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M. Sc. Paulina Kemper


Clinical Psychological Intervention

Student Research Assistant

Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Room JK 26/317
14195 Berlin

Office hours

Common telephone numbers of the student research assistants:

+49 30 838 535 29
+49 30 838 535 16

seit 2023 - Master of Science in Clinial Pschology and Psychotherapy at the FU Berlin

2023 - Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the FU Berlin

2020 - Master of Science in Consumer Science at the Technical University of Munich

2016 - Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration at the HWR Berlin

Stays abroad

2019 - Semester abroad at the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali in Rome

2015 - Semester abroad at the University of Pittsburgh


2020 - Germany scholarship

2015 - PROMOS