Univ.-Prof. Dr. Arthur M. Jacobs

Arbeitsbereich Allgemeine und Neurokognitive Psychologie
Raum JK 27/231
14195 Berlin
Curriculum Vitae
- seit 2003: Professor (C4) für Allgemeine Psychologie, Freie Universität Berlin
- 1998-2003: Professor (C4) für Allgemeine Psychologie und Methodenlehre, Katholische Universität Eichstätt - Ingolstadt
- 1996-1998: Professor (C3) für Allgemeine Psychologie, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- 1992-1996: Forschungsdirektor des CNRS, Leiter der "Gehirn und Sprache"-Gruppe am Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences Cognitives (CRNC), Marseille
- 1988-1992: Forschungsbeauftragter des Französischen Nationalen Zentrums für Wissenschaftliche Forschung (CNRS), Laboratoire de Psychologie Expirimentale, Paris
- 1987-1988: Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter am Institut für Psychologie, Lehrstuhl für Arbeitspsychologie, der RWTH Aachen
- 1986: Dissertation: "Le controle oculomoteur dans l'exploration visuelle: mecanismes sensori-moteurs et processus cognitifs", Université René Descartes (Sorbonne, Paris V)
- 1979-1983: Psychologiestudium an den Universitäten Würzburg (79-82) und Sorbonne, Paris (82/83)
Curriculum vitae (extended version)
Lehre im BA Psychologie in folgenden Module:
- Allgemeine Psychologie
- Experimentelle Psychologie
- Empirisch-experimentelles Praktikum
- Neurokognitive Psychologie
Lehre im MA Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
- Affective and Social Neuroscience I
- Research Experience
- Research Colloquium
Lehre im MA Data Science
Meine Forschungsgebiete sind Leseforschung, Neurokognitive Poetik und Affektive Neurowissenschaft.
Completed Research Projects
- Connectionnist models for artificial intelligence:
Von 1988 bis 1990, Europäische Gemeinschaft (Programm B.R.A.I.N.), Laboratoire de Psychologie Expirimentale, Paris. - Zur Rolle von Buchstaben bei der Worterkennung:
Bestimmung des Einflusses visueller, lexikalischer und okulomotorischer Faktoren. Von 1991 bis 1993, DFG-Projekt Heller/Jacobs, Institut für Psychologie, RWTH Aachen. - Approche Ilectrophysiologique et simulation de la comprihension du langage (Eletrophysiologische und Simulationsstudien zum Sprachverstehen).
Von 1992 bis 1994, MRT Projekt Besson/Jacobs/Pynte, CNRS-LNC, Marseille. - Zur Rolle phonologischer Repräsentationen beim Lesen.
Von 1997 bis 2000, DFG Teilprojekt der Forschergruppe "Dynamik kognitiver Repräsentationen", Philipps-Universität Marburg. - Zur Rolle des visuellen Wortformsystems beim Lesen.
Von 1997 bis 2000, DFG Teilprojekt (Jacobs/Nazir/Gauggel) der Forschergruppe "Dynamik kognitiver Repräsentationen", Philipps-Universität Marburg - Zur Rolle phonologischer Prozesse beim Lesen komplexer Wörter. Ein sprachvergleichender Ansatz.
Von 2004 bis 2006, DFG Projekt, Freie Universität Berlin. - Zur Rolle von Silben bei der Worterkennung: ein sprachvergleichender Ansatz.
Von 2004 bis 2005, DAAD Projekt (Acciones Integradas Hispano-Alemanas), Freie Universität Berlin. - Kognitive und affektive Konfliktkontrolle im impliziten und expliziten Sprachgedächtnis.von 2006 bis 2009, aus der DFG-Forschergruppe "Zwischen Interferenz und Optimierung: Konflikte als Signale in kognitiven Systemen".
- Guckomobil II: Frühentdeckung und individuelle Förderung von Kindern mit Lese- und/ oder Rechtschreibauffälligkeiten.von 2005 bis 2007, gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Freie Universität Berlin.
- Contributions of Visuo-Spatial Deficits to Mathematical Disabilities in Children: Bridging the Gap from Neurocognitive Systems to Mathematical Achievement.Von 2007 bis 28. Februar 2008, Projektträger: DLR/BMBF, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Articles in refereed journals (A)
- Chapters and contributions to proceedings (B)
- Editorships / Books / Proceedings (C)
- Academic theses (D)
A. Paper articles (peer - reviewed)
cumulative impact factor (cIF) 1983 – 2021: 629.4012019
Nicklas, P., Domke, T. & Jacobs, A. M. (2019): „Oh, God said to Abraham, Kill me a son“: Macht Musik Dylans Texte poetisch? Chapter In book: Literatur und Musik im Künstevergleich, Empirische und hermeneutische Methoden. Hrsg. v. Nicklas, Pascal. doi:10.1515/9783110630756-005. ISBN978-3-11-063075-6
Lüdtke , J., Froehlich, E., Jacobs, A. M. & Hutzler, F. (2019). The SLS-Berlin. Validation of a German Computer-Based Screening Test to Measure Reading Proficiency in Early and Late Adulthood. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(10), 1682. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01682
- Jacobs, A. M. (2019). Sentiment Analysis for Words and Fiction Characters From the Perspective of Computational (Neuro-) Poetics. Frontiers in Robotic and AI, 6, 53. doi:10.3389/frobt.2019.00053
- Citron, F. M. M., Cacciari, C.,Funcke, J. M., Hsu, C.-T. & Jacobs, A. M. (2019). Idiomatic expressions evoke stronger emotional responses in the brain than literal sentences. Neuropsychologia, 131, 233-248. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.05.020
- Braun, M., Kronbichler, M., Richlan, F., Hawelka, S., Hutzler, F. & Jacob, A. M. (2019). A model-guided dissociation between subcortical and cortical contributions to word recognition. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 4506. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-41011-9
Xue, S., Lüdtke, J., Sylvester, T. & Jacobs, A. M. (2019). Reading Shakespeare sonnets: Combining quantitative narrative analysis and predictive modeling - An eye tracking study. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12(5). doi:10.16910/jemr.12.5.2
Jacobs, A. M., Lüdtke, J., Kaakinen, J. & Eekhof, L. (2019). Eye movements during the reading of narrative and poetic texts. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12(7). doi:10.16910/jemr.12.7.9
Aryani, A., Hsu, C.-T. & Jacobs, A. M. (2019). Affective iconic words benefit from additional sound–meaning integration in the left amygdala. Human brain mapping, 40(18), 5289-5300. doi:10.1002/hbm.24772
- Jacobs, A. M. (2018). Explorations in an English poetry corpus: A neurocognitive poetics perspective. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.02054.
- Kaakinen, J.K., Papp-Zipernovszky, O., Werlen, E., Castells, N., Bergamin, P., Baccino, T. & Jacobs, A. M. (2018). Emotional and motivational aspects of digital reading. Learning to Read in a Digital World, 17, 141. Editor(s): Mirit Barzillai , Jenny Thomson , Sascha Schroeder and Paul van den Broek John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/swll.17. ISBN: 9789027263711.
- Aryani, A. & Jacobs, A. M. (2018). Affective Congruence between Sound and Meaning of Words Facilitates Semantic Decision. Behavioral Sciences, 8(6), 56. doi:10.3390/bs8060056
- Aryani, A., Hsu, C. T. & Jacobs, A. M. (2018). The sound of words evokes affective brain responses. Brain sciences, 8 (6). doi:10.3390/brainsci8060094
- Jacobs, A. M. & Willems R. M. (2018). The fictive brain: Neurocognitive correlates of engagement in literature. Review of General Psychology, 22(2), 147-160. doi:10.1037/gpr0000106
- Froehlich, E., Liebig, J., Morawetz, C., Ziegler, J. C., Braun, M., Heekeren, H. R. & Jacobs, A. M. (2018). Same same but different: processing words in the aging brain. Neuroscience, 371, 75-95. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2017.11.042
- Hofmann, M. J., Biemann, C., Westbury, C., Murusidze, M., Conrad, M. & Jacobs, A. M. (2018). Simple Co‐Occurrence Statistics Reproducibly Predict Association Ratings. Cognitive science, 42(7), 2287-2312. doi:10.1111/cogs.12662
- Jacobs A. M. (2018). The Gutenberg English Poetry Corpus: Exemplary Quantitative Narrative Analyses. Projects Neurocognitive Poetics, Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 5, 5. doi:10.3389/fdigh.2018.00005
- Jacobs, A. M. (2018). (Neuro-)Cognitive poetics and computational stylistics. Scientific Study of Literature, 8(1), 165-208.
- Jacobs, A. M. (2018). Explorations in an English Poetry Corpus: A Neurocognitive Poetics Perspective. arXiv:1801.02054
- Salgaro, M., Sorrentino, P., Lauer, G., Lüdtke, J. & Jacobs, A. M. (2018). How to Measure the social prestige of a Nobel Prize in Literature? Development of a scale assessing the literary value of a text. TXT - The Book Issue, Academic Press Leiden and Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam. 134-143.
- Jacobs, A. M. & Kinder, A. (2018). Features of word similarity. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.07999.
- Aryani, A., Conrad, M., Schmidtke, D. & Jacobs, A. M. (2018). Why 'piss' is ruder than 'pee'? The role of sound in affective meaning making. PLoS ONE, 13(6). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198430
- Jacobs, A. M. (2018). The gutenberg english poetry corpus: exemplary quantitative narrative analyses. Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 5, 5. doi:10.3389/fdigh.2018.00005
- Ziegler, J. C., Montant, M., Briesemeister, B. B., Brink, T. T., Wicker, B., Ponz, A., Jacobs, A.M. & Braun, M. (2018). Do words stink? Neural reuse as a principle for understanding emotions in reading. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 30(7), 1023-1032. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_01268
- Jacobs A. M. & Kinder, A. (2018). What makes a metaphor literary? Answers from two computational studies. Metaphor and Symbol, 33(2). 85-100.Projects, Neurocognitive Poetics. doi:10.1080/10926488.2018.1434943
- Roelke, A., Franke, N., Biemann, C., Radach, R., Jacobs, A. M. & Hofmann, M. J. (2018). A novel co-occurrence-based approach to predict pure associative and semantic priming. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 25(4), 1488-1493. doi:10.3758/s13423-018-1453-6
- Jacobs, A. M. (2018). Corrigendum: Quantifying the Beauty of Words: A Neurocognitive Poetics Perspective. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12, 12. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2018.00012
- Jacobs, A. M. (2017). Quantifying the Beauty of Words: A Neurocognitive Poetics Perspective, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 1(11), doi:10.3389/fnhum.2017.00622
- Liebig, J., Froehlich, E., Morawetz, C., Braun, M., Jacobs, A. M., Heekeren, H. R., & Ziegler, J. C. (2017). Neurofunctionally dissecting the reading system in children. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 27, 45-57. doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2017.07.002
- Kuhlmann, M, Hofmann, M. J. & Jacobs, A. M. (20017). If You Don't Have Valence, Ask Your Neighbor: Evaluation of Neutral Words as a Function of Affective Semantic Associates. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 343. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00343
- Jacobs, A. M., Schuster, S., Xue, S., & Lüdtke, J. (2017). What’s in the brain that ink may character….: A quantitative narrative analysis of Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets for use in (Neuro-) cognitive poetics. Scientific Study of Literature, 7(1), 4-51. doi:10.1075/ssol.7.1.02jac
Nicklas, P. & Jacobs, A. M. (2017). Rhetoric, Neurocognitive Poetics, and the Aesthetics of Adaptation. Poetics Today, 38(2). doi:10.1215/03335372-386931
- Jacobs, A. M. & Kinder, A. (2017). “The Brain Is the Prisoner of Thought” : A Machine-Learning Assisted Quantitative Narrative Analysis of Literary Metaphors for Use in Neurocognitive Poetics. Metaphor and Symbol, 32(3), 139-160. doi:10.1080/10926488.2017.1338015
- Kuiken, D., & Jacobs, A. M. (2017). Conceptions of the temporal course of aesthetic engagement: Comment on" Move me, astonish me… delight my eyes and brain: The Vienna Integrated Model of top-down and bottom-up processes in Art Perception (VIMAP) and corresponding affective, evaluative, and neurophysiological correlates" by Matthew Pelowski et al. Physics of Life Reviews, 21, 140-142. doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2017.06.015
Ullrich, S., Aryani, A., Kraxenberger, M., Jacobs, A. M. & Conrad, M. (2017). On the Relation between the General Affective Meaning and the Basic Sublexical, Lexical, and Inter-lexical Features of Poetic Texts—A Case Study Using 57 Poems of H. M. Enzensberger. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(2073). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.02073
Jacobs, A. M., & Willems, R. M. (2018). The fictive brain: neurocognitive correlates of engagement in literature. Review of General Psychology, 22(2), 147-160. doi:10.1037/gpr0000106
Morawetz, C., Oganian,Y., Schlickeiser,U., Jacobs, A. M. & Heekeren, H. R. (2017). Second Language Use Facilitates Implicit Emotion Regulation via Content Labeling. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 366. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00366
Jacobs, A. M. (2016). Affective and Aesthetic Processes in Literary Reading. Cognitive literary science: Dialogues between literature and cognition, 50. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190496869.003.0016
- Citron, F.M., Cacciari, C., Kucharski, M., Beck, L, Conrad, M. & Jacobs A. M. (2016). When emotions are expressed figuratively: Psycholinguistic and Affective Norms of 619 Idioms for German (PANIG). Behavior research methods, 48(1), 91-111. doi:10.3758/s13428-015-0581-4
- Ludwig, S., Spitzer, B., Jacobs, A. M., Sekutowicz, M., Sterzer, P. & Blankenburg, F. (2016). Spectral EEG abnormalities during vibrotactile encoding and quantitative working memory processing in schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 11, 578-587. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2016.04.004
- Jacobs, A. M., Hofmann,M. J. & Kinder, A. (2016). On Elementary Affective Decisions: To Like Or Not to Like, That Is the Question. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1836. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01836
- Seehausen, M., Kazzer, P., Bajbouj, M., Heekeren, H. R., Jacobs, A. M., Klann-Delius, G., Menninghaus, W. & Prehn, K. (2016). Effects of empathic social responses on the emotions of the recipient. Brain and cognition, 103, 50-61, Academic Press.
- Ludwig, S., Spitzer, B., Jacobs, A. M., Sekutowicz, M., Sterzer, P., & Blankenburg, F. (2016). Spectral EEG abnormalities during vibrotactile encoding and quantitative working memory processing in schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 11, 578-587. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2016.04.004
- Froehlich, E., Liebig, J., Ziegler, J. C. & Jacobs, A. M. (2016). Drifting through Basic Subprocesses of Reading: A Hierarchical Diffusion Model Analysis of Age Effects on Visual Word Recognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(7). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01863
Jacobs, A. M., (2016). Neurocognitive poetics: Methods and models for investigating the neuronal and cognitive-affective bases of literature reception. Article in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9(186). doi:10.3389/fnhum.2015.00186
Jacobs, A. M. (2016). The scientific study of literary experience and neuro-behavioral responses to Literature: Reply to Commentaries. Scientific Study of Literature, 6(1), 164-174. doi:10.1075/ssol.6.1.ssol.6.1.08jac
Jacobs, A. M., Lüdtke, J., Aryani, A., Meyer-Sickendieck, B.& Conrad, M. (2016). Mood-empathic and aesthetic responses in poetry reception A model-guided, multilevel, multimethod approach. Scientific Study of Literature, 6(1), 87 –130. doi:10.1075/ssol.6.1.06jac
Kuhlmann, M., Hofmann, M. J., Briesemeister, B. B., & Jacobs, A. M. (2016). Mixing positive and negative valence: affective-semantic integration of bivalent words. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 1-7.
- Sylvester, T., Braun, M., Schmidtke, D. & Jacobs, A. M. (2016). The Berlin Affective Word List for Children (kidBAWL): Exploring Processing of Affective Lexical Semantics in the Visual and Auditory Modalities, Frontiers in Psychology, 1(7). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00969
Froehlich, E., & Jacobs, A. M. (2016). Verändert sich Lesen im Alter?. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 5(2), 95-109. doi:10.1024/2235-0977/a000130
- Stüllein, N., Radach, R., Jacobs, A. M. & Hofmann, M. J. (2016). No one way ticket from orthography to semantics in recognition memory: N400 AND P200 effects of associations. Brain Research, 1639, 88-98.
Willems, R. M., & Jacobs, A. M. (2016). Caring about Dostoyevsky: the untapped potential of studying literature. Trends in cognitive sciences, 20(4), 243-245. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2015.12.009
- Morawetz, C., Bode, S., Baudewig, J., Jacobs, A. M., & Heekeren, H. R. (2016). Neural representation of emotion regulation goals. Human brain mapping, 37(2), 600-620. doi:10.1002/hbm.23053
Oganian Y., Froehlich E., Schlickeiser U., Hofmann M. J., Heekeren H. R. & Jacobs A. M. (2015). Slower perception followed by faster lexical decision in longer words: a diffusion model analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1958. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01958
Pehrs, C., Zaki, J., Schlochtermeier, L. H., Jacobs, A. M., Kuchinke, L., & Koelsch, S. (2017). The temporal pole top-down modulates the ventral visual stream during social cognition. Cerebral Cortex, 27(1), 777-792.
Schlochtermeier, L. H., Pehrs, C., Kappelhoff, H., Kuchinke, L., & Jacobs, A. M. (2015). Emotion processing in different media types: Realism, complexity, and immersion. Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience, 1, 41-47.
Wißmann, J., Heine, A., Handl, P., & Jacobs, A. M. (2013). Förderung von Kindern mit isolierter Rechenschwäche und kombinierter Rechen-und Leseschwäche: Evaluation eines numerischen Förderprogramms für Grundschüler. Lernen und Lernstörungen.
Lohmeier, S., Möller, I. S., Prechelt, L., & Jacobs, A. M. (2015). Experimental Evaluation and Modelling of the Comprehension of Indirect Anaphors in a Programming Language.
- Lüdtke, J. & Jacobs, A. M. (2015). The emotion potential of simple sentences: additive or interactive effects of nouns and adjectives? Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1137, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01137
- Braun, M., Jacobs, A. M., Richlan, F., Hawelka, S., Hutzer, F. & Kronbichler, M. (2015). Many neighbors are not silent. fMRI evidence for global lexical activity in visual word recognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9(42), doi:10.3389/fnhum.2015.00423
- Braun, M., Hutzler, F., Münte, T. F., Rotte, M., Dambacher, M., Richlan, F., & Jacobs, A. M. (2015). The neural bases of the pseudohomophone effect: phonological constraints on lexico-semantic access in reading. Neuroscience, 295, 151-163.
- Menninghaus, W., Bohrn, I. C., Knoop, C. A., Kotz, S. A., Schlotz, W., & Jacobs, A. M. (2015). Rhetorical features facilitate prosodic processing while handicapping ease of semantic comprehension. Cognition, 143, 48-60.
- Jacobs, A. M., Võ, M. L.-H, Briesemeister, B. B., Conrad, M., Hofmann, M. J., Kuchinke, L., Lüdtke, J. & Braun, M. (2015). 10 years of BAWLing into affective and aesthetic processes in reading: what are the echoes? Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (714), doi:10 3389/fpsyg.2015.00714 01/2015
- Lehne, M., Engel, P., Rohrmeier, M., Menninghaus, W., Jacobs, A. M. & Koelsch, S. (2015). Reading a suspenseful literary text activates brain areas related to social cognition and predictive inference. PLoS ONE, 10(5). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124550
Jacobs, A. M. & Ziegler, J. C., (2015). Visual Word Recognition. Neurocognitive Psychology. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.57021-4
- Koelsch, S., Jacobs, A. M., Menninghaus, W., Liebal, K., Klann-Delius, G., Von Scheve, C., & Gebauer, G. (2015). The quartet theory of human emotions: an integrative and neurofunctional model. Physics of life reviews, 13, 1-27.
- Jacobs, A. M. (2015). Neurocognitive poetics: methods and models for investigating the neuronal and cognitive-affective bases of literature reception. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 9, 186. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2015.00186
- Braun, M., Hutzler, F., Münte, T. F., Rotte, M., Dambacher, M., Richlan, F., Jacobs, A. M. (2015). The neural bases of the pseudohomophone effect: phonological constraints on lexico-semantic access in reading. Neuroscience, 295, 151–163. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.03.035
- Grimm, S., Gärtner, M., Fuge, P., Fan, Y., Weigand, A., Feeser, M., Jacobs, A. M. & Bajbouj, M. (2015). Variation in the corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) gene modulates age effects on working memory. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 61, 57-63.
Chun-Ting Hsu, Altmann, U., Jacobs, A. M. & Conrad, M. (2015). The magical activation of left amygdala when reading Harry Potter: An fMRI study on how descriptions of supra-natural events entertain and enchant. PLoS ONE, 10(2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0118179
Hsu, C. T., Jacobs, A. M., Citron, F. M., & Conrad, M. (2015). The emotion potential of words and passages in reading Harry Potter–An fMRI study. Brain and language, 142, 96-114. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2015.01.011
- Altmann, U., Bohrn, I. C., Lubrich, O., Menninghaus, W., & Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Fact vs fiction—how paratextual information shapes our reading processes. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 9(1), 22-29.doi:10.1093/scan/nss098
Chun-Ting Hsu, Jacobs, A. M., Conrad, M. (2014). Can Harry Potter still Put a Spell on us in a second language? An fMRI study on reading emotion-laden literature in late bilinguals. Cortex, 63, 282-295, doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2014.09.002
Conrad, M., Alvarez, C. J., Afonso, O., & Jacobs, A. M. (2015). Sublexical modulation of simultaneous language activation in bilingual visual word recognition: The role of syllabic units. Bilingualism, 18(4), 696. doi:10.1017/S136672891400044
- Elliott, E. A. & Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Phonological and morphological faces: Disgust signs in German Sign Language. Sign Language & Linguistics, 17(2). 123-180.
- Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Metaphern beim Lesen im Gehirn und Geist. Psychosozial, 37, 27-38.
- Lüdtke, J., Meyer-Sickendieck, B., Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Immersing in the stillness of an early morning: Testing the mood empathy hypothesis of poetry reception. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 8(3), 363.
Westbury, C., Keith, J., Briesemeister, B. B., Hofmann, M. J. & Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Avoid violence, rioting, and outrage; approach celebration, delight, and strength: Using large text corpora to compute valence, arousal, and the basic emotions. The Quarlerly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 11, 1-24. doi:10.1080/17470218.2014.970204
Briesemeister, B. B., Kuchinke, L., Jacobs, A. M. & Braun, M. (2014). Emotions in reading: Dissociation of happiness and positivity. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, 1-12. doi10.3758/s13415-014-0327-2
- Hsu, C. T., Jacobs, A. M., & Conrad, M. (2015). Can Harry Potter still put a spell on us in a second language? An fMRI study on reading emotion-laden literature in late bilinguals. Cortex, 63, 282-295. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2014.09.002
- Chun-Ting Hsu, Conrad, M. & Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Fiction feelings in Harry Potter: haemodynamic response in the mid-cingulate cortex correlates with immersive reading experience. Neuroreport, 25(17), 1356-1361. doi:10.1097/WNR.0000000000000272
- Hofmann, M. J., Dambacher, M., Jacobs, A. M., Kliegl, R., Radach, R., Kuchinke, L., & Herrmann, M. J. (2014). Occipital and orbitofrontal hemodynamics during naturally paced reading: An fNIRS study. Neuroimage, 94, 193-202. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.03.014
- Briesemeister, B. B., Kuchinke, L., & Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Emotion word recognition: Discrete information effects first, continuous later?. Brain research, 1564, 62-71. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2014.03.045
Hofmann, M. J. & Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Interactive Activation and Competition Models and Semantic Context: From Behavioral to Brain Data. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 46, 85-104. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2014.06.011
Prehn, K., Korn, C. W., Bajbouj, M., Klann-Delius, G., Menninghaus, W., Jacobs, A. M., & Heekeren, H. R. (2015). The neural correlates of emotion alignment in social interaction. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 10(3), 435-443. doi:10.1093/scan/nsu066
Recio, G. Conrad, M., Hansen, L. B., Jacobs, A. M. (2014). On pleasure and thrill: The interplay between arousal and valence during visual word recognition. Brain and Language, 134, 34-43. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2014.03.009
Stubenrauch, C., Freund, J., Alecu de Flers, S., Scharke, W., Braun, M., Jacobs, A. M., & Konrad, K. (2014). Nonword reading and Stroop interference: What differentiates attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and reading disability?. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, 36(3), 244-260. doi:10.1080/13803395.2013.878690
Menninghaus, W., Bohrn, I. C., Altmann, U., Lubrich, O., & Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Sounds Funny? Humor Effects of Phonological and Prosodic Figures of Speech. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 8(1), 71-76.
Schmidtke, D. S., Schröder, T., Jacobs, A.M. & Conrad, M. (2014). ANGST: Affective norms for German sentiment terms, derived from the affective norms for English words. Behavior Research Methods, 46 (4), 1108-1118. doi:10.3758/s13428-013-0426-y
Schmidtke, D. S., Conrad, M. & Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Phonological iconicity. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 80. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00080
Pehrs, C., Deserno, L., Bakels, J.-H., Schlochtermeier, L., Kappelhoff, H., Jacobs, A. M., Fritz, T., Koelsch, S. & Kuchinke L. (2014). How Music Alters a Kiss: Superior Temporal Gyrus Controls Fusiform-Amygdalar Effective Connectivity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9 (11), 1770-1778. doi:10.1093/scan/nst169
Ponz, A., Montant, M., Liegeois-Chauvel, C., Silva, C., Braun, M., Jacobs, A. M., & Ziegler, J. C. (2014). Emotion processing in words: a test of the neural re-use hypothesis using surface and intracranial EEG. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(5), 619-627. doi:10.1093/scan/nst034
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- Stenneken, P., Hofmann, M. & Jacobs, A. M. (2005). Patterns of phoneme and syllable frequency in jargon aphasia. Brain and Language, 95 (1), 221-222.
- Conrad, M. & Jacobs, A. M. (2004). Replicating syllable frequency effects in Spanish in German: A challenge to current models of visual word recognition. Language and Cognitive Processes, 19, 369–390.
- Hutzler, F., Bergmann, J., Conrad, M., Kronbichler, M., Stenneken, P. & Jacobs, A. M. (2004). Inhibitory effects of first syllable-frequency in lexical decision: An event related potential study. Neuroscience Letters, 372, 179-184.
- Jacobs, A. M., Graf, R. & Kinder, A. (2003). Receiver-Operating Characteristics in the Lexical Decision Task: evidence for a simple signal detection process simulated by the Multiple Read-Out Model. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, memory and cognition, 29, 481–488.
- Stenneken, P., Conrad, M., Goldenberg, G. & Jacobs, A. M. (2003). Visual Processing of Sublexical Units in Dyslexia. Brain and Language, 87, 137-138.
- Graf, R., Braun, M., Jacobs, A. M. & Hellbrück, J. (2002). Language Processing and Short-Term Memory. The Gradual Phonological Similarity Effect and Irrelevant Speech. Psychologische Beiträge, 44, 166-186.
- Nuerk, H.-C., Graf, R., Boecker, M., Gauggel, S. & Jacobs, A. M. (2002). Der Wortfragmentationstest FRAG als computergestütztes Verfahren zur Erfassung der visuellen Worterkennung bei aphasischen und nicht-aphasischen Patienten. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 13, 3-18.
- Weisz, N., Schandry, R., Jacobs, A. M. & Mialet, J.P. (2002). Early contingent negative variation of the EEG and attentional flexibility are reduced in hypotension. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 45, 253-260.
- Ziegler, J., Jacobs, A. M. & Klüppel, D. (2001). Pseudohomophone effects in lexical decision: Still a challenge for current word recognition models". Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 547-559.
- Ziegler, J. C., Perry, C. Jacobs, A. M. & Braun, M. (2001). Identical words are read differently in different languages. Psychological Science, 27, 379-384.
- Nuerk, H.-C., Rey, A., Graf, R. & Jacobs, A. M. (2000). Phonographic sublexical units in visual word recognition. Current Psychology Letters: Behavior, Brain, & Cognition, 2, 27-38.
- Rey, A., Ziegler, J. C. & Jacobs, A. M. (2000). Graphemes are perceptual reading units. Cognition., 75, B1-B12.
- Ziegler, J., Ferrand, L., Jacobs, A. M., Rey, A. & Grainger, J. (2000). Visual and phonological codes in letter and word recognition: evidence from incremental priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 53A, 671-692.
- Jacobs, A. M. & Grainger, J. (1999). Modeling a theory without a model-theory, or, computational modeling ‘after Feyerabend’. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 46-47.
- Jacobs, A. M. & Rösler, F. (1999). Dondersian dreams in brain-mappers minds, or, still no cross-fertilization between mind mappers and cognitive modelers. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 293-295.
- Grainger, J. & Jacobs, A. M. (1999). Temporal integration of orthographic information in visual word recognition. Visual Cognition, 6, 461-492.
- Rey, A., Ziegler, J. C., Jacobs, A. M. & Grainger, J. (1998). Coupling orthographic and phonological codes: a model of visual word recognition. Cahiers de psychologie cognitive-current psychology of cognition, 17(4-5), 1070.
- Aghababian, V. & Jacobs, A. M. (1998). Les modeles de simulation des dyslexies. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology / Revue Canadienne de psychologie experimentale, 52, 128-145.
- Grainger, J. & Jacobs, A. M. (1998). Localist connectionism fits the bill: Commentary on Green on Connectionist-Explanation. Psycholoquy, 9(9).
- Mialet, J. P., Jacobs, A. M. & Feuchon-Theodon, N. (1998). Mise au point d’une liste validee de mots anxiogenes. L’Encephale, 51-52.
- Nazir, T. A., Jacobs, A. M. & O'Regan, J. K. (1998). Letter legibility and visual word recognition. Memory & Cognition, 26, 810-821.
- Rey, A., Jacobs, A. M., Schmidt-Weigand, F. & Ziegler, J. C. (1998). A phoneme effect in visual word recognition. Cognition, 68, B71-B80.
- Ziegler, J. C., Rey, A. & Jacobs, A. M., (1998). Simulating individual word identification thresholds and errors in the fragmentation task. Memory & Cognition, 26, 490-501. doi:10.3758/BF03201158
- Jacobs, A. M. & Ziegler, J. C. (1997). Has Glenberg forgotten his nurse?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 20, 26-27.
- Ziegler, J. C., Stone, G. O. & Jacobs, A. M. (1997). What's the pronounciation for _OUGH and the Spelling for /u/? A database for computing feedforward and feedback consistency in English. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 29, 600-618.
- Ziegler, J., Van Orden, G. C. & Jacobs, A. M. (1997). Phonology can help or hurt the perception of print. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 23, 845-860.
- Pope, H. G., Jacobs, A. M., Mialet, J. P., Yurgelun-Todd, D. & Gruber, S. (1997). Evidence for a sex-specific residual effect of cannabis on visuospatial memory. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 66, 179-184. doi:10.1159/000289132
- Ziegler, J. C., Besson, M., Montant, M., Jacobs, A. M., Nazir, T. A. & Carr, T. H. (1997). Word, pseudoword, and nonword processing: A multitask comparison using Event-Related Potentials. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9, 758-775. doi:10.1162/jocn.1997.9.6.758
- Ziegler, J. C., Montant, M. & Jacobs, A. M. (1997). The feedback consistency effect in lexical decision and naming. Journal of Memory and Language, 37, 533-554.
- Grainger, J. & Jacobs, A. M. (1996). Orthographic processing in visual word recognition: A multiple read-out model. Psychological Review, 103, 518-565. doi:10.1037//0033-295X.103.3.518
- Mialet, J.-P., Bisserbe, J.-C., Jacobs, A. M. & Pope, H., G., Jr. (1996). Two-dimensional anxiety. A confirmation using a computerized neuropsychological test of attentional performance. European Psychiatry, 11, 344-352. doi:10.1016/S0924-9338(97)81057-7
- Ziegler, J. C., Jacobs, A. M. & Stone, G. O. (1996). Statistical analysis of the bi-directional inconsistency of spelling and sound in French. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 28, 504-515.
- Jacobs, A. M. & Carr, T. H. (1995). Mind mappers and cognitive modelers: Toward cross-fertilization. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18, 362-363.
- Jacobs, A. M., Grainger, J. & Ferrand, L. (1995). The incremental priming technique: A method for determining within-condition priming effects. Perception & Psychophysics, 57, 1101-1110.
- Mialet, J. P., Jacobs, A. M. & Bisserbes, J. C. (1995). Computerized attentional and cognitive efficiency battery: preliminary results. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 11 (Suppl. 1), 111.
- Ziegler, J. & Jacobs, A. M. (1995). Phonological information provides early sources of constraint in the processing of letter strings. Journal of Memory and Language, 34, 567-593.
- Jacobs, A. M. (1994). On computational theories and multilevel, multitask models of cognition: The case of word recognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 17, 670-672.
- Jacobs, A. M., & Grainger, J. (1994). Models of visual word recognition: Sampling the state of the art. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 20, 6, 1311-1334.
- Jacobs, A. M. & Nazir, T. A. (1994). Evidence for limited capacity parallel models of visual search: A test of the group-processing model of attention. Current Psychology of Cognition, 13, 385-404.
- Grainger, J., & Jacobs, A. M. (1994). A dual read-out model of word context effects in letter perception: Further investigations of the word superiority effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 20(6), 1158.
- Grainger, J. & Jacobs, A. M. (1993). Masked partial-word priming in visual word recognition: effects of positional letter frequency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 19, 951-964.
- Jacobs, A. M., Heller, D. & Nazir, T. A. (1992). Möglichkeiten einer experimentellen Dyslexieforschung auf der Basis der aktuellen Lesepsychologie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 51, 26-42.
- Jacobs, A. M., & Grainger, J. (1992). Testing a semi-stochastic variant of the interactive activation model in different word recognition experiments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18, 1174-1188. doi:10.1037/0096-1523.18.4.1174
- Grainger, J., O'Regan, J. K., Jacobs, A. M. & Segui, J. (1992). Neighborhood frequency effects and letter visibility in visual word recognition. Perception & Psychophysics, 51, 49-56. doi:10.3758/BF03205073
- O'Regan, J. K. & Jacobs, A. M. (1992). The optimal viewing position effect in word recognition: a challenge to current theory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18, 185-197.
- Jacobs, A. M. (1991). The Search Operating Characteristic as a tool for analyzing performance in dynamic visual search tasks. Spatial Vision, 5, 269-277.
- Jacobs, A. M. & Grainger, J. (1991). Automatic letter priming in an alphabetic decision task. Perception & Psychophysics, 49, 43-52. (IF 1.482) doi:10.3758/BF03211615
- Grainger, J. & Jacobs, A. M. (1991). Masked constituent letter priming in an alphabetic decision task. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 3, 413-434.
- Nazir, T. A. & Jacobs, A. M. (1991). Effects of target discriminability and retinal eccentricity on saccade latencies: an analysis in terms of variable criterion theory. Psychological Research / Psychologische Forschung, 53, 281-289.
- Nazir, T. A., O'Regan, J. K. & Jacobs, A. M. (1991). On words and their letters. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 29, 171-174.
- Jacobs, A. M., Nazir, T. A., & Heller, O. (1989). Letter perception in peripheral vision: a temporal discrimination matrix using eye movements. Perception & Psychophysics, 46, 95-102.
- Grainger, J., O'Regan, J. K., Jacobs, A. M. & Segui, J. (1989). On the role of competing word units in visual word recognition: the neighborhood frequency effect. Perception & Psychophysics, 45, 189-195. doi:10.3758/BF03210696
- Lévy-Schoen, A., Coëffé, C. & Jacobs, A. M. (1989). Sensory factors are insufficient to define the ocular saccade goal in complex visual fields. Brain, Behavior & Evolution, 33, 80-84.
- McConkie, G. W., Kerr, P. W., Reddix, M. D., Zola, D., & Jacobs, A. M. (1989). Eye movement control during reading: II. Frequency of refixating a word. Perception & Psychophysics, 46, 245-253. doi:10.3758/BF03208086
- Jacobs, A. M. (1989). La sélection des cibles du regard. Annales de la Fondation Fyssen, 4, 49-60.
- Deubel, H., Findlay, J., Jacobs, A. M., & Brogan, D. (1988). Saccadic eye movements to targets defined by structure differences. Eye movement research: Physiological and psychological aspects, 107-145.
- Jacobs, A. M. & Levyschoen, A. (1987). Eye-movement control in reading - current issues. Annee psychologique, 87(1), 55-72.
- Jacobs, A. M. (1987). On localization and saccade programming. Vision Research, 27, 1953-1966.
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- Jacobs, A. M. & Lévy-Schoen, A. (1987). Les problèmes actuels de la théorie sur le contrôle oculomoteur dans la lecture. Année Psychologique, 87, 55-72.
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B. Chapters and contributions to proceedings
(reviewed chapters are marked by an *)
Jacobs, A.M. (2022): Literature and poetry. Chapter in The Routledge International Handbook of Neuroaesthetics, 366-378, Imprint Routledge, eBook ISBN 9781003008675 doi:10.4324/9781003008675
Jacobs, A. M., Lüdtke, J. (2017). Immersion into narrative and poetic worlds A neurocognitive poetics perspective. Chapter In book: Narrative Absorption, Publisher: John Benjamins, Editors: Hakemulder, Moniek M. Kuijpers, Ed S. Tan, Katalin Bálint & Miruna M. Doicaru. doi: 10.1075/lal.27.05jac
Jacobs, A. M. & Kinder, A. (2015). Worte als Worte erfahren: wie erarbeitet das Gehirn Gedichte (Experience words as words: how the brain constructs poems). in Kind und Gedicht (Child and Poem), ed A. Pompe (Berlin: Rombach), 57–76.
Lubrich, O., Knoop, C. A., Jacobs, A. M. (2015). Jean Genet und die Ästhetisierung des Abweichenden. Ein interdisziplinäres Experiment. In book: Jean Genet und Deutschland, Chapter: Jean Genet und die Ästhetisierung des Abweichenden. Ein interdisziplinäres Experiment, Publisher: Merlin, Editors: M. N. Lorenz & O. Lubrich, pp.393-411
- Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Chapter: "Towards a neurocognitive poetics model of literary reading" in Cognitive Neuroscience of Natural Language Use, Edited by Roel Willems, p.p. 135-195. Cambridge.
- Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Chapter: Affektive und ästhetische Prozesse beim Lesen: Anfänge einer neurokognitiven Poetik (Affective and aesthetic processes in reading: beginnings of a neurocognitive poetics). Sprachen der Emotion (Languages of Emotion), Edited by Gunter Gebauer, Markus Edler, Campus, pp. 134-154. ISBN: 978-3-593-39989-8
- Jacobs, A. M. (2014). 7 Towards a neurocognitive poetics model of literary reading. Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Natural Language Use, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Editors: Roel Willems, Hardback, pp. 135-159. ISBN 978-1-107-04201-8
Jacobs, A. M., Lüdtke, J. & Meyer-Sickendiek, B. (2013). Foregrounding/Backgrounding: Bausteine einer Neurokognitiven Poetik. In B. Meyer Sickendiek & F. Reents (Eds.), Stimmung und Methode. Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck. pp. 63–94.
- Jacobs, A. M., Hofmann, M. (2013). Neurokognitive Modellierung, Neurocognitive Modeling. In book: Affektive und kognitive Neurowissenschaft (Affective and Cognitive Neuroscience), Publisher: Hogrefe, Editors: Koelsch, S., Schroeger, E.
- Koelsch, S., Jacobs, A. M. (2013). Ein neurofunktionales Modell von Emotionen (A neurofunctional model of emotions). Publisher: Hogrefe
- Heine, A. & Jacobs, A. M. (2011). Basale Verarbeitungsdefizite und spezifische Rechenschwäche: Ein Brückenschlag zwischen neurokognitiven Funktionen und Leistung im Fach Mathematik. In A. Heine & A. M. Jacobs (Hrsg.), Lehr-Lern-Forschung unter neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Ergebnisse der 2. Förderphase des Programms NIL: Neurowissenschaft - Instruktion - Lernen. Münster: Waxmann.
- Briesemeister, B. B., Hofmann, M., Kuchinke, L., Jacobs, A. M. (2011). "The BAWL databases in research on emotional word processing". In: Julian Heister, Edmund Pohl, Kay-Michael Würzner (eds.). "Lexical Resources in Psycholinguistic Research: Proceedings of the Workshop Held at the Forth Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics (qitl4) on the 28th of March 2011". Potsdam Cognitive Science Series, vol. 3. Universitätsverlag Potsdam.
Jacobs, A. M. (2008). Kognitive Modellierung und Simulation (Cognitive modeling and simulation). In book: Handbuch der Neuro- und Biopsychologie (Handbook of Neuro- and Biopsychology), Publisher: Hogrefe, Editors: S. Gauggel, M. Herrmann, pp.54-60.
- Jacobs, A. M. (2006). Messung der Hirnaktivität. In J. Funke & P. Frensch (Eds.). In book: Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie, Kognition, Publisher: Hogrefe, Editors: J. Funke, P. Frensch, pp.697-704.
Grainger, J., Ferrand, L., Jacobs, A. M. (2004). Vers une approche psychophysique en psycholinguistique. In book: Psycholinguistique Cognitive: Essais en l'honneur de Juan Segui.
- Jacobs, A. M. (2003). Simulative Methoden. In G. Rickheit, T. Herrmann & W. Deutsch (Eds.), Handbuch der Psycholinguistik, Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 125-142.
- Jacobs, A. M. (2002). The cognitive psychology of literacy. In N. J. Smelser & P. B. Baltes (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 8971-8975.
- Jacobs, A. M. (2000). Five questions about cognitive models and some answers from three models of reading. In A. Kennedy, R. Radach, D. Heller, & J. Pynte (Eds.), Reading as a perceptual process. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 721-732.
- Jacobs, A. M. (2000). Computermodellierung gestörter lexikalischer Verarbeitung: Simulation von Legasthenie und Aphasie anhand von Künstlichen Neuronalen Netzwerken. Agora, pp.32-34.
- Jacobs, A. M., Rey, A., Ziegler, J. C., & Grainger, J. (1998). MROM-P: An interactive activation, multiple read-out model of orthographic and phonological processes in visual word recognition. In J. Grainger, J. & A. M. Jacobs (Eds.), Localist connectionist approaches to human cognition. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 147-187
- Grainger, J. & Jacobs, A. M. (1998). On localist connectionism and psychological science. In J. Grainger, J. & A. M. Jacobs (Eds.), Localist connectionist approaches to human cognition. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 1-38.
- Jacobs, A. M. (1993). Modeling the effects of visual factors on saccade latency. In G. d'Ydewalle & J. van Rensbergen (Eds.), Perception & Cognition,Advances in eye movement research, Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 349 - 361. .
- Jacobs, A. M. (1991). Eye movements in visual search: a test of the limited cognitive effort hypothesis and an analysis of the search operating characteristic. In R. Schmid & D. Zambarbieri (Eds.), Oculomotor control and cognitive processes - Normal and pathological aspects, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 397-410. .
- Jacobs, A. M., Besson, M., & Nazir, T. A. (1993). Modélisation du traitement des mots écrits: le rôle des codes prélexicaux, lexicaux et sémantiques. Actes du Colloque Images et Langages CNRS, Paris, pp. 153-159.
- Grainger, J., & Jacobs, A. M. (1992). La modélisation de l'identification des mots écrits. Le Courrier du CNRS 79.
- Reiffenrath, D., Heller, D., & Jacobs, A. M. (1991). An examination of the critical ratio hypothesis of search asymmetry. In Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, Duke University, Durham, pp. 75-80.
- Jacobs, A. M. & Lévy-Schoen, A. (1988). Breaking down saccade latency into central and peripheral processing times in a visual dual task. In G. Lüer, U. Lass & J. Shallo-Hoffmann (Eds.), Eye movement research: Physiological and psychological aspects, Göttingen: Hogrefe, pp. 267-285.
- Deubel, H., Findlay, J. M., Jacobs, A. M. & Brogan, D. (1988). Saccadic eye movements to targets defined by structure differences. In G. Lüer, U. Lass & J. Shallo-Hoffmann (eds.), Eye movement research: Physiological and psychological aspects, Göttingen: Hogrefepp, pp. 107-145
- Jacobs, A. M. (1987). Toward a model of eye movement control in visual search. In: J. K. O'Regan & A. Lévy-Schoen Eds.), Eye movements: from physiology to cognition, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 275-284
eBook ISBN : 9781483290065
- Jacobs, A. M. (1986). Mécanismes indépendants dans la programmation des saccades. Bulletin de la Société Française d'Optique Physiologique, 5, 18-22.
- Jacobs, A. M. (1985). Contraintes sensorielles dans le contrôle oculomoteur. Bulletin de la Société Française d'Optique Physiologique, 4, 2-5.
- Lévy-Schoen, A., O'Regan, J. K., Jacobs, A. M., & Coëffé, C. (1984)*. The relation between visibility span and eye movements in various scanning tasks. In A. Gale & F. Johnson (Eds.), Theoretical and applied aspects of eye movement research, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 133-142
C. Editorships / Books / Proceedings
- Jacobs, A. M. (2023, December): Neurocomputational Poetics: How the Brain Processes Verbal Art ISBN: 9781839987700 DOI: 10.2307/jj.7994683
Jacobs, A. M., and Schrott, R. (2015). Gefesselt im Kopfkino: Von Kippschaltern, Madeleine Effekten und Don Quichote Syndromen bei der Immersion in Textwelten (Captivated in the mind’s cinema: of trigger-switches, Don Quichote syndroms and immersion in text worlds). Available online at: FIKTION.CC
Schrott, R., Jacobs, A.M., (2013) Book: Neurocognitive Model of Literary Reading 2nd edited by Hanser., ISBN: 978-3-446-23656-1
Heine, A., & Jacobs A. M. (Hrsg.) (2011) Lehr-Lern-Forschung unter neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Ergebnisse der zweiten Förderphase des Programms NIL: Neurowissenschaft – Instruktion – Lernen. Münster: Waxmann.
- Schrott, R & Jacobs, A. M. (2011). Gehirn und Gedicht. Wie wir unsere Wirklichkeiten konstruieren. Carl Hanser Verlag
- Bartmann, A., Reiffenrath, D., Jacobs, A. M., Leder, H., Walkowiak, M., & Szymkowiak, A. (1993). Sichtabstand bei Fahrten in der Dunkelheit (94 S.). Bremerhaven: Wirtschaftsverlag NW.
- Füsser, K., Jacobs, A. M. & Steinbrecher, J. (1994). Sicherheitsbewertung von Querungshilfen für den Fußgängerverkehr (238 S.). Bremerhaven: Wirtschaftsverlag NW.
- Besson, M., Courrieu, P., Frenck-Mestre, C., Jacobs, A. M., & Pynte, J.(1992). Language perception and comprehension: Multidisciplinary approaches. Proceedings of the Marseille workshop. Marseille: CNRS-LNC.
- Jacobs, A. M. & Grainger, J. (1994) (sect. Eds.). Modeling visual word recognition, Special section of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, dec. issue.
- Grainger, J. & Jacobs, A. M. (1998). (Eds.) Localist connectionist approaches to human cognition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Lachnit, H., Jacobs, A.M. & Rösler, F. (Eds.). Experimentelle Psychologie: Abstracts der 40. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Berlin: Pabst Science Publishers, 426 S
D. Academic theses
Ph.D thesis: Le contrôle oculomoteur dans l'exploration visuelle: mécanismes sensori-moteurs et processus cognitifs (Oculomotor control in visual search: sensorimotor mechanisms and cognitive processes).
Masters thesis: I L'effet de la distance de lecture et de l'espacement entre les caractères sur le comportement oculomoteur (The effect of reading distance and inter-letter spacing on oculomotor behavior), Université René Descartes, Paris.
Masters thesis: II Über den Einfluss der Wort- und Textstruktur auf die Leseleistung (The influence of word and text structure on reading performance), Universität Würzburg.