloniki, Greece, as part of the Invited Symposium of the WERA “Hope for disadvantaged students: Extended education in a global perspective” organized by Nanine Lilla, Marianne Schüpbach, Ingrid Gogolin, Liesel Ebersöhn.
Ning, H., Schmidt, J., Lilla, N., & Schüpbach, M. (2022, November). Educational Focus of Extended Education in Different Countries and Regions: An International Comparison. Presentation at the 2022 Virtual Conference of the WERA-International Research Network in Extended Education. Cambridge, USA. [Online Conference due to Sars-CoV-2].
Ning, H., Waldow, F. (2022, August). Transnational Regions as Reference Societies in German and Chinese Media Discourses on PISA: A comparison from a postcolonial perspective. Presentation at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2022 in Jerewan, Armenia.
Ning, H. (2021, November). Der Mediendiskurs zu Referenzgesellschaften und PISA: Ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Festlandchina aus der Perspektive des Postkolonialismus [The Media Discourse on Reference Societies and PISA: A Comparison between Germany and Mainland China from the Perspective of Postcolonialism]. Presentation at the 5th DAAD East Asian Centres Conference in Tokyo, Japan [Online].
Ning, H. (2019, October). Welcome Culture or Welcome Realism? Integration of Students with migration backgrounds at German Universities. Presentation at the International South School CDEA 2019 in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Ning, H. (2019, April). Media Discourse on PISA and Reference Societies in China: People's Daily as Example. Poster at the Conference for Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2019 in San Francisco, USA.
Ning. H. (2019, January). Der Mediendiskurs zu PISA in Deutschland und China: aus der Perspektive des „Policy Borrowing and Lending“ [The Media Discourse on PISA in Germany and China: From the Perspective of "Policy Borrowing and Lending"]. Presentation at the Third Berlin Doctoral Colloquium of the Center for German Studies (ZDS) in Berlin, Germany.
Ning, H. (2018, June). Was konnten Sie beim Studium erreichen? Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Studienerfahrung chinesischer Studierender an deutschen Universitäten [What were you able to achieve while studying? An empirical study on the study experience of Chinese students at German universities]. Presentation at the International Conference "Europe from Outside/Europe from Within" in Wrocław, Poland.