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Vienna speakers

Barbara Supper

Lieselotte Ahnert

Nina Tupy

Brigitte Lueger-Schuster

International speakers

Ross Thompson

Michael Lamb

Megan Gunnar

Zahava Solomon

Ross Thompson

University of California at Davis/USA

Distinguished Professor for Developmental Psychology, Senior NIMH Fellow at Stanford University, Advisor for the National Academy of Science; R. T. investigates consequences of early attachment experiences on child development; high interest in correlations of development of emotional and prosocial motivation as well as self-confidence

Michael Lamb

University of Cambridge/UK

Professor for Social and Developmental Psychology; Director of Studies in psychological and behavioral science; M. L. published over 500 papers and 40 books and therefore stands for manifold science in developmental psychology; investigates parent-child-relationships as well as their impact on childrens’ behavioral adjustment and cognitive processes.

Megan Gunnar

University of Minnesota/USA

Professor for Child Development; Director of the Institute of Child Development; M. G. is known for her expertise in the field of stress research; high interest in stress neurobiology as well as emotion regulation of children in respect to different care frameworks; advisor for the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child.

Zahava Solomon

University of Tel-Aviv/Israel

Professor of Psychiatric Epidemiology and Social Work an der Tel-Aviv University and scientific head of the research group “Mass Trauma Research”, located at Tel-Aviv University, Bar-Ilan University, Hebrew University, Weizmann Institute of Science and the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya.