Nico Remmert
- 2014-2018: Bachelor's Program Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2018-2020: Master's Program Psychology: Focus on Clinical and Health Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2020: Master of Science Psychology (Topic: Development and Validation of the Berlin Misophonia Questionnaire)
- since 2020: Master's Program Statistics, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
- since 2021: PhD on the topic: "Using Missing Responses and Response Times to Model Avoidance Behavior" (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Steffi Pohl)
Professional Career
- 2015-2019: Student assistant in a joint practice for child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy (G. Holzkamp und H. Kadem), Berlin
- 2018-2021: Student assistant at the Department of Psychological Diagnostics, Differential and Personality Psychology (Prof. Dr. Stefan Krumm), Freie Universität Berlin
- since February 2021: Research Assistant, Methods and Evaluation/Quality Assurance, Department of Education and Psychology (Prof. Dr. Steffi Pohl), Freie Universität Berlin
Visiting Scholarships
- 2023 (September): Granting of the Misophonia Student Research Grant from the organsation soQuiet for the costs and implementation of the study: How about … no? - Using Missing Responses and Response Times to Model Avoidance Behavior
- 2023 (June till July): Research stay with Silia Vitoratou at the Department of Psychometrics and Measurement Lab, Biostatistics and Health Informatics King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neurosciences, London, United Kingdom
- 2023 (September): Participation in the Misophonia Research Fund Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois.
- 2022 (November): Research stay with Silia Vitoratou at the Department of Psychometrics and Measurement Lab, Biostatistics and Health Informatics King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neurosciences, London, United Kingdom
Research Funding
- September 2023: Granting of the Misophonia Student Research Grant from the organsation soQuiet for the costs and implementation of the study: How about … no? - Using Missing Responses and Response Times to Model Avoidance Behavior
- August 2022: Granting of incentive funds for the costs and implementation of the study: How about … no? - Using Missing Responses and Response Times to Model Avoidance Behavior
Courses in winter semester 2023/24:
Courses in winter semester 2023/24: Seminars 120021/120021a: Quantitative Methods - Seminar A (presence)
Courses in winter semester 2022/23:
Seminars 125126 & 125125: Statistics I (Seminar on PC)
Courses in summer semester 2022:
Seminars 125146 & 125147: Fundamentals of Psychological Diagnostics (presence/digital mixed)
Seminar 126032: Advanced Psychological Diagnostics and Assessment - Practical Seminar II (presence)
Courses in winter semester 2021/2022:
Seminar 121041: Introduction to Quantitative Research - Exercise I (Digital Teaching)
Courses in summer semester 2021:
Proseminar 120143: Quantitative Methods II (Digital Teaching)
Courses in summer semester 2020:
Seminar 125138: Fundamentals of Psychological Diagnostics (Digital Teaching)
Courses in summer semester 2019:
Seminars 125134 & 125135: Fundamentals of Psychological Diagnostics (presence)
Research Interests
• Development and Validation of Clinical-Psychological Tests
• Misophonia (selective sound intolerance)
• Psychometrics (Factor Analysis, IRT-Models, Latent-State-Trait-Models)
• Modelling Missing Values and Response Times
• Clinical Avoidance Behaviour
Journal Articles (with peer review)
Aazh, H., Moore, B. C., Scaglione, T., & Remmert, N. (2023). Psychometric Evaluation of the Misophonia Impact Questionnaire (MIQ) Using a Clinical Population of Patients Seeking Help for Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and/or Misophonia. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 10.1055/a-2192-5668
Remmert, N., Jebens, A., Gruzman, R., Gregory, J., & Vitoratou, S. (2022). A nomological network for misophonia in two German samples using the S-Five model for misophonia. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 902807, 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.902807.
Remmert, N., Schmidt, K. M. B., Mussel, P., Hagel, M. L., & Eid, M. (2022). The Berlin Misophonia Questionnaire Revised (BMQ-R): Development and validation of a symptom-oriented diagnostical instrument for the measurement of misophonia. PloS one, 17(6), 10.1371/journal.pone.0269428.
Conference Contributions
Remmert, N., Vitoratou, S., Gregory, J., Shinkareva, S., Oh, S., Krause, R. W., & Pohl, S. (2023a). A void as a reflection of avoidance: Using missing responses and response times to model avoidance behaviour. Talk at the 10th European Congress of Methodology (EAM), Gent.
Remmert, N., Vitoratou, S., Gregory, J., Shinkareva, S., Oh, S., Krause, R. W., & Pohl, S. (2023b). A void as a reflection of avoidance: Using missing responses and response times to model avoidance behaviour . Talk at the 17th Conference of the Division of Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics, Salzburg.
Remmert, N. (2022). Automated item selection: An easy and effective way to construct clinical questionnaires. Talk at the 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Association [Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie], Hildesheim, Germany.
Remmert, N., Krause, R. W., Vitoratou, S., Gregory, J., Shinkareva, S., Oh, S., & Pohl, S.(2022b). How about ... no? – Using missing responses and response times to model avoidance behavior. Talk at the 87th Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Bologna, Italy.
Remmert, N., Krause, R. W., Vitoratou, S., Gregory, J., Shinkareva, S., Oh, S., & Pohl, S.(2022a). How about … no? – Using Missing Responses and Response Times to Model Misophonic Avoidance Behavior. Talk at the 6th International Conference on Hyperacusis and Misophonia, London, United Kingdom.
Remmert, N., Schmidt, K. B. M., Mussel, P., & Eid, M. (2021). The Berlin Misophonia Questionnaire (BMQ): Development and validation of a symptom-oriented diagnostical instrument for the measurement of misophonia. Talk at the 16th Conference of the Section of Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics [Tagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik], Ulm, Germany.