Josep García Coll

Arbeitsbereich Bildungsforschung / Heterogenität und Bildung
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Raum KL23 / 228
14195 Berlin
Henriette Swiatek
- Seit 10/2024 Beginn Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Freien Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie, Arbeitsbereich Bildungsforschung/Heterogenität und Bildung
- 09/2024 PhD in Social Sciences (Psychology), Universität Córdoba (Spanien)
Thema: „Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism Interventions from a psycho-social Perspective" - 11/2020 Master in Research in Behavior and Cognition, Universität Barcelona (Spanien)
- 12/2012 Master in Peace, Conflicts and Development, Universität Jaume I, Castelló (Spanien)
- 03/2009 Hochschulabschluss Englisch, Universität Valencia (Spanien)
Beruflicher Werdegang
- 2021 - 2024 Wissenschaftler im Bereich Prävention von Radikalisierung und gewalttätigem Extremismus, Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies Granada (Spanien)
- Dozent im Masterstudiengang Forensische und Kriminalpsychologie, Universität Barcelona (Spanien)
- 2020-2021 ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter in wissenschaftlichen Projekten des Fachbereichs Psychologie, Universität Córdoba (Spanien)
- 2020-2021 Dozent im Bachelorstudiengang Internationale Beziehungen und im Masterstudiengang Außenpolitik, VIU Internationale Universität Valencia (Spanien)
- 2017 - 2020 Gymnasiallehrer, Katalonische Regierung Barcelona (Spanien)
Forschungsgruppen und Projekte
INTERRAD The Internationalization of the Prevention of Jihadist Violent Radicalization: Experience and Impact in the European Union and its Member States (INTERRAD). R&D Project PID2020-116646RB-I00, financed by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by the European Union “ NextGenerationEU ”/PRTR.
HOPE Holistic Radicalization Prevention Initiative. Project funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian Grant Fund for Regional Cooperation under grant agreement 2018-1-1037.
PAVE Preventing and Addressing Violent Extremism Through Community Resilience. Project funded by the European Union within the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement 870769.
MIRAD Multi-Ideological Radicalization Assessment towards Disengagement. Project funded by the Directorate
General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission under grant agreement 101035878 —
Member of the evaluation team of the Fénix Andalucía Social Mentoring Program. Project
financed by the Andalusian Regional Government.
García Coll, J. (September, 2023). Assessing Risk of Violent Extremism in the Prison and Probation Contexts: Is there a need for ideology-based tools? Eurocrim 2023. Florence, Italy.
García Coll, J. (July, 2023). The Challenges of Risk Assessment for Violent Radicalization in the Prison and Probation Contexts. 15th Annual Society for Terrorism Research International Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.
García-Coll, J., Lobato, RM, Martín-Criado, JM, Moyano, M. (2023). Impact of psychological and structural factors on radicalization processes: A multilevel analysis from the 3N model. Psychology of Violence.
García Coll, Josep . (2022, July). Preventing Violent Extremism through Employment Programs in the Sahel Region. Strategies, experiences and recommendations. Radicalisation Awareness Network – Policy Support. Virtual meeting.
García Coll, J. , Moyano, M., Martín-Criado, JM (2023). Prevention of violent radicalization in the socio-labor environment: an approach to the countries of the global South from international cooperation. CIDEAL.
García Coll, J. (2023, May). Risk Assessment for Violent Radicalization in the Prison and Probation Contexts Radicalization Awareness Network – Policy Support. Virtual conference.
Lobato, RM, Rodríguez-López, A., García-Coll, J. , Moyano , M., & Sainz , M. (2022): Attitudes towards terrorist rehabilitation programs: psychological mediating and moderating mechanisms, Psychology, Crime & Law.
Lobato, Roberto; García-Coll, Josep . (2022). The Crossroads between Radicalization and Deradicalization (The Crossroads between Radicalization and Deradicalization). Cataract Publishing House.
Lobato, R.; García-Coll, J. ; Moyano , Manuel. (2022). Disconnected out of passion: Relationship between social alienation and obsessive passion. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Lobato, RM, & García-Coll, J . (2022). Deradicalization and Disengagement: Formal and Theoretical Aspects. Journal of International Security Studies.
García Coll, Josep . (2022, November). P/CVE Policies in and towards the MENA Region: Recommendations from an empirical analysis of Iraq, Tunisia and Lebanon. Middle East Congress. Sakarya University, Turkey.
García Coll, Josep . (2022, September). Deradicalization and disengagement in Europe. Where to from here? Eurocrim Conference. Malaga, Spain.
García Coll, Josep . (2022, September). Can the 3N model of radicalization be applied to Violent Extremism in the MENA Region? Insaniyyat Conference. La Manouba, Tunisia.
García Coll, Josep . (2022, September). P/CVE Policies in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: A Transnational perspective. Policy roundtable with national stakeholders. Tunis, Tunisia.
García Coll, Josep . (2022, June). Radicalization Hotbeds: Risk and Resilience Factors. Radicalisation Awareness Network – Mental Health. Virtual meeting.
García-Coll, Josep . (2022, May). Attitudes toward Terrorist Rehabilitation Programs. Hedayah International Conference. Granada, Spain.
García Coll, Josep . (2022, February). Risk and Resilience Factors for Violent Extremism in the MENA Region.PAVE Regional Meeting. Paris, France.
García Coll, Josep . (2021, November) Risk Factors and Preventive Measures for Violent Radicalization in Spain: Presenting Conclusions. Francisco de Vitoria University and Radicalization Awareness Network. Madrid, Spain.