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Gülru Horozoğlu

Günsu Horozoglu

Division of Educational Research, with Particular Consideration of Heterogeneity and Education


Habelschwerdter Alle 45
Room KL23 / 232
14195 Berlin
Henriette Swiatek
Henriette Swiatek

Education / Professional Career

  • since 10/2023 Research accociate at Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Education and Pschology, Division of Educational Research, with Particular Consideration of Heterogeneity and Education
  • 2021 - 2023 Master's Program Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin
    Topic:Work, Organizational and Health Psychology
  • 2018 - 2021 Bachelor's Program Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin
    Topic: Physiological Correlates of Tactile and Non-tactile Noverbal Social Support

Scientific Work

  • since 2023 Research accociate at Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Education and Pschology, Division of Educational Research, with Particular Consideration of Heterogeneity and Education
  • 2022 - 2023 Student assistant at scientific project "Partnerschaftliches Präventionsprogramm (PPP)" at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Division of Gender Studies in Medicine (GIM), Research Group Prevention
  • 2022 Practical training at scientifical projekt "HASCI - Healthy, Active and Sustainable Commuting Interventions" at Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Health Psychology
  • 2020 - 2022 Student assistant at joint project "tech4comp (technology for competence) - Personalisierte Kompetenzentwicklung durch skalierbare Mentoringprozesse (Personalied skills development through scalable mentoring processes)" at Freie Universität Berlin, Center for Digital Systems (CeDis)

Articles in Journals and Book chapters

Papers and Congressional articles

Articles in Journals and Book chapters


  • Kessels, U., Nishen, A.K. & Schieck, D. (2020). Segregation und Zugehörigkeitsgefühl in heterogenen Klassen. In D. Raufelder und G. Hagenauer (Hrsg.) Soziale Eingebundenheit. Sozialbeziehungen im Fokus von Schule und Lehrer'innenbildung (pp. 99-112). Münster: Waxmann.


Papers and Congressional articles


  • Nishen, A. K., Schieck, D., & Kessels, U. (2022, March). Sorgen von Lehramtsstudierenden zum Umgang mit ethnisch-kultureller Heterogenität [Concerns of teacher students regarding the handling of ethnic-cultural heterogeneity]. [Paper presentation] 9th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research, Bamberg, Germany. https://gebf2022.de/GEBF2022_Tagungsband_01-03-22.pdf


  • Schieck, D. (2021, September). Religionsverbundene Konflikte im Berliner Schulalltag: Erste Ergebnisse Interviews mit Berliner Lehrkräften. [Religious conflicts in everyday school life in Berlin: First results of interviews with Berlin teachers] [Short presentation]. German Federal congress for School Psychology, Münster, Germany.
  • Nishen, A. K., Schieck, D., & Kessels, U. (2021, August). Would that be racist? Constructing a scale on teacher students’ concerns about cross-ethnic teaching [Roundtable presentation]. JURE 2021 online conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Schieck, D. (2021, July). Die Rolle der sozialen Herkunft im Bildungssystem. Ausgewählte Untersuchungen zur Ungleichheitsforschung und zum Studieren während der Corona-Pandemie.[The role of the socioeconomic background in the educational system. Selected studies on inequality reserch and studying during the Corona pandemic]. Meeting of the Green University Group of Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.

  • Schieck, D., & Mettler, M. (2021, March). „Gewalt im Namen der Ehre“ – zum Zusammenhang von religiösem Extremismus, konservativ islamischen Ehrvorstellungen und gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit ["Violence in the name of honor" - on the connection between religious extremism, conservative islamic ideas of honor and grouprelated misanthropy]. [Roundtable presentation],  Congress for Clinical Psychology, Psychotheraye and Counseling of the German Society for Behavioral Therapy, Berlin, Germany.


  • Schieck, D. (2019, September). Prokrastination. Subjektivierung. Affekt. Eine qualitative  Untersuchung der begleitenden Affekte bei der Prokrastination vor dem Hintergrund der  Subjektivierung von Arbeit. [Procrastination. Subjectivation. Affect. A qualitative investigation of the accompanying affects in procrastination against the background of the subjectification of work]. In H. Erz, Grenzenlos leben?! Interdisziplinär denken. 7th Student Sociology Congress, Bochum, Germany.


  • Schieck, D. (2018, August). Sisters of the Islamic State: Propaganda als Entstehungsraum. Eine Analyse (nicht)physischer Räume am Beispiel des Propagandamagazins „Dabiq“ [Sisters of the Islamic State: Propaganda as a space of emergence. An analysis of (non)physical spaces using the propaganda magazine "Dabiq" as an example].  In B. Lumer, Z. Wollny, H. Hladilová, & A. Kruithof (Eds.), [HIER KÖNNTE IHR TITEL STEHEN], Kleine Humboldt-Galerie der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 117–120. https://www.kleinehumboldtgalerie.de/ausstellungen/publikation/