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Application and Admission summer term 2024

News vom 01.12.2023

You will find information on the websites of the Freie Universität and on UniAssist about the possibility to apply to the Master Cognitive Neuroscience (MCNB) to start studying in the summer term 2024 (Sommersemester). The courses/modules of the MCNB always start with the winter term (October). Therefore, the application to the summer term is an application to a higher semester (German: höheres Fachsemester, i.e. 2.FS or 4.FS). 

Please note: We advise against an application to start with the summer term 2024. Both cohorts of students (those who will enter the 2.FS and those who will enter the 4.FS in the summer term 2024) are overbooked. Meaning that there is more students enrolled than there is designated seats. Our statistics tell that it is highly unlikely that multiple students were to drop out from the programm until the start of the summer term 2024. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that anyone would get admitted to the summer term.

You might ask: Why is it then possible to apply at all?

This is a legitimate question! We were informed that due to the theoretic possibility of drop outs the law situation requires us to run the application procedures. Only at the start of the summer term we can ultimately say that there is acutally no seats available. This is an unfortunate situation and we hope to find ways to improve the situation in future years.

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