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Second PANNE Online Colloquium on 30.8. on "Basics of Data Protection and Sharing of Personal Data".

News from Aug 11, 2022

The PANNE project invites you to the second online colloquium on Tuesday, 30.08.2022, from 14:15 - 15:45 on the topic "Fundamentals of data protection and sharing of personal data" with Dr. Evgeny Bobrov! It is open to all interested psychological professionals of all qualification levels. We would like to discuss with you data protection in the course of Open Science, in order to be able to increase research quality together.

The PANNE project (Publication Bias Analysis of Non-Publication and Non-Reception of Results in Disciplinary Comparison) is a collaborative project (https://www.berlin-university-alliance.de/commitments/research-quality/project-list-20/panne/index.html) with Humboldt University with funding from the Berlin University Alliance as part of its strategy to develop and promote the value, quality, integrity, and credibility of research (https://www.berlin-university-alliance.de/commitments/research-quality/index.html).

The presentation "Basics of Data Protection and Sharing of Personal Data" will address three points in particular: (1.) Basics of data protection - basic terms and rights according to the General Data Protection Regulation (2.) Consent as a key for later sharing of data - what to consider? (3.) Pseudonymization and anonymization - what is meant by it, is it achievable at all, and if so, how?

Dr. Evgeny Bobrov is an Open Data and Research Data Management (FDM) project leader at the QUEST Center of the Berlin Institute for Health Research at Charité. He coordinates institutional activities in the field of FDM and supports researchers by providing consultations and training on FDM topics, often with a focus on personal data. He is also involved in projects that further develop FDM at the level of the Berlin University Alliance, as well as investigating the openness and reusability of research data at Charité and beyond.

The talk and discussion will be in German.

Participation link:
2nd PANNE online colloquium: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin/j.php?MTID=m77238121acb1a48d15efb220de01004a

Further information: https://www.ewi-psy.fu-berlin.de/einrichtungen/arbeitsbereiche/klinisch_psychologische_intervention/forschung/Publikationsbias-Forschung/index.html

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