Dr. Helvi Koch

Professorship of Primary Education
Primary Education
Habelschwerdter Alle 45
Room JK 24/214
14195 Berlin
Room JK 24/214
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Please make an appointment by email
Interests in Research
- Implementation and Evaluation of Pedagogical-Psychological Interventions
- Reading Literacy
- Reciprocal Teaching
- Instructional Media Tools in the Elementary School Classroom
- Philosophizing with Children
Professional Background
- 2015 Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the University of Potsdam
- 2011 Magistra Artium at the University of Potsdam
- 2008 State Examination in Teaching at the University of Potsdam
Professional Career
- since 03.2019 Researcher at the Chair of Primary Education at the Freie Universität Berlin
- 01.2009-03.2019 Research assistant at the Chair of Primary School Education/ Sachunterricht (from 06.2018 100% position) at the University of Potsdam
- 04.2011-05.2018 Research assistant at the chair of Psychological Primary School Pedagogy at the University of Potsdam
- 09.2010-03.2011 Research assistant at the Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities at the University of Potsdam
- 2003-2007 Student Research Assistant at the University of Potsdam
- 2002 Student Research Assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in the Department of Education and Educational Systems
- 2015 1st poster prize at the 3rd conference of the Gesellschaft Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Bochum.
- 2013 1st poster prize at the 1st conference of the Gesellschaft Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Kiel.
- 2011 Comenius-EduMedia-Award for Doppel-Klick. Interactive exercises for school. German lessons class 6, CD-ROM. Author group Beilker, Koch, Kortas, Lermann, Müller & Ratz (2011). Berlin: Cornelsen.
- Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) (Society for empirical educational research)
- Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Philosophierens mit Kindern (Society for the Promotion of Philosophy with Children)
- Gesellschaft für Didaktik des Sachunterrichts (GDSU) (Society for the Didactics of Science and Social Education)