Julia Keil
Research assistant, PhD candidate (Project: "The researcher's affects")
I have studied Biological Anthropology and Education. As a PhD-student within the interdisciplinary project „The Researchers’ Affects“, I am doing a qualitative study based on interviews with scientists about their „Emotions in Research on Nonhuman Primates“. I am interested in the relationships between human and nonhuman animals and in reflexivity in sciences and other professions.
If you are interested in writing a final thesis supervised by Prof. Katja Liebal and the literature scholar Dr. Jörg Lehmann of the „Researchers’ Affects“-project and me, or for any further information don’t hesitate to contact: julia.keil@fu-berlin.de.
Emotions in Research on Nonhuman Primates
In this empirical and explorative study I am investigating the emotions of scientists working with nonhuman primates and their relationships towards the apes and monkeys. As emotions do influence human behaviour everywhere, and so they do in the various fields of research on nonhuman primates. I am conducting a qualitative analysis of interviews with researchers coming from different disciplines and countries who apply miscellaneous methods in the field, in zoos, in sanctuaries and laboraties respectively. How can the interspecies relationships be described, which emotions do arise in which contexts and how do the researchers manage the challenges of emotion work in their field?
Keil, Julia. (2016). The Relationships, Attitudes and Emotions of Human towards Nonhuman Primates in Indonesia, In: Höing, Anja & Matamonasa Benne, Arieahn (Hrsg.)., Humans and Animals: Intersecting Lives and Worlds. Inter-Disciplinary Press, 55-63.
Keil, Julia „Relationships, Attitudes and Emotions of Human towards Nonhuman Primates in Indonesia“, http://ethnolab.kunci.or.id/.