Dipl.-Psych. Daniela Lange

Health Psychology
Former Research Associate
Academic Position
since 2013 |
Participation in the qualification program Support (certificated program in university teaching) at the Freie Universität Berlin |
since 2013 |
Member of the "Marie-Schlei-Preis" commission board at the Freie Universität Berlin |
since 2010 |
Research associate, Lecturer and PhD student at the Department of Health Psychology (Prof. Dr. Knoll) at the Freie Universität Berlin |
2010 |
Degree in Psychology (Diploma) at the Freie Universität Berlin Completion of additional studies of Media Psychology Research at the Freie Universität Berlin |
2009 - 2010 | Student research assistant at the Department of Health Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin |
2005 - 2009 | Student research assistant at the Berlin School of Public Health (Prof. Dr. Kaczmarczyk) at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin |
Awards and Funding
2013 | Student Travel Award of the American Psychological Association for most highly-rated program submission for the 121st Annual APA Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii |
2013 | Young Researchers Award of the European Health Psychology Society for the best poster in co-authorship at the 27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society in Bordeaux, France |
2012 |
Research travel grant funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the research project "self-regulation in health behavior" with the universidade de lisboa, Portugal |
2011 | Raising of the third-party funded project "Post rehabilitation support treatment for an optimized transfer in everyday life" - scholarship of the Wilhelm-Foundation for rehabilitation research |
2011 | Research travel grant funded by the Centre for International Cooperation (CIC) for an expert workshop in Bejing University, China |
2011 | Awardee of the competition Year of Science 2011 – Research for our Health by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) |
Reviewer for scientific journals and congresses
- British Journal of Health Psychology
- Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being
- International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP)
Member of the following scientific communities
- European Health Psychology Society (EHPS)
- Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR)
Winter Term 2013/14 |
BA |
Seminar "Health Psychology" |
Winter Term 2013/14 |
BA |
Seminar "Health Psychology" |
Summer Term 2012/13 |
BA |
Exercise "Health Psychology" |
Winter Term 2012/13 |
MA |
Research Factory |
Summer Term 2012 |
BA |
Seminar "Health Psychology" |
Winter Term 2011/12 |
BA |
Exercise "Health Psychology" |
Winter Term 2011/12 |
MA |
Research Factory |
Summer Term 2011 |
MA |
Seminar "Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology II" |
Winter Term 2010/11 |
MA |
Seminar "Health Psychology" |
06/27/2013 |
Invited speaker for the course Planning your scientific career! at the Freie Universität Berlin |
06/21/2012 |
Invited speaker for the course Planning your scientific career! at the Freie Universität Berlin |
11/20/2012 |
"Well-being and Health for Kids", Course for nonlocal pupils (Grünauer Schule, Berlin) |
11/20/2010 |
Invited speaker for the Mentoring Program Forum: Planning how to write your Bachelor Thesis! at the Freie Universität Berlin |
03/04/2009 | Course Introduction into Blackboard at the Berlin School of Public Health (Master program "Health and Society":International Gender Studies Berlin, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin) |
since Summer 2013 | Participation in the qualification program Support (certificated program in university teaching) at the Freie Universität Berlin |
- Health behavior change, health promotion, health communication, nutrition, well-being
- gender-based, child-friendly health interventions
- web-based health promotion
"Glücklich trotz Unistress!" | Questionnaire study, Freie Universität Berlin | 2012/13 |
"REATA" - Ready to be Active | Intervention study to promote physical activity in adults | 2012 |
"Glück kann man planen!" | Web-based intervention study to promote multiple health behaviors and well-being, Long Night of Science | 2012 |
"Bärenstark durch Sport" * | Intervention study to promote physical activity in children | 2011/12 |
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in the land is the healthiest of all?" | Intervention study on the relation between health behaviors and appearance-based health motives, Long Night of Science | 2011 |
"STEPS" - STage-matched Exercise Promotion Study | Intervention study to promote physical activity in students, Freie Universität Berlin | 2010/11 |
"ASTERIX" | Tailored web-based intervention study for the promotion of a healthy nutrition, Freie Universität Berlin | 2009-11 |
* won the award of the Year of Science 2011 – Research for our Health by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), 2011
Lange, D., & Schwarzer, S. (2014). Gesundheitsbezogene Kommunikation. In M. Blanz, A. Florack & U. Piontkowski (Hrsg.), Einführung in die Kommunikationswissenschaft - Psychologie der Kommunikation für Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Lange, D., Richert, J., Schwarzer, R., & Knoll, N. (2013). „Gender-Food?“ Sozial-kognitive Faktoren des Obst- und Gemüsekonsums und soziodemografische Besonderheiten. Vortrag auf dem 11. Kongress der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 5.-7.9.2013 in Luxemburg.
Lange, D., Richert, J., Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, R. (2013). Do dietary autonomy beliefs affect healthy nutrition only in men? Individual presentation submission for the 121st APA Annual Convention, 31st July - 4th August 2013 in Honolulu, Hawaii.*
Lange, D. (2013). Gesundheitskommunikation. In M. A. Wirtz (Ed.), Dorsch – Psychologisches Wörterbuch (16. Auflage, S. 636-637). Bern: Huber.
Lange, D., Richert, J., Koring, M., Knoll, N., Schwarzer, S., & Lippke, S. (2013). Self-regulation prompts can increase fruit consumption: A one-hour randomised controlled online trial. Psychology & Health, 28(5), 533-545, doi: 10.1080/08870446.2012.751107.**
Lange, D., & Richert, J. (2012). Sex differences in effects of autonomy on the translation of intention into planning for fruit and vegetable consumption. Oral presentation for the 33rd International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, 2nd-4th July 2012 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Lange, D., Richert, J., & Schwarzer, R. (2012). Man(n) is(s)t gern allein! Geschlechterunterschiede in der Wahrnehmung von Autonomie beim Ernährungsverhalten und der Einfluss auf den Zusammenhang zwischen Intention, Planung und Verhalten am Beispiel des Obst- und Gemüsekonsums. Vortrag auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 23.-27. September 2012 in Bielefeld, Deutschland.
Lange, D., Richert, J., Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, R. (2012). Sex differences in effects of autonomy on the translation of intention into planning for fruit and vegetable consumption.Poster presentation at the 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 21st-25th August 2012 in Prague, Czech Republic.
Lange, D. (2012). Internet-based approaches in weight management. Oral presentation for the Conference of the European Nutraceutical Association (ENA), 10th March 2012 in Dresden, Germany. Published 2012 in Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 60, 124-130.
Lange, D., Richert, J., Reuter, T., Wiedemann, A., & Lippke, S. (2011). Synergistic effects of social support and planning on healthy nutrition. Oral presentation for the 32nd International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, 18-20th July 2011 in Münster, Germany.
Lange, D., Richert, J., Reuter, T., & Wiedemann, A. (2011). Social support helps translating plans into healthy nutrition behavior. Oral presentation for the 25th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 20-24th September 2011 in Hersonissos (Crete), Greece.
Lange, D., Parschau, L., Koring, M., & Lippke, S. (2011). Post rehabilitation support treatment for an optimized transfer in everyday life. Project presentation at the 2nd Chinese-German Workshop Stress and Coping, 12-16th October 2011 in Beijing, China.
Lange, D., Koring, M., Parschau, L, Pomp, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2011). A healthy lifestyle improves physical appearance: motivational and volitional effects of gain-based and loss-based portrait photo feedback. Project presentation at the 2nd Chinese-German Workshop Stress and Coping, 12-16th October 2011 in Beijing, China.
Lange, D., Lippke, S., Reuter, T., Richert, J., & Wiedemann, A. (2011). Der Mensch is(s)t nicht allein! Das Zusammenspiel von sozialer Unterstützung und Planung auf den Obst- und Gemüsekonsum. Vortrag auf dem 10. Kongress für Gesundheitspsychologie, 31.8-2.9.2011 in Berlin, Deutschland.
Lange, D., & Richert, J. (2010). Gender differences in the relation between intentions, planning, and health behavior. Oral presentation for the 24th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 1st-4th September 2010 in Cluj (Romania).
Lange, D. (2009). Gender differences in the relation between intentions, planning, and health behavior: A moderated mediation analysis. Diploma Thesis (unpublished Monograph), Berlin, Deutschland.
Fleig, L., Pomp, S., Parschau, L., Barz, M., Lange, D., Schwarzer, R., & Lippke, S. (2013). From intentions via planning and behavior to physical exercise habits. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14(5), 632-639, doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.03.006.
Gholami, M., Lange, D., Luszczynska, A., Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, S. (2013). A dietary planning intervention increases fruit consumption in Iranian Women. Poster presentation at the 27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 16-20th July 2013 in Bordeaux, France.***
Gholami, M., Lange, D., Luszczynska, A., Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, S. (2013). A dietary planning intervention increases fruit consumption in Iranian Women. Appetite, 63, 1-6, doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2012.12.005.
Koring, M., Parschau, L., Warner, L.M., Lange, D., Fleig, L., Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, R. (under review). Planning and Preparatory Actions Facilitate Physical Activity. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
Koring, M., Parschau, L., Lange, D., Fleig, L., Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, R. (2013). Preparing for Physical Activity: Pedometer Acquisition as a Self-regulatory Strategy. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 5,136-147.
Koring, M., Parschau, L., Fleig, L., Lange, D., Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, R. (2012). Planning and preparatory behavior bridge the intention-behavior gap in physical activity.Oral presentation at the 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 21st-25th August 2012 in Prague, Czech Republic.
Koring, M., Parschau, L., Fleig, L., Lange, D., & Schwarzer, R. (2012). Planning and Preparatory Behaviors Bridge the Intention Behavior-Gap.Poster presentation at the 33rd International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, 2nd-4th July 2012 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Koring, M., Parschau, L., Fleig, L., Lange, D., & Schwarzer, R. (2012). Planung und vorbereitendes Handeln überbrücken die Intentions-Verhaltenslücke.Vortrag auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 23.-27. September 2012 in Bielefeld, Deutschland.
Lippke, S., Richert, J., Lange, D., Parschau, L., & Schwarzer, R. (2011). Intervention engagement in behavior change – how to plan fruit and vegetable consumption, Manuscript under review.
Paech, J. & Lange, D. (2011). Was bringt Selbstregulation für die Planung körperlicher Aktivitäten? Moderations- und Mediationsanalysen zur Intentions-Verhaltens-Lücke. Vortrag auf dem 10. Kongress für Gesundheitspsychologie, 31.8-2.9.2011 in Berlin, Deutschland.
Parschau, L., Fleig, L., Koring, M., Lange, D., Knoll, N., Schwarzer, R. & Lippke, S. (2012). Positive Experience, Self-efficacy, and Action Control Predict Physical Activity Changes: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. British Journal of Health Psychology, doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8287.2012.02099.x.
Parschau, L., Koring, M., Lange, D., Fleig, L., & Schwarzer, R. (2012). Intentionen erfolgreich umsetzen: Positive Erfahrungen mit körperlicher Aktivität, Planung und Selbstwirksamkeit als intermittierende Variablen in der Intentions-Verhaltens-Lücke. Vortrag auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 23.-27. September 2012 in Bielefeld, Deutschland.
Parschau, L., Koring, M., Lange, D., Fleig, L., & Schwarzer, R. (2012). Planning, self-efficacy, and activity experiences mediate the intention-behavior relationship.Poster presentation at the 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 21st-25th August 2012 in Prague, Czech Republic.
Parschau, L.,Koring, M., Lange, D., Fleig, L., & Schwarzer, R. (2012). The interplay of experience, self-efficacy and action control in physical activity promotion. Poster presentation at the 30th International Congress of Psychology, 22nd-27th July 2012 in Cape Town, South Africa.
* Awarded with the Student Travel Award of the American Psychological Association
** Awarded as "Editors' selection of key articles from Health Psychology"
*** Awarded with the Young Researchers Award of the European Health Psychology Society