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Qualitative Research on Human Development

Prof. Dr. Ralf Bohnsack has been retired since October 2013. The new head of the department is Prof. Dr. Uwe Flick.

You can still contact Prof. Bohnsack via email: bohnsack@zedat.fu-berlin.de

Prof. Bohnsack's next office hours:


The department has its main interest in the further development of qualitative resp. reconstructive methods and their imparting in teaching in their whole range. In methodology there is a focus on the documentary method, the analysis of talk, especially in its direction of the method of group discussion, and on the interpretation of pictures and on evaluation research.

In theory the focus is on qualitative research on human development. One area of this reasearch is on youth and childhood, especially the seeking for milieu- and genderspecific orientations which is typical for adolescence.

The other area is the research on the culture of organizations. The third area of qualitative research on human development comprises juvenile delinquency and especially experiencies of marginalization and conflict during adolescence inside and outside of organizations and institutions. In teaching there is a focus on methods and methodology of qualitative research on human development in its context of practice by research seminars and research workshops.

Office hours