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Tobias Heed

Feb 12, 2018 | 04:00 PM

Spatial integration in tactile-motor processing

It is commonly assumed that touch is represented in a skin-based and in a 3D-like, spatial code at the same time. I will address how these different sensory codes, and their dynamic recoding into a motor-related code, are reflected in parietal cortical fMRI activity. I will then demonstrate that tactile forced-choice tasks, that are prominently used to investigate tactile-motor transformation in behavior, cannot easily be mapped onto the sensorimotor transformations evident in fMRI, but instead mark the integration of various spatial and non-spatial characteristics during tactile-sensory decisions. I will discuss how these findings challenge and supplement current concepts of sensorimotor processing in parietal-frontal brain circuits.

Time & Location

Feb 12, 2018 | 04:00 PM
