Individuals have to make decisions in nearly all situations in everyday life. These include simple decisions such as whether to drink coffee or tea for breakfast as well as relatively complex decisions such as whether to invest money in a risky stock or leave it on a safe bank account, or whom to marry. Research on decision making has a long tradition in economics (both standard and behavioral economics) and psychology (especially judgment and decision making as well as social psychology). More recently, behavioral economists started teaming up with cognitive neuroscientists to investigate the neural basis of decision-making processes.
The conference Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Decision Making will bring together leading researchers from the fields of economics, psychology, and neuroscience with an interest in decision making to present current developments in their fields and to promote active interdisciplinary exchange, leading to a better understanding of decision making.
If you wish to attend please register by writing an e-mail to before 26 October 2015. Please note that due to limited space only a certain number of people can attend.
Organizers Prof. Dr. Dorothea Kübler, Prof. Dr. Peter N.C. Mohr, Prof. Dr. Hauke Heekeren
Venue WZB, Reichpietschufer 50, 10785 Berlin, Room A300
Time & Location
Nov 05, 2015 - Nov 07, 2015
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung Reichpietschufer 50, 10785 Berlin, Room A300