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Heisenberg Research Group “Socio-emotional Development and Health Across the Lifespan” has started its work

News from Sep 29, 2015

In September 2015, the Heisenberg Research Group “Socio-emotional Development and Health Across the Lifespan” has started its work. PD Dr. Michaela Riediger (head of group), Dr. Antje Rauers and Dr. Sandra Düzel will investigate how and why individuals from different age groups differ in social and emotional experiences and competencies, and how these processes are related to health behaviors and outcomes. The research group is part of a cooperation of the Free University and the Max Planck Institute for Human development and is partly funded by the German Research Foundation. At the Free University, the group is associated with the Division of Health Psychology/Focus Area DynAge. The purpose of the Heisenberg Research Group is to contribute to a more differentiated understanding of the interplay of socio-emotional and health development within the age range from adolescence to very old age. To meet this aim, the group will analyze available cross-sectional and longitudinal datasets, develop innovative interdisciplinary research co-operations within the Focus Area DynAge, and attract further third-party funding for their realization.

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