eStudy Europe
E-Study Europe
Participating Institutions: Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft & Psychologie, Center for Media Research (Germany)University of Twente, Faculty of Educational Science and Technology (Netherlands)
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer and Communication Systems (Bulgaria)
Ministry of Education and Science (Bulgaria)
Technical University of Czestochowa, Management Faculty (Poland)
University of Economics, Insitute for Computer Sciences Economics (Poland)
Comi BV (Netherlands)
The project (funded by the European Comission) aims at the implementation of an european socio-technical infrastructure for enabling Tele-learning in CCE through which students from the CCE can set up and follow personalized curricula based on available certificated online courses. We participate in that project by developing and evaluating the courses.Project Leader (at the FU):
Prof. Dr. Ludwig J. Issing (