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Project Presentations


Baber, S. A.: Mathematics From The Perspective Of Critical Sociology. [pdf]


Brandt, B. & Schütte, M.: Collective Mathematical Reasoning In Classrooms With A Multilingual Body Of Pupils. [pdf]


Hochmuth, R.: Considerations On Basic Issues Concerning Research on "Content Knowledge In Teacher Education". [pdf]


Knipping, C. & Reid, D.: Ethical And/Or Political Issues In Classroom Based Research: Ignoring The Excluded. [pdf]


Nolan, K.: Virtually There: Introducing The Internship E-Advisor In Mathematics Teacher Education. [pdf]


Norén, E.: Identity In A Bilingual Mathematics Classroom - A Swedish Example. [pdf]


Reaño Ondarroa, N. J.: Racist Beauty Canon, Natural Beauty And Critical Mathematical Education. [pdf]


Westphael, H.: Intentions For Learning Mathematics. [pdf]