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Prof. Dr. Marianne Schüpbach

Co-head of the project FlexGanz

+49 30 838 666 04


Dr. Nicole Bellin-Mularski

Co-head of the project FlexGanz

+49 30 838 52069


Dr. Nanine Lilla

Co-head of the project FlexGanz

+49 30 838 670 99

Nanine Foto

Nadja Lindner M.A.

Researcher in the project FlexGanz

+49 30 838 64828

Foto Nadja

Jule Schmidt M.A.

Researcher in the project FlexGanz

+49 30 838 555 90

Bild_Jule Schmidt Ausschnitt

Niklas Jäke

Student Assistant in the project FlexGanz

Bild Niklas zugeschnitten

Leoni Kirchner

Student Assistant in the project FlexGanz

Bild Leoni