Raufelder*, D., Hoferichter*, F., Pöhland, L., Golde, S., Lorenz, R., & Beck, A. (2015). Adolescents’ socio-motivational relationships with teachers, amygdala response to teacher’s negative facial expressions and test anxiety. Journal of Research on Adolescence (accepted for publication) *shared first authorship
Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., & Eid, M. (2015). Socio-motivational moderators – Two sides of the same coin? Testing the potential buffering role of socio-motivational relationships on achievement drive and test anxiety among German and Canadian secondary school students. Frontiers in Psychology. 6:1675. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01675
Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., Ringeisen, T., Rohrmann, S. & Bukowski, W. M. (2015). Assessing the multi-faceted nature of test anxiety among secondary students: An English version of the German Test Anxiety Questionnaire: PAF-E. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied (accepted for publication).
Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., Ringeisen, T., Regner, N., & Jacke, C. (2015). The perceived role of parental support and pressure in the interplay of test anxiety and school engagement among adolescents: Evidence for gender-specific relations. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10826-015-0182-y
Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2015). Examining the role of social relationships in the association between neuroticism and test anxiety – results from a study with German secondary school students. Educational Psychology, 35(7), 851-868. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2013.849326
Juang, L., Ittel, A., Hoferichter, F., & Gallarin, M. (2015). Perceived Racial/Ethnic Discrimination and Adjustment among Ethnically Diverse College Students: Family and Peer Support as Protective Factors. Journal of College Student Development (accepted for publication)
Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., Schneeweiß, D., & Wood, M. A. (2015). The power of social and motivational relationships for test anxious adolescents’ academic self-regulation. Psychology in the Schools, 52(5), 447-462. doi: 10.1002/pits.21836
Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2015). Development and validation of the TEMO Scale: A self-report measure assessing students’ perceptions of liked and disliked teachers as motivators. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 3(2), 97-106. doi: 10.1080/21683603.2014.966228
Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., Eid, M., & Bukowski, W. M. (2014). Knowledge transfer or social competence? – A comparison of German and Canadian adolescent students on their socio-motivational relationships in school. School Psychology International, 35(6), 627-648. doi: 10.1177/0143034314552345
Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., & Eid, M. (2014). The mediating role of socio-motivational relationships in the interplay of perceived stress, neuroticism, and test anxiety among adolescent students. Psychology in the Schools. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/pits.21778
Raufelder, D., Kittler, F., Braun, S., Lätsch, A., Wilkinson, R. P., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). The interplay of perceived stress, self-determination and school engagement in adolescence. School Psychology International, 35, 405-420. doi: 10.1177/0143034313498953
Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). Die vier Motivationstypen. Die Grundschule, 4, 12-13.
Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). Ein Modell inter-individueller Unterschiede sozio-motivationaler Beziehungen von Sekundarschülern mit ihren Peers und Lehrern. Schulpädagogik heute, 9, Themenheft "Beziehungen in Schule und Unterricht".
Raufelder, D., Jagenow, D., Hoferichter, F., & Drury, K. (2013). The person-oriented approach in the field of educational psychology. Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century, 5, 79-88.
Raufelder, D., Drury, K., Jagenow, D., Hoferichter, F., & Bukowski, W. (2013). Development and Validation of the Relationship and Motivation (REMO) scales to assess students' perceptions of peers and teachers as motivators in adolescence. Learning and Individual Differences, 24, 182-189. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2013.01.001
Raufelder, D., Jagenow, D., Drury, K., & Hoferichter, F. (2013). Social Relationships and Motivation in Secondary School: 4 different motivation types. Learning and Individual Differences, 24, 89-95. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2012.12.002
Raufelder, D., Jagenow, D., Hoferichter, F., & Wilkinson, R. P. (2012). An interdisciplinary challenge: method triangulation in the field of brain development and motivation. Psychology Research, 2, 627-636.
Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2012). Soziale Beziehungen in der Schule fördern , um Prüfungsängste abzubauen - eine geschlechtsspezifische empirische Untersuchung an Gymnasien. Schulpädagogik heute, 6 www.schulpaedagogik-heute.de
Gottwald, F. (2012). Digitale Medien für Mediation nutzen. Authentische Sprachsituationen als Impulse für Mediation. Lernchancen 15 (86), 10-15.
Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2015). The impact of peer and teacher relationships on motivation of Canadian and German secondary school students. Im Rahmen des Symposiums „Heterogenität im Kontext von sozialen Beziehungen und Lernmotivation“. 3. GEBF Tagung, Bochum (Germany).
Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). Moderieren Lehrer- und Peer-Beziehungen in der Schule den Zusammenhang von Prüfungsangst und Leistungsstreben bei kanadischen und deutschen Jugendlichen? Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Prüfungsangst, sozio-emotionale Korrelate und Handlungsregulation bei jugendlichen Schülern". 49. DGPs Kongress, Bochum (Germany).
Golde, S., Pöhland, L, Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). Die Rolle des Lehrers für Emotionsverarbeitung und Prüfungsangst unter Jugendlichen – eine neurowissenschaftliche Perspektive. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Prüfungsangst, sozio-emotionale Korrelate und Handlungsregulation bei jugendlichen Schülern". 49. DGPs Kongress, Bochum (Germany).
Rohrmann, S., Schnell, K., Ringeisen, T., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). Wirkmechanismen von Selbstwirksamkeit auf selbstregulatorische Zielerreichungsprozesse und Schulleistung bei prüfungsängstlichen Schülern. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Prüfungsangst, sozio-emotionale Korrelate und Handlungsregulation bei jugendlichen Schülern". 49. DGPs Kongress, Bochum (Germany).
Ringeisen, T., Rohrmann, S., Schnell, K., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). Wird Prüfungsangst bei Mädchen und Jungen unterschiedlich vorhergesagt? Eine Analyse handlungsregulativer und kognitiver Prädiktoren auf Basis der Kontroll-Wert-Theorie. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Prüfungsangst, sozio-emotionale Korrelate und Handlungsregulation bei jugendlichen Schülern". 49. DGPs Kongress, Bochum (Germany).
Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). Wie adoleszente Schüler/-innen „gute“ und „schlechte“ Lehrer/-innen wahrnehmen – Ergebnisse einer qualitativen thematischen Analyse. 79. AEPF Tagung, Hamburg (Germany).
Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). Ein Modell inter-individueller Unterschiede sozio-motivationaler Beziehungen von Sekundarschülern mit ihren Peers und Lehrern. 79. AEPF Tagung, Hamburg (Germany).
Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). Knowledge Transfer or Social Competence? A comparision of German an Canadian Adolescent Students on their Socio-Motivational Relationships in School. 1. BIEN Jahrestagung für Bildungsforschung, Berlin (Germany).
Hoferichter, F. (2014). Social Relationships do matter – Peer and Teacher Relationships among Secondary School Students. Summer School on empirical research on education for sustainable development - issues, methods and trends, Vechta (Germany)
Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., & Schneeweiß, D. (2014). The Power of Social Relationships Within the School Setting on the Association Between Test Anxiety and Academic Self-Regulation Among secondary school students. In the context of the symposium "Test anxiety and social anxiety in children, adolescent and university students in specific evaluation contexts". 35. STAR conference, Cluj (Romania).
Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2014). The buffering effect of socio-motivational teacher and peer relationships on test anxiety and achievement motivation among Canadian and German secondary school students. In the context of the symposium "Test anxiety and social anxiety in children, adolescent and university students in specific evaluation contexts". 35. STAR conference, Cluj (Romania).
Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., Schulz, A.-K., & Aguín, L. (2014). The gender-specific interplay of perceived stress, test anxiety and liking a teacher in adolescent students. 35. STAR conference, Cluj (Romania).
Hoferichter, F., Raufelder, D., & Eid, M. (2014). Support or Dependence? - The ambivalence of socio-motivational relationships in school for the association of stress and neuroticism on test anxiety. 35. STAR conference, Cluj (Romania).
Ringeisen, T., Rohrmann, S., Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2014). Assessing the multi-faceted nature of test anxiety in one minute: An English adaptation of the brief German Test Anxiety Inventory (PAF-E). In the context of the symposium "Coping with stress in educational settings". 35. STAR conference, Cluj (Romania).
- Golde, S., Raufelder, D., Hoferichter, F., & Pöhland, L. (2014). How negative emotions in teacher-student relationships predict adolescents' test anxiety - results of an interdisciplinary neuroimaging study. 3. Meeting of the EARLI SIG 22 Neuroscience and Education, Göttingen (Germany). Certificated with a price and selected for oral presentation due to the high scientific quality.
Hoferichter, F. (2013). Social relationships and motivation in German and Canadian secondary schools: four different motivation types? Im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe "Sozio-motivationale Beziehungen im Kontext Schule in der Adoleszenz", 14. Fachgruppentagung der PAEPS der DGPs, Hildesheim.
Hoferichter, F. (2013).The interplay of neuroticism, test anxiety and perceived stress and the mediating role of social relationships in school for adolescence . In the context of the symposium "The interplay of test anxiety, constituent variables of the self and socio-emotional factors of adolescents' school context".34. STAR conference, Faro (Portugal).
Raufelder, D., & Hoferichter, F. (2012). Persönlichkeit und Lernmotivation in der Adoleszenz. Im Rahmen des Symposiums "Erfolgreich Lernen - eine Frage der Beziehung?" 48. Kongress der DGfE, Bielefeld.
Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2012). The buffering role of peer and teacher relationships on the association between emotional instability and perceived stress in early adolescence. 16th European Conference on Personality, Triest (Italy).
Jagenow, D., Raufelder, D., & Gottwald, F. (2012). Social Relationships and its role in Achievement Motivation in Secondary School - 4 different type of learners. Neuroscience and Education, London (Great Britain).
Gottwald, F., & Raufelder, D. (2012). Peer and teacher support and their effect on the association between neuroticism and test anxiety in early adolescence. 33. STAR conference, Palma (Mallorca, Spain).
Gottwald, F., Jagenow, D., & Raufelder, D. (2012). The impact of indivdiual and external factors on academic achievement in early adolescence. ICP, Capetown (South-Africa).
Jagenow, D., Raufelder, D., & Gottwald, F. (2012). Motivation and Social Relationships in Secondary School - four different types of learners. ICP, Capetown (South-Africa)
Raufelder, D., Jagenow, D., & Gottwald, F. (2012). An interdisciplinary challenge: method triangulation in the field of educational neuroscience. ICP, Capetown (South-Africa).
Gottwald, F., Raufelder, D., & Jagenow, D. (2012). Gender specific test anxiety in the context of neuroticism and social relations in a German secondary school setting. SRA Biennial Meeting, Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada).
Gallarin, M., Ittel, A., Gottwald, F., & Juang, L. (2012). Family Relationships and Emotional Development in Adolescence. SRA Biennial Meeting, Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada).
Juang, L., Ittel, A., Gottwald, F., & Gallarin, M. (2012). Peer Discrimination and Negative Adjustment among ethincally diverse college students: do friends and family relations help? SRA Biennial Meeting, Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada).
Gottwald, F., & Raufelder, D. (2011). Neue Erkenntnisse zur Prüfungsangst unter Berücksichtigung des Geschlechts, der Persönlichkeit und sozialer Einflussfaktoren im schulischen Kontext. AEPF, Klagenfurt.
Gottwald, F., & Raufelder, D. (2011). Die Bedeutung von sozialen Einflussfaktoren in Bezug auf Prüfungsangst und Neurotizismus im schulischen Kontext – ein geschlechtsspezifischer Vergleich. DGPs Pädagogische Psychologie, Erfurt.
Gottwald, F., & Raufelder, D. (2011). Die stabilisierende Funktion der Peergroup auf Neurotizismus im Zusammenhang mit Worry und Emotionality in der mittleren Adoleszenz - ein geschlechterspezifischer Vergleich. DGPs Entwicklungspschologie, Erfurt.
Gottwald, F., & Raufelder, D. (2011). Was begünstigt den Lernerfolg und stabilisiert gleichermaßen die psychosomatische Gesundheit? Erkenntnisse über die geschlechtsspezifische Wirkung sozialer Einflussfaktoren in der Schule: Ein Impuls für die Lehrerbildung. AEPF, Klagenfurt.
Raufelder, D., Jagenow, D. & Gottwald, F. (2011). Sozio-emotionale Faktoren im schulischen Lernprozess – eine Herausforderung für die Lehrerbildung? AEPF, Klagenfurt.