Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf

Anthropology and Education Section
Room KL 24/108
14195 Berlin
Christoph Wulf, Dr. phil., professor for anthropology and philosophy of education and co-founder of the Interdisciplinary Center for Historical Anthropology at the Freie Universität Berlin. Member of the International Research Training Group "InterArt", of the Collaborative Research Center "Performing Cultures" and the Cluster of Excellence "Languages of Emotion" at the Freie Universität Berlin; professor honoris causa, University of Bucharest; Vice-Chairman of the Society for Historical Anthropology; founder of the commission on Educational Anthropology in the German Society for Educational Science; member of the Board of Directors of the German Commission for UNESCO; member of the Conseil scientifique of the Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique (Paris/Lyon) and of the International Research Centre for Cultural Sciences (Vienna).
Focus of research: historical and educational anthropology, mimesis, aesthetics, intercultural education, performativity and ritual research.
Research periods, invited stays and visiting professorships: Stanford University, USA; University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; Institute of Education London University, United Kingdom; Faculty of Education and Institute of Education Stockholm University, Sweden; European Peace University Stadtschlainingen, Austria; Fondazione San Carlo, Modena, Italy; Intitut Universitaire de France; Université de Paris Nanterre, Université de Paris Saint-Denis, Université de Paris Diderot, Université de Paris Joussieu; Université de Lille, France; The Tokyo University, Japan; Kyoto University, Japan; International Research Center for Cultural Science, Wien.
Publications in recent years (selection): (with Gebauer): Mimesis. Culture, Art, Society, University of California Press: 1995; (French edition au cerf, Paris 2005; Italian edition 2007); Education in Europe. An Intercultural Task, ed., Münster/New York 1995; Education for the 21st Century. Commonalities and Diversities, ed., Münster/New York 1998; (with Gebauer): Spiel-Ritual-Geste, Reinbek 1998, (Danish 2001; French 2004; Japanese edition in preparation); (with Dibie): Ethnosociologie des échanges interculturels, Paris 1998; (with Schäfer): Bild, Bilder, Bildung, ed., Weinheim 1999; (with Kamper) : Logik und Leidenschaft, ed., Berlin 2002 ;Traité d’anthropologie: Philosophie, cultures, histories, éd, Paris 2002; Corpo, cosmo, cultura. Enciclopedia antropologica, ed., Milano 2002; Anthropology of Education, Münster/New York 2002; (French 1999; German 2001 ; Spanish. 2004; Portugese 2005); (et allii): Das Soziale als Ritual. Zur performativen Bildung von Gemeinschaften, Opladen 2001, (French 2004 ; English edition in preparation); Anthropologie. Geschichte, Kultur, Philosophie, Reinbek 2004 (Russian 2007, Englisch and Chinese in preparation); (et alii): Bildung im Ritual, Wiesbaden 2004; (with Zirfas.) Die Kultur des Rituals, ed. München 2004; Hermès 43, 2005: Rituels; (with Zirfas), Ikonologie des Performativen, ed., München 2005 ; Zur Genese des Sozialen, Bielefeld 2005; (with Hüppauf, eds.), Bild und Einbildungskraft, München 2006; (with Brandstedter, eds.), Tanz als Anthropologie, München 2007; Une anthropologie historique et culturelle. Rituels, mimésis sociale et performativité, Paris 2007; Anthropologie kultureller Vielfalt, Bielefeld 2006; et alii, Lernkulturen im Umbruch, Wiesbaden 2007 ; (with v. Braun, eds.), Mythen des Bluts, Frankfurt/M. 2007 ; (with Zirfas eds.), Pädagogik des Performativen 2007.
Co-editor of the "Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft" (Journal for Educational Science) and the Series "Historische Anthropologie" (1988ff), "European Studies in Education" (1995ff.), "Pädagogische Anthropologie" (1996ff.); executive editor of "Paragrana. Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie" (1992ff.); cooperative member of several international journals.
Venia Legendi
Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft und alle Studienrichtungen sowie studienrichtungsübergreifende und studienrichtungsspezifische Wahlpflichtfächer