Seminar Series
The seminar series is the CCNB's central forum for the exchange of scientific ideas.
During lecture times (during winter and summer term) seminars take place every second Monday between 4.00 pm (sharp) and 5.30 pm. The length of a talk is usually 45 minutes, which is followed by a discussion. Currently, all talks take place ONLINE. The Webex links will be circulated by the mailing list some days before the seminar.
Mailing List
In order to receive the online meeting invitation link, please subscribe to the CCNB Seminar Email List. You will also receive the latest information and reminders about upcoming seminars.
For organizational questions (e.g. inviting speakers), please contact the coordinator Dr. Timo Torsten Schmidt.
Recordings of lectures
Some (not all) lectures are recorded and will be published on our CCNB Youtube channel. You could find the list of past talks by clicking the "Past Events" button below. Then, you could select the talk, for which you want to watch the video.
Rasmus Bruckner, Universität Hamburg
Title: Understanding learning through uncertainty and bias
Location: JK25/021f
Bernhard Spitzer, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
Title: On levels of abstraction and long-term storage of visuospatial working memory information
Location: JK25/021f
Matthias Guggenmos, Health and Medical University (HMU), Potsdam
Title: Encoding of illusory colors along the visual cortical hierarchy
Location: JK25/021f
Anna Kufner, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Title: Mapping Stroke's Pathways: Insights and Future Directions in Lesion Network Analysis
Michael Herzog, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Title: Do we really measure what we believe we are measuring? About weak correlations in vision, ageing, and schizophrenia research
Rosanne Rademaker, Ernst Strüngmann Institut for Neuroscience, Frankfurt am Main
Title: Behavior needs working memory: Flexible formats and loci of visual working memory
Maxi Becker, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Titel: Insight as Prediction Error - Investigating the neural mechanisms of insightful problem-solving
Sven Ohl, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Title: The Elements of Causal Perception
Jiawei Li, Alessandro Gifford, Freie Universität Berlin
Title: Two presentations from the Neural Dynamics of Visual Cognition Lab
Adrien Doerig, Universität Osnabrück
Title: Visual representations in the human brain are aligned with large language models
Christian Gaser, Universität Jena
Title: Computational anatomy for detecting changes in brain structure during development, ageing and learning
Freek L. van Ede Vrije, Universiteit Amsterdam
Title: Focusing visual working memory for behaviour
Silvia Seghezzi, Birkbeck University London
Title: Enriched volition: the neural correlates of voluntary actions
Oscar Ferrante, University of Birmingham
Title : An adversarial collaboration to critically evaluate theories of consciousness.
Shahar Arzy, Hadassah Hebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem
Title : Disorientation as a key to functional understanding of Alzheimer's disease
Micah Allen - CANCELLED
CANCELLED Measuring Multidimensional Interoception: Sensitivity, Precision, and Metacognitive Calibration
Falk-Eippert, MPI-for-Human-Cognitive-and-Brain-Science-Leipzig
Title: Assessing human spinal cord function non-invasively
Dirk Ostwald, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Title: A primer on agent-based behavioural modelling
Xiaosi Gu, Center for Computational Psychiatry, Mount Sinai, New York
Title: A Social Neuroscience Approach Towards Computational Psychiatry
Evgenia Kirilina, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Science, Leipzig
Title: Towards a comprehensive structural human connectome: mapping short association fibres in the human brain.
Rebecca Böhme, Linköping University
Title: Experiencing the Self through Touch: Self-Other-Distinction in Neurotypical and Neurodiverse Populations
Johannes Fahrenfort, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Title: Pitfalls in multivariate classification analysis of EEG data
Martin Hebart, Max-Planck-Institut, Leipzig
Title: Beyond similarity: Interpretable dimensions underlying representations in minds, brains, and artificial intelligence
Carsten Allefeld, City University London
Title: GLM-based MVPA and its extension to 'cross-decoding'
Andreas Horn, Harvard Medical School
Title: How the connectome can guide neuromodulation
Benedikt Ehinger, Universität Stuttgart
Title: Unfold your (event-related) potential(s): Regression ERPs overlapping designs, non-linear effects
Heleen Slagter, VU Amsterdam
Title: Attention and perception in the predictive brain
Stefan Kiebel, TU Dresden
Title: Context inference as a basis for fast and flexible action selection
Marcel Brass, HU Berlin
Title: How do we represent multiple observed actions in our motor system?
Philipp Sterzer, Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel
Title: A predictive-processing account of psychosis
Athina Tzovara, Universität Bern
Title: Auditory processing and deviance detection as markers of coma outcome
Veith Weilnhammer, Charité Berlin
Title: The role of predictive processes in altered states of consciousness
Philip Corlett, Yale University
Titel: Hallucinations & Delusions as Aberrations of Belief
Michael Gaebler, Max Planck Institute for human cognitive and brain
Title: Neuroscience beyond the brain: Linking heart-brain interactions to perception, action, and emotion
Ram Bilas Pachori
"Multivariate signal processing for EEG analysis and classification"
Oleg Solopchuk, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Tübingen Department Computational Neuroscience
Active sensing with artificial neural networks
Inês Hipólito, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
The Free Energy Principle in the Edge of Chaos
Beren Millidge, MRC Brain Networks Dynamics Unit, University of Oxford
Learning in the Brain beyond Backprop
Ryszard Auksztulewicz, European Neuroscience Institute Göttingen
Prediction, attention, and memory in the auditory cortex
Thomas Parr, University College London
The neurobiology of active inference
Ryan Smith, Laureate Institute for Brain Research
Active inference as a computational framework for modeling empirical data
Joachim Lange, Universität Düsseldorf
The rhythm of (tactile) perception - how prestimulus neuronal oscillations influence perception
Victor Lamme, University Amsterdam
Title: Theories of Consciousness: are they all wrong, or all right?
Liad Mudrik, Tel Aviv University
Consciousness and the brain: comparing and testing neuroscientific theories of consciousness
Lucia Melloni, Max Planck Insititute for Empirical Aesthetics
In search of the neural correlates of consciousness: challenges and alternative approaches
Katrin Preller, Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich
The neurobiology of psychedelic substances
Claire Sergent, Université de Paris
Brain dynamics associated with conscious processing
Henry Railo, University of Turku
How fast does conscious visual perception emerge, and what is its functional significance?
Jaan Aru, University of Tartu
Cellular mechanisms of conscious processing
Yana Fandakova
Cognitive control contributions to learning and memory: Lifespan development and neural plasticity
Michael Pitts
Distinguishing Neural Correlates of Perceptual Awareness from Post-perceptual Judgments
Guray Erus
Neuroimaging Big Data Analysis using Machine Learning: Novel Directions, Opportunities and Challenges
Matthew Self
Laminar processing of feedforward and feedback signals in visual cortex
Marcela de Lourdes Peña Garay
Neural basis of language acquisition
Ben Eppinger
Learning and decision-making across the human lifespan: From latent state spaces to social influences
Esther Kühn
Using 7T-MRI to understand the architecture of the human sensorimotor system in health and disease
Moritz Köster
Emerging concepts of the world in early infancy
Ben Harvey
Computation, representation and multisensory integration of quantities in the human brain
Joachim Lange
The rhythm of (tactile) perception - how prestimulus neuronal oscillations influence perception
Patrick Mussel
Social influencing in decision making
Sören Krach
Forming beliefs about self and others: A social neuroscience perspective
Anne Urai
Sequential choice effects in decision-making as a window onto cognition in rodents and humans
Location: J 24/22
Kerstin Ritter
From machine learning to deep learning in clinical neuroimaging
Mona Garvert
Representing structure knowledge for flexible cognition
Stefanie Höhl
Getting attuned to others: Interpersonal neural synchrony and coordination in human development
Katja Liebal
Comparative approaches to study human cognition: possibilities, challenges, and limits
Romy Lorenz
Towards a neurobiologically-derived cognitive taxonomy
Esther Kühn
The microstructural organization of the aging somatosensory cortex
Melissa Le-Hoa Vo
Reading scenes: How we use Scene grammar to guide attention in real-world environments
Sören Krach
Social neuroscience in psychiatry
Joachim Lange
The rhythm of (tactile) perception - how prestimulus neuronal oscillations influence perception
Vadim V Nikulin
Long-range temporal correlations in neuronal oscillations
Gabriel Curio
Listening to neural whisper: Non-invasive EEG/MEG recordings of human cerebral population spikes
Elisa Filevich
Relationships between domains of metacognitive monitoring
Soyoung Park
Mind the gut: New perspectives from human nutritional neurobiology
Evelyn Eger
Location: KL 32 / 202
Zeb Kurth-Nelson
Location: KL 32 / 202
Marius Peelen
Location: KL 32/ 202
Florian Schlagenhauf
Location: KL 32/ 202
Simon Eickhoff
Location: KL 32/ 202
Henning Reimann
Location: KL 32/ 202
Tobias H. Donner
Location: KL 32/ 202
Philipp Sterzer
Location: KL 32/ 202
Martin Rolfs
Location: J 32 / 102
Stefano Palminteri
Location: J 32 / 102
Daniela Vallentin
Location: J 32 / 102
Nico Schuck
Location: J 32 / 102
Pierre-Louis Bazin
Location: J 32 / 102
Laurence Hunt
A triple dissociation of attention and decision computations across prefrontal cortex
Location: KL32/202
Wilhelm Stannat
Ensemble Kalman Filters and beyond: Mathematical Theory and applications
Location: KL32/202
Adrian Fischer
Lateralized Beta Power Reveals the Dynamics of Human Choice Formation
Location: KL32/202
Evgeniya Kirilina
Microstructure imaging with MRI: advanced acquisitions, validation in post mortem tissue and neuroscience applications
Location: KL32/202
Joram Soch
Taming the Beast of multiple model estimation with model quality control
Location: J27/14