Marlon Esmeyer

Arbeitsbereich Neurocomputation and Neuroimaging
14195 JK25/212
In my research, I investigate perceptual decision-making throughout different contexts and modalities. I am particularly interested in understanding the precise and mechanistic role of reward on perceptual decisions.
To achieve a better understanding of the underlying neuronal processes of perceptual decision-making, I combine behavioural measures with univariate and multivariate neuroimaging techniques (e.g. Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis).
Furthermore, I aim to develop computational models based on the Active Inference Framework to gain a better understanding of the computational principles underlying such decision processes. More specifically, I want to use Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) to model behavioural and neuronal processes of decision-making to ultimately predict and explain empirical data.
Caccialupi, G., Schmidt, T. T., Nierhaus, T., Wesolek, S., Esmeyer, M., & Blankenburg, F. (2025). Decoding Parametric Grip-Force Anticipation From fMRI Data. Human Brain Mapping 46(3), e70154.
Froelich, S., Esmeyer, M., Endrass, T., Smolka, M. N., & Kiebel, S. J. (2022). Interaction of automatic motor and goal-directed behavior under time pressure. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15.
Scherbaum, S., Dshemuchadse, M., Esmeyer, M., Herbers, J., Maurer, P., Reichert, M., Rolf, D., Wehner, P., Vogel, D., & Rudolf, M. (2020). Let's play with Statistics! In: HDS.Journal 2020,2:41–43.