Scaling up psychological interventions with Syrian refugees (STRENGTHS)
Development and validation of a smartphone-based self-help intervention for Syrian fugitives
The EU Horizon 2020 STRENGTHS program is a joint effort by academic and research institutions from Europe, international agencies and humanitarian organizations to improve the responsiveness of mental health systems for Syrian refugees. With a strong focus on the implementation and evaluation of highly scalable solutions for refugee mental health care, STRENGTHS will—along with other approaches—investigate the potential of a smartphone-based self-help health intervention called “Step-by-Step” (SbS). In the context of STRENGTHS, SbS will be tested in Germany, Sweden and Egypt. For further information, please visit the STRENGTHS project website:
Contact Person
Burchert, S., Alkneme, M. S., Bird, M., Carswell, K., Cuijpers, P., Hansen, P., Heim, E., Harper Shehadeh, M., Sijbrandij, M., van't Hof, E., Knaevelsrud, C. (2019). User-Centered App Adaptation of a Low-Intensity E-Mental Health Intervention for Syrian Refugees. Frontiers in Psychiatry, doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00663