Publication in foreign languages (selection)
(Christoph Wulf)
Christoph Wulf
Book publications in foreign languages
- Education as knowledge of the Human Being in the Anthroposcene.Amman: Dar Almanahej, 2019.
- Anthropology of Education. Amman: Dar Almanahej, 2018.
- Images of the Human Being. Imaginary and Performative Foundations of Culture..Amman: Dar Almanahej, 2018.
- et al.: Ritual and Identity. Arabic Edition. Amman: Yarmouk University Press University, 2017.
- Anthropology. History – Culture – Philosophy (Arabic translation). Kalima: Mediterranean Publisher, 2009.
- (with F. Triki, J. Poulain) eds.: Education and Democracy. Tunis: Sunomed, Editions Wassiti, 2009.
- (with J. Poulain, F. Triki,) eds.: European and Islamically-Influenced Countries in Dialog. Violence, Religion, and Intercultural Understanding. Tunis: Sunomed, Editions Wassiti, 2008.
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- Anthropology of Education. Sofia, 2016.
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- Education as Knowledge of the Human Being in the Anthropocene. Shanghai East China Normal University Press 2024. (in preparation)
- Human Images Imagination, Mimesis, Imaginary. Shanghai East China Normal University Press, 2018.
- The genesis of the Social. Mimesis, Performativity, Ritual. Beijing: Guandong Edu Press, 2012.
- Anthropology of Education. Beijing: Educational Publishing House, 2009.
- Anthropology. History, Culture, Philosophy, Peking 2024.
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- Antropologija u globaliziranom svijetu. Zagreb: Matica Hrvatska, 2019
- Education as Human Knowledge in the Anthropocene (in preparation). 2021/2022.
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- (with G. Gebauer,): Kroppens sprog. Spil, ritualer, gestik. Kopenhagen: Nordisk Forlag A/S, Gyldendalske Boghandel 2001.
- Wulf, Christoph. 2022. Human Beings and their Images. Imagination. Mimesis, Performativity. London: Bloomsbury.
- Wulf, Christoph. 2022. Education as Human Knowledge in the Anthropocene. An Anthropological Perspective. London: Routledge.
- (with A. Kraus), eds.2022. The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and Learning. London. Palgrave Macmillan.
- (with G. Kress, S. Selander, R. Saljö) eds.: Learning as Social Practice. Beyond Education as an Individual Entreprise. London et al.: Routledge, 2021.
- (with A. Michaels) eds: Science and Scientification. London et. al: Routledge, 2020.
- (with J. R. Resina) eds.: Repetition, Recurrence, Returns. How cultural Renewal works. Lanham: Lexington Books/Roman & Littlefield, 2019.
- (with Kontopodis, M/Varvantakis, Ch. (eds.): Global Youth in Digital Trajectories. London, Routledge, 2017.
- (with Dietmar Kamper) (eds.): Looking Back on the End of the World. Cambridge MA: MIT, 2017 (new edition).
- eds.: Exploring Alterity in a Globalized World. London et al.: Routledge, 2016.
- Critical Educational Science. New Delhi: Critical Quest, 2015.
- (with Capeloa Gil, Isabel) (eds.): Hazardous Future. Disaster, Representation, and the Assessment of Risk. Berlin et al.: de Gruyter, 2015.
- (with M. Gall, E. Friedlander, and M. Zuckermann): Art and Gesture. Paragrana. Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie. Vol. 23, 1, De Gruyter Verlag: 2014, Berlin/ De Gruyter, 2015.
- Anthropology. A Continental Perspective. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2013.
- (with A. Michaels, A.) eds.: Exploring the Senses. South Asian and European Perspectives on Rituals and Performativity. London et al.: Routledge, 2014.
- (with A. Michaels) eds.: Exploring the Senses. London et al.: Routledge, 2013.
- (with S. Klien) eds.: Well-Being. Emotions, Rituals and Performances in Japan. Paragrana. Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie. Vol. 22, 1, Akademie/de Gruyter, 2013.
- (with A. Michaels.) eds.: Emotions in Rituals. London et al.: Routledge, 2012.
- (et al.) eds.: Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. Muenster: Waxmann, 2012.
- (et al.): Ritual and Identity: The Staging and Performing of Rituals in the Lives of Young People. London: The Tufnell Press, 2010.
- (with B. Huppauf,) eds.: Dynamics and Performativity of Imagination: The Image between the Visible and the Invisible. London et al.: Routledge, 2009.
- (with A. Michaels) eds.: The Indian Body: Ritual, Transgression, Performativity. Paragrana Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie, Vol. 18 (1). Berlin: Akademie/ de Gruyter, 2009.
- (with S. Suzuki) eds.: Mimesis, Poiesis, Performativity in Education. Muenster, New York: Waxmann, 2007.
- (with Y. Imai, eds.): Concepts of Aesthetic Education. Japanese and European Perspectives. Muenster, New York: Waxmann, 2007.
- (with T. Werler, eds.): Hidden Dimensions of Education. Rhetoric, Rituals and Anthropology. Muenster, New York: Waxmann, 2006.
- (with D. Kamper) eds.: Looking back at the End of the World. New York: Semiotext(s), 2nd edition, 2004 (first edition 1989).
- (with B. Quarsell, eds.): Culture and Education. Muenster, New York: Waxmann, 2003.
- Educational Science, Hermeneutics, Empirical Research, Critical Theory. Muenster et al.: Waxmann, 2003.
- Educational Anthropology. Muenster et al.: Lit, 2002.
- (with J. K. Koppen, I. Lunt) eds.: Education in Europe. Cultures, Values, Institutions. Muenster, New York: Waxmann, 2002.
- (ed.): Education for the 21st Century. Commonalities and Diversities. Muenster, New York: Waxmann, 1998.
- (with G. Gebauer): Mimesis. Culture, Art, Society. Berkeley: University of California Press,1995.
- (ed.): Education in Europe. An Intercultural Task. Muenster, New York: Waxmann, 1995.
- (with S. Sting, eds.): Education in a Period of Social Upheaval. Muenster, New York: Waxmann, 1995.
- (ed.): Handbook of Peace Education. Frankfurt/M., Oslo: International Peace Research Association, 1974.
- (with A. Michaels) eds.: Images of the Body in India. London et. al. Routledge, 2011.
- (with M. Kontopodis, B. Fichtner) eds.: Children, Development and Education. Cultural, Historical, Anthropological Perspectives. New York: Springer, 2011.
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- Wallenhorst, Nathanael und Wulf, Christoph. Hg. 2022. Humains - dictionnaire d’anthropologie prospective. Paris: Vrin.
- (avec Gilles Brougère) eds.: À la rencontre de l'autre. Lieux, corps, sens dans les èchanges scolaires. Paris: Téraèdre, 2018.
- (avec Obrillant, D./Saint-Fleur, J. P./Jeffrey, D.) eds.: Pour une éducation à la paix dans un monde violent. Paris: L’ Harmattan, 2017.
- Anthropologie. Histoire – Culture – Philosophie. Paris: CNRS Èditions, 2013.
- Une anthropologie historique et culturelle: Rituels, mimesis sociale et performativité. Paris: Téraèdre, 2007.
- (avec G. Gebauer): Mimésis. Culture – Art – Société. Paris: Cerf, 2005.
- (avec G. Gebauer): Jeux, Rituels, Gestes. Les fondement mimétiques de l’action sociale. Paris: Anthropos, 2004.
- (et al.): Penser les pratiques sociales comme rituels. Ethnografie et génèse de communautés. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2004.
- (edd.): Traité d’anthropologie historique. Philosophies, histoires, cultures. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2002.
- Anthropologie de l’éducation. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1999.
- (avec R. Hess) eds.: Parcours, passages et paradoxes de l’interculturel. Paris: Anthropos, 1999.
- (avec P. Dibie) eds : Ethnosociologie des échanges interculturels. Paris: Anthropos, 1998.
- (with E. Morin), Planète – l’aventure inconnue. Paris: Mille et une nuits, 1997.
- Introduction aux sciences de l’éducation. Paris: Armand Colin 1995.
- (with J. Poulain, F. Triki) eds.: La reconstruction transculturelle de la justice. Mondialisation, communautés et individus. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2011.
- et al. eds: La citoyenneté européenne. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011.
- (with J. Poulain, F. Triki,) eds.: Violence, religion et dialogue interculturel, Perspectives euroméditerranéennes. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2010.
- (avec G. Boëtsch) eds.: HERMÈS 43- Rituels. Paris 2005.
- (avec J. Beillerot) eds. : L´Éducation en France et en Allemagne. Diagnostics de notre temps, Paris : L’Harmattan, 2003.
- Wulf, Christoph. 2022. Anthropologia tes Ekpaideuses Oi prooptikés sto Anthropokaino .Athéna: Ion.
- Anthropology. History. Culture. Philosophy. Athens: Pedio, 2019.
- Az antropológia- rövid összefoglalása. Budapest:Enciklopédia Kiadó, 2007.
- (with D. Kamper): Anthropology after the Death of Man. Budapest, 1998.
- Homo Imaginationis. Le radici estetiche dell'antropologia storico-culturale. Milano-Udine 2018: Mimesis Edizioni. Collana: Estetica/Mente/Linguacci n. 13.
- (with G. Gebauer):Mimesis. Cultura – Arte – Società. La Vita e le Forme. Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2017.
- Patrimonio immateriale e educazione interculturale. Consorzio per il festival filosofia. Modena, 2015.
- Scienze dell’Educazione. Ermeneutica ricerca empirica teoria critica. Roma: Editoriale Anicia s.r.l., 2014.
- Antropologia dell’Uomo Globale. Storia e Concetti. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2013.
- Le idee dell' antropologia. Milano: Bruno Mondatori, 2007.
- Cosmo, corpo, cultura: Enciclopedia antropologica. Milano: Bruno Mondatori, 2002.
- Mimesis. L’arte ei Suoi Modelli. Milano: Mimesis, 1995.
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- Introduction to the Anthropology of Education. Japanese translation by Yasuo Imai and Midori Takamatsu. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2015.
- (with Shoko Suzuki et al.): Anthropology of Happiness. Ichijoujikinomotochou, Nakanishiya Publishing Company, 2013.
- (ed.): Human and Culture. Handbook of Historical Anthropology, 3 volumes. Tokyo: Bensei, 2005-2008.
- Introduction into Educational Anthropology. Tokyo: The Tokyo University Press 2003.
Anthropology, History, Culture, Philosophy. (trans. by Shoko Suzuki). Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press 2023.
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- (with G. Gebauer): Mimetische Weltzugänge. Seoul, 2016.
- Theories and Concepts of Educational Science. Seoul, 2001.
- Antropological foundations of Education, Ulan Bator: Monsudar, 2015.
- Antropologie. Historia – kultura – filozofia. Warschau: FISPAN, 2016.
- Educação como conhecimento do ser humano na Era do Antropoceno: Sao Paulo: Cortez Editora, 2022.
- (with N. Baitello) eds.: Sapientia Uma arqueologia de saberes esquecidos. Sao Paulo: SESC, 2019.
- Antropologia. História, Cultura, Filosofia. Sao Paulo: Annablume editora, 2014.
- (with N. Baitello) eds.: Emoção e Imaginação: Os Sentidos e as Imagens em Movimento. São Paulo. Estação das Letras e Cores Editora, 2014.
- Homo Pictor. Imaginação, ritual e aprendizado mimético no mundo globalizado. Sao Paulo: Hedra, 2013.
- Anthropology. History, Culture, Philosophy. Sao Paulo: Anna Blume, 2012.
- Antropologia da educacao. Campinas: Átomo & Alínea, 2005.
- (with G. Gebauer): Mimese ne cultura. Sao Paulo: Anna Blume, 2004.
- (with E. Morin): Planeta. A aventura desconhecida. Sao Paulo: USP, 2002.
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- Wulf, Christoph, 2022. Educatia ca stiintâ la omul din Antropocen, o perspectiva antropologica. Bucuresti: Editura Didactica si pedagogica. S.A.
- Antropologia educatiei. Bucuresti: Humanitas Educational, 2007.
- (with V. Mironov) eds.: Mimesis und kulturelle Metamorphosen. Moscow: Lomonossow University Press 2015.
- (mit Pivovar, E./Zabotkina, V.) eds: The role of the Humanities in Modern Society. The State of the Arts and Perspectives. Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2015.
- Christoph Wulf: Anthropologie in der globalisierten Welt. Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Anthropologie. Moscow: Lomonossow University Press, 2015.
- (with Savchuk, V.) eds.: Insecurity as Challenge. Media, Anthropology, Aesthetics. St. Petersburg, RHGA-Publisher, 2013.
- Anthropology of Education. Moscow: Praxis, 2012
- Christoph Wulf: Einführung in die Anthropologie der Erziehung. filosofuja obrasobanuja, 2011.
- (with Valerij Savchuk) ed.: Emotion as Movement. Moscow: Kanon, 2011.
- On the Genesis of the Social. Mimesis, Performativity, Ritual. Saint Petersburg, 2009.
- Anthropology. History – Culture – Philosophy. Saint Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press, 2nd edition 2008.
- Кристоф Вульф (Wulf): Антропология: История, культура, философия. СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2007.
- Educación o del conocimiento del ser humano en el Antropoceno (2021/2022).
- Antropología. Historia, Cultura, Filosofía. Barcelona: Anthropos, 2008.
- (with B. Newton) ed.: Desarrollo Sostenible. Murnster, New York: Waxmann, 2006.
- Antropología de la educacíon. Barcelona: Idea Books, 2004.
- Introdutión a la ciencia de la educación. Entre teoria y practica. Medellin: Medellin University Press 1999.
- (with Küper, W.) Serie pedagogía y didáctica (vol. 1, 4, 6),.Quito: Abya-Yala 1993.
- Pedagogia general
- Curriculo y didactica general
- Enseñar y aprender
- Psicologia educativa
- Pedagogia. Intercultural bilingüe
- Eğitim Bilimi – Yorumsamacı Yöntem Görgül Araştırma Eleştirel Teori. Basım Tarihi Ankara: Dipnot Yayınları, 2010. (Turkish Translation of Educational Science: Hermeneutics, Empirical Research, Critical Theory).
- Tarhisel Kültürel Antropoloji. Ankara: Dipnot Yayınları, 2009. (Turkish translation of Anthropology – History, Culture, Philosophy).