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Master's Program

Please note: The Mono Bachelor Educational Science is instructed in German. Sufficient German knowledge is a key requirement for successful admission! We do our best to keep the English version of the Examination Office's website up to date. If you are able to, we advise you to refer to the German version as well.

What is the profile of the master’s degree in educational research?

The consecutive master’s degree in educational research is a research-oriented study course with a clear focus on empirical educational research. Graduates of this program retain in-depth knowledge of educational processes as well as in-depth knowledge regarding the methods of empirical social research. In addition to the later work field of research there is are diverse career prospects (only in German) that go beyond research.

How is the course structured?

  • In the 1st and 2nd semester, students deepen their range of knowledge in the field of educational science (modules 1 and 2), specialize in qualitative or quantitative research methods (module 3) and continue to focus on their personal interests in one of the advanced areas: early childhood education, social pedagogy or further education (module 4).
  • In the 3rd semester, the research project (module 6) is carried out based on these principles and - in addition - module 5 "Research planning and publication" is studied.
  • In the 4th semester, the research activities of modules 5 and 6 should result in the master's thesis.

The master’s degree comprises a total of 120 credit points, which, according to the standard period of study, are completed over the course of four semesters. The course ends with a Master degree of Arts (M.A.).

This Master’s degree then gives students the opportunity to start their careers in research as well as in other applied areas. If you finish with a very good degree, you can take on the path to a doctoral degree (only in German).

Examples of possible occupational fields include work in university or non-university social research institutions, in the area of quality assurance and evaluation, in the management of educational institutions or advisory activities in the context of educational administration or policy.

What is the difference between a consecutive and a continued education master’s degree?

A consecutive master’s degree is a course that builds on the content of a previous bachelor’s degree in a similar topic and is usually studied immediately afterwards. It serves the further academic qualification and, with a very good degree, can pave the way to a doctorate. A consecutive master’s degree usually consists of 120 credit points (LP). Only together with the 180 credit points previously achieved in the Bachelor’s degree will at least 300 CP be achieved and thus the authorization to use a Master’s degree (M.A. or M.Sc.) is obtained.

In terms of content, a continued education master’s degree does not necessarily build on a previous course of study. Admission requirement is often at least one year of professional activity in the appropriate professional work field and serves as a further education specialization in certain fields of activity. It is usually chargeable and comprises 60 to 90 LP. Since the above-mentioned 300 LP are usually not achieved with a master’s degree, this alone does not entitle the holder to use the master’s title.

When choosing a master’s course, the respective regulations on allocation of study placements must always be carefully observed!
