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Call for Papers

Important dates:

Submissions open: December 15th, 2017

Submission deadline: February 15th, 2018

Decision notification: April 2018


We are pleased to invite you to submit proposals for presentation at the 2018 EARLI SIG 5 in Berlin, Germany. EARLI SIG 5 focuses on learning and development from birth to the age of eight. The Conference serves as a platform for international collaboration and exchange of ideas, as well as evidence-based discussions of early childhood research in education and development. The 2018 program theme

ECEC 2.0: Future Challenges for Early Childhood Education and Care

addresses recent societal, educational and technological changes that affect ECEC. These developments include, but are not limited to, the increasing emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education in general and the use of technology in ECEC in particular, as well as an increasing recognition of the importance of social-emotional and motivational competency aspects for children’s educational pathways.

Please note that these central topics are not intended to limit the scope of the submissions, but to serve as inspiration. All proposals that fit within the domains of the EARLI SIG 5 are welcome. Typical research topics that may be addressed include for example:

  • the role of play and pedagogy in relation to cognitive and motivational outcomes
  • social relationships between young children and teachers as well as his or her peers
  • the cooperation between educational settings, child care and parents
  • the role of classroom management, instructional quality and learning materials
  • pre-/school effectiveness
  • social inclusion
  • teaching and learning processes

Submission types

Symposia (duration: 90 minutes) provide an opportunity to present research on one topic, often from multiple perspectives, compiling a coherent set of papers for discussion. They involve 3-4 presenters and one discussant from at least two different countries and are directed by a chairperson.

Paper sessions (duration: 90 minutes) are oral presentations of four papers, followed by a discussion with the audience. The duration of each oral presentation is 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and discussion. Paper presentations are submitted individually and are grouped into sessions by topic.

Poster sessions (duration: 90 minutes) are interactive and structured (i.e. including 3 minute introductions), giving researchers the opportunity to visualize their work and opportunities for interaction and discussion. Research at its earlier stages as well as more advanced research is suitable for poster sessions. Poster presentations are submitted individually and are grouped into sessions by topic.

 Submission requirements

  • All submissions should be done completely anonymously, to ensure a fair review process. Please do not include your name in your abstract or extended summary.
  • All presenting authors of accepted papers and all participants in accepted sessions (presenting authors, chairs, and discussants) are expected to register and attend the EARLI SIG 5 Conference and be present at the scheduled sessions. Please note that proposals will be removed if the presenting author has not registered for the conference by June 30th.
  • To promote broad participation in the EARLI SIG 5 Conference, an individual may not appear as first author on more than one submission. In addition, an individual may not appear on the program more than four times (e.g., in the role of chair, discussant, or presenter). The participation limit does not include participation in invited speaker sessions or any session connected with the EARLI SIG 5 committee or awards.
  • All proposals must be in English and submitted electronically through the submissions page (https://conference.earli.org/submission/16/create; see our website for further information on the submission process: www.fu-berlin.de/earli-sig5-2018/submission/how_to_submit).

Symposium: Proposals should consist of an abstract of up to 250 words informing about the objectives of the symposium and its scientific importance. Proposals for each symposium presentation should consist of a summary of up to 250 words (including references) that should include the aims, the methods, the results, and the discussion of findings. Please bear in mind that the presenters should be from at least two different countries (this can include the discussant). The chairperson is responsible for collecting and submitting all symposium details, including general information and paper contributions.

Paper: Proposals should consist of an abstract of up to 250 words including the aims, the methods, the results, and the discussion of findings as well as an extended summary of up to 1000 words (including references) that should provide detailed information about the aims, the methods, the findings and the theoretical and practical significance of the study. Figures and tables should be avoided. The extended summary will be used for review purposes only. To be accepted, empirical papers must contain data, methods and results. Theoretical papers are welcome.

Poster: Proposals should consist of an abstract of up to 250 words including the aims, the methods, the results, and the discussion of findings as well as an extended summary of up to 1000 words (including references) that should provide detailed information about the aims, the methods, the findings and the theoretical and practical significance of the study. Figures and tables should be avoided. The extended summary will be used for review purposes only. Theoretical papers are welcome.


We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!

Download Call for Papers as PDF.
