List of all Divisions at the Department of Education and Psychology:
Here you will be able to find all specific divisions listed, that focus on the subject of psychology.
- Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychotherapy
- Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
- Clinical Psychological Intervention
- Developmental Science and Applied Developmental Psychology
- Experimental and Neurocognitive Psychology
- Experimental Psychology and Neuropsychology
- Health Psychology
- Methods and Evaluation
- Methods and Evaluation/Quality Assurance
- Neural Dynamics of Visual Cognition
- Neurocomputation and Neuroimaging
- Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment
- Prevention and Psychosocial Health Research
- Prediction and Memory
- Psychological Assessment, Differential and Personality Psychology
- Social Organization and Economic Psychology
- Survey Research
Here you will be able to find all specific divisions listed, that focus on the subject of education and pedagogy.
- Anthropology and Education
- Division Consumer-Organizational Pedagogy
- Division of General Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Early Childhood Education Research
- Education Research/Heterogenity and Education
- Empirical Educational and Higher Education Research
- Empirical Research in Education
- Further Education and Educational Management
- Inclusive Education, Physical Activity and Sport
- Learning Psychology
- Qualitative Social and Education Research
- School and Teaching Research
- Schulpädagogik/Schulentwicklungsforschung
- Social Work (Social Pedagogy)
- Teaching and School Evaluation
Elementary Education
Here you will be able to find all specific divisions listed, that focus on the subject of education and pedagogy.
Special Pedagogy
Here you will be able to find all specific divisions listed, that focus on the subject of education and pedagogy.