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Methods and Evaluation

Arbeitsbereich Methoden und Evaluation

Arbeitsbereich Methoden und Evaluation

Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Room JK 27/210
14195 Berlin

Welcome to the homepage of Methods and Evaluation Division


The Methods and Evaluation Division aims to convey information on the main materials and methods applied in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of empirical research and present the most important theoretical scientific prerequisites for empirical, scientific methodology in psychology. Studies of methods and evaluation in psychology include methodology as well as quantitative and qualitative methods. This field deals with the prerequisites and fundamental criteria for the development of psychological theories and the evaluation of the results of psychological research. The quantitative methods include the processes used to obtain and secure empirical evidence for psychological statements, starting with systematization of observations of the self and of others and continuing through the exploration and establishment of data, the qualitative and quantitative processing thereof, and the interpretation of research findings. The division aims to employ methodology and methods together to convey criteria that researchers can use to estimate the extent to which psychological theories capture human experience and behavior rationally and applicably, and in a manner that can be traced and reproduced. The teaching activities in this field pay particular attention to quantitative methods. This is due, for one thing, to the sheer number of methods that are indispensable to research and practice in the field (the knowledge of which is essential to any insightful, critical study of the subject). For another thing, the sections of methodology concerning the formation of theory in psychology are already represented in the subject of General Psychology I (Systematic Approaches and History of Psychology).