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Lecture by Prof. Dr. Shulamith Kreitler on 23/01/2018

News from Jan 10, 2018

The Division of Health Psychology invites you to a lecture by

Prof. Dr. Shulamith Kreitler, Tel-Aviv University, Sheba Medical Center

with the title:

Meaning: Its nature and functions in psychology

The talk will address the following issues: What is meaning, what are its components, how to assess it, and what are its functions in cognition, consciousness, emotions and personality.

Prof. Kreitler is a professor of psychology at Tel-Aviv University and head of the Psychooncology Research Center at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, in Israel. She is a certified clinical psychologist and health psychologist. Her major research focus is on psychological risk factors of different physical and mental disorders, quality of life, and coping. She has taught at the Nursing Department in hospitals and at the University of Haifa. She has published about 200 research papers and 10 books.

When: Tuesday, the 23th of January 2018, 4-6 pm (c.t.)

Where: Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin, Raum KL 25/134

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