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Erasmus for Incomings

  • Erasmus Coordinator for Special Education: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Flavia Adani, Email: erasmus_sop@ewi-psy.fu-berlin.de
  • Responsible for the Transcript of Records for Special Education: Mrs. Christine Posern, Email: erasmus-ewi@erzwiss.fu-berlin.de
  • Comprehensive information on studying at Freie Universität Berlin can be found on the pages of the central ERASMUS office, Iltisstraße 4, 14195 Berlin.

Dear Incoming students,

If you are interested in attending courses offered by the Special Education during your Erasmus staying at the FU, we are pleased to let you know that the following courses are particularly suited for Erasmus students, given that the instructors have agreed to integrate some content in English. You should get in touch with the instructor at best before semester begin, if you would like to make use of these options.

Courses typically offered in the Summer Semester (April-July)

(S) Spezielle Methoden pädagogisch-psychologischer Diagnostik (Special Topics in Educational and Psychologic Assessement)

(Ü)  Forschungsmethoden im Kontext von Inklusion (Research Methods in the Context of Inclusion)

(SB)  Emotionale und soziale Entwicklung - Forschungsmethoden (Social and Emotional Development)

(SC)  Emotionale und soziale Entwicklung - Vertiefung  (Social and Emotional Development)

(SA) Sprachliche Entwicklung (Language Development)

(SB) Sprachliche Entwicklung (Language Development)

Courses typically offered in the Winter Semester (October-February)

(S) Individuelle Förderung in interkulturellen Kontexten (Individual support in Multicultural Settings)

(V) Grundlagenvorlesung Emotionale und soziale Entwicklung (Social and Emotional Development)

(SB)  Emotionale und soziale Entwicklung - Forschungsmethoden (Social and Emotional Development)

(HS) Interventionen bei Besonderheiten in der emotionalen und sozialen Entwicklung (Intervention in Social-Emotional Development)

(S)  Interventionen bei Besonderheiten in der emotionalen und sozialen Entwicklung (Intervention in Social-Emotional Development)

(SA) Entwicklung des Lernens (Development of Learning)

(SA) Sprachliche Entwicklung (Language Development)

(SB) Sprachliche Entwicklung (Language Development)