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Bethke, N., O’Sullivan, J., Keller, J., von Bernuth, H., Gellert, P.*, & Seybold, J.* (2024). Increasing vaccinations through an on-site school-based education and vaccination program: A city-wide cluster randomized controlled trial. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 16(3), 1326-1348. https://doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12528 * Shared last authorship

Di Maio, S., Villinger, K., Knoll, N., Scholz, U., Stadler, G., Gawrilow, C., & Berli, C. (2024). Compendium of dyadic intervention techniques (DITs) to change health behaviors: a systematic review. Health Psychology Review, 18(3), 538-573. https://doi.org/10.1080/17437199.2024.2307534

Keller, J.*, Eichinger, M.*, Bechtoldt, M., Liu, S., Neuber, M., Peter, F., Pohle, C., Reese, G., Schäfer, F., & Heinzel, S. (2024). Evaluating the Public Climate School - a multi-component school-based program to promote climate awareness and action in students: A cluster-controlled pilot study. The Journal of Climate Change and Health, 15, 100286https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joclim.2023.100286 * Shared first authorship

Keller, J., Herrmann-Schwarz, T., Roitzheim, C., Mertens, L., Brockmeier, L. C., & Purohit, A. K. (2024). A digital nudge-based intervention to interrupt Instagram usage. European Journal of Health Psychology, 31(3), 128-140. https://doi.org/10.1027/2512-8442/a000150

Rauers, A. & Knoll, N. (2024). Krankheitsbewältigung [Coping with illness]. In: U.T. Egle, C. Heim, B. Strauß & R. v. Känel (Hrsg.), Psychosomatik. Neurobiologisch fundiert und evidenzbasiert (pp. 208–214), 2. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. Kohlhammer.

Schwarzer, R. (2024). Stress, resilience, and coping resources in the context of war, terror, and migration. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 57, 101393. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cobeha.2024.101393

Smith, S. R., Kroon, J., Schwarzer, R., & Hamilton, K. (2024). Promoting regular parental supervised toothbrushing: An additive intervention design adopting the Health Action Process Approach. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being, 16(1), 315-337. https://doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12489

Steckhan, G. M., Fleig, L., Wurm, S., Wolff, J. K., Schwarzer, R., & Warner, L. M. (2024). Fear of falling carries over into overprotection in old age: A cross-lagged panel Analysis. International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 98(4), 436-451. https://doi.org/10.1177/00914150231196819

Szczuka, Z., Kulis, E., Banik, A., Boberska, M., Siwa, M., Zaleskiewicz, H., Krzywicka, P., Paduszynska, N., Knoll, N., Radtke, T., Schenkel, K., Dunton, G. F., & Luszczynska, A. (2024). Effects of physical activity planning interventions on reducing sedentary behavior in parent-child dyads: A randomized controlled trial. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being16(4), 1840-1863. https://doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12565 

Warner, L.M., & Schwarzer, R. (2024). Self-Efficacy and Health. In: P. Liamputtong (Eds.). Handbook of Concepts in Health, Health Behavior and Environmental Health. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-0821-5_15-1