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Lehrevaluation am Fachbereich

"Competence-oriented evaluation of teaching in higher education"

Project of Freie Universität Berlin and the Department of Education and Psychology (2006-2015)

Project Management

Research Associate

  • André Nowakowski

Student Research Assistant

  • Klara Reichenbach

Cooperation partners

  • Edith Braun (Institute for Higher Education Research, Hannover)

Current results of the evaluation

Report of WS 2012/2013 (German)

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs (German)

Results of the evaluation of previous years (German)

Following the change of degrees being awarded from Diplom / Magister to Bachelor / Master, teaching is being restructured. The acquirement of competences in relevant areas is a central issue in the context of future quality assurance. Empirical quality assurance has to be carried out periodically.

The Department of Education and Psychology developed the "Berlin Evaluation Tool for Student Self-Assessment of Skills by Students" (BEvaKomp). This is an instrument that reflects the increased competences of students through the participation in the course. Technical, methodological, social, and personal skills are assumed to be possible areas of competence which can be promoted (Braun, Soellner, & Hannnover, 2006; Schaeper & Bridis, 2003), their placement can vary depending on the type of event (lectures, seminars, practices, labs, etc) and the objectives of lecturers.

The instrument includes about 30 items and has good to very good psychometric properties (Braun, Gusy, Leidner, & Hannover, 2008). Following of a central survey of lecturers at Freie Universität Berlin, the instrument was expanded during the pilot phase of the summer term 2008 by structural and process variables, as well as the areas of competence diversity and technical subject-specific skills.

Part of the concept is to allow feedback for the ongoing teaching sessions to stimulate constructive discussions that contribute to improve the teaching constantly. The feedback includes the evaluation of each course in the four competency areas (see above). On the one hand the self-assessment of lecturers and the mean external evaluation by the students are compared. On the other hand the mean ratings of students with the averaged values of comparable types of courses are contrasted.


André Nowakowski, Klara Reichenbach, Edith Braun and Bettina Hannover


For further questions please look at our compilation of the most important questions and answers about educational evaluation (FAQs Lehrevaluation - German).


BEvaKomp is available here:

Braun, E.,  Gusy, B., Leidner, B. & Hannover, B.  (2008). Kompetenzorientierte Lehrevaluation - Das Berliner Evaluationsinstrument für selbsteingeschätzte, studentische Kompetenzen (BEvaKomp). Diagnostica, 54 (1), 30-42. Summary and psychometric properties of BEvaKomp

Braun, E. (2007). Das Berliner Evaluationsinstrument für selbsteingeschätzte studentische Kompetenzen - BEvaKomp. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht unipress. Complete theoretical background and development.

Braun, E. (2007). BEvaKomp – das Berliner Evaluationsinstrument für selbsteingeschätzte studentische Kompetenzen. In Eletric Paper (Anbieter), EvaSys (Software). Lüneburg: Electric Paper. Complete questionnaire and technical support.




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