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Qualitative Social and Education Research

The division Qualitative Social and Education Research is engaged in the systematization and further development of qualitative methods. Teaching covers the whole range of methods. Triangulation of various qualitative methods and of qualitative and quantitative research is a specific methodological focus.

Research addresses issues in the intersection of education and other areas like health and health and social care research. Vulnerable groups (for example homeless adolescents, migrants, very old people, unemployed) and their access to services and professional help are of particular interest.

Questions about migrants’ utilization of social, educational and health related services are in the focus of the ongoing research projects. Currently, addiction (alcohol and drugs) including their resulting risks and the care at the end of life are of special interest. Research covers various periods of life – studies with children and adolescents as well as adults and senior citizens. Qualitative social and education research addresses a wide range of issues in the whole life course. One aim is always to take the result as a starting point for developing further education programs for professionals and institutions that will improve the sensitiveness and offers for the specific vulnerable target groups.

In teaching, the emphasis is on building research experience related to practice (research based teaching projects and seminars with a practical focus). The aim is to convey knowledge about the research landscapes of qualitative methods in German speaking as well as in international areas.

Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin
Henriette Swiatek